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[微信小程序] tweibo

后台程序负责抓取用户的 微 博文本、相关转发者的个人 信 息及转发内容、用户相互关注列表,并经过处理后存入数据库;前台程序调用数据库,结合使用d3.js进行一些网络关系和评论的展示。
The background program is responsible for capturing the user s microblog text, personal information and forwarding content of relevant forwarders, and the list of mutual concerns of users, and storing them into the database after processing; The foreground program calls the database and uses d3. js to display some network relationships and comments. (2017-08-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] sogou_weixin

通过爬虫获取某个关键词下的所有公众号文章全文,然后编写一个简易的查重算法,筛选出 微 信 公众号上不重复的文章,降低人为筛选的工作量。
Get the full text of all articles on the public account under a keyword through a crawler, and then write a simple duplicate checking algorithm to filter out the non duplicate articles on the WeChat public account, reducing the workload of manual filtering. (2021-02-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] TwitterSinaSync

自动同步Twitter 信 息到新浪 微 博的工具,可部署在Google App Engine上。支持多用户,新用户需要管理员邀请链接才能加入;支持OAuth,不需要留下密码。
The tool that automatically synchronizes Twitter information to Sina Weibo can be deployed on Google App Engine. Multiple users are supported, and new users can join only after the administrator invites the link; OAuth is supported, and no password is required. (2012-06-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] chatgpt-KnowledgeBot

KnowledgeBot-WeChatGPT 是一个基于知识库的 微 信 机器人,它结合了私有化的知识和 GPT 预训练模型,为用户提供智能的对话和知识交流。 该项目利用私有化的知识库作为机器人的知识基础,其中包含了丰富的领域知识、常见问题...
KnowledgeBot WeChatGPT is a WeChat robot based on knowledge base. It combines private knowledge and GPT pre training model to provide users with intelligent dialogue and knowledge exchange. The project uses the privatized knowledge base as the knowledge base of the robot, which contains rich domain knowledge, FAQs, etc (2023-07-03, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] Outpatient-customization

预问诊定制AI,可以从电子病历学习临床经验,自动与患者对话诊断并解释病情,提高医患沟通书写病历的效率。 微 信 小程序扫码即用。
Pre consultation customized AI can learn clinical experience from electronic medical records, automatically communicate with patients to diagnose and explain the condition, and improve the efficiency of communication and writing medical records between doctors and patients. WeChat applet can be used immediately after scanning. (2021-01-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
