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[其他书籍] Algorithmic-Puzzles

《Algorithmic Puzzles--算法谜题》算法是计算机科学领域最重要的基石之一。算法谜题,就是能够直接或间接地采用算法来加以解决的谜题。求解算法谜题是培养和锻炼算法思维能力一种最有效和最有乐趣的途径。   《算法谜题》是一本经典算法谜题的合集。书中包括了一些古已有之的谜题,数学和计算机科学有一部分知识就发源于此。《算法谜题》中还有一些较新的谜题,其中有一部分谜题被用作知名IT企业的面试题。全书可分为4个部分,分别是概览、谜题、提示和答案。概览介绍了算法设计的通用策略和算法分析的技术,还附带有不少的实例。谜题部分将谜题按照简单、中等难度和较难三个层级分别列出。提示部分依次给出谜题提示,帮助读者找到正确的解题方向,同时仍然为读者留下了独立求解的空间。答案部分则给出了谜题的详细解答。
"Algorithmic Puzzles- arithmetic puzzles" algorithm is one of the most important cornerstones of computer science. Algorithm puzzle, is the ability to directly or indirectly employ algorithms to be addressed puzzles. Solving puzzles is to develop algorithms and thinking ability to exercise one of the most effective algorithms and most fun way. "Algorithmic puzzle" is a classic puzzle collection algorithm. The book includes some existed since ancient puzzles, math and computer science knowledge on the part originated. "Algorithmic puzzles," there are some newer puzzles, which have been used as part of the puzzle renowned IT companies face questions. The book is divided into four parts, namely an overview, puzzles, tips and answers. Overview describes the common strategies and algorithms algorithm design analysis technology, but also comes with a lot of examples. Section will be listed in the puzzle puzzles easy, medium and difficult three levels of difficulty, respectively. Tip parts (2014-04-15, PDF, 1214KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] SASforDummies

Unless you’re a hermit, chances are good that your life is touched by SAS (pronounced “sass”) almost every day. Have you ever received an offer for a credit card in the mail? The bank might have used SAS to select you for the particular offer you received. Remember a recent news article that cited demographic trends in the United States? The Census Bureau uses SAS to crunch its numbers. Were you tempted to buy that new gadget in a big-name retail store? The corporate office might have used SAS to calculate the best price to set for that specific item on that specific week. The rate you pay for life insurance, the analysis behind pharmaceutical drug trials, the quality of parts used to assemble your automobile — all these are determined by people who use SAS. You don’t see SAS directly from day to day — but, like gravity, it’s an invisible force that affects your life. This book offers a prolonged glimpse into the multifaceted world of SAS software. Read on to discover how people use SA (2010-12-06, Others, 7983KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] Societiesconferenceenterpriseedition.

The national college society President annual meeting and new youth leader BBS "is a national college society President chairman and excellent graduates is given priority to, numerous industries of social elite support is complementary, modern elite and future elite of high-end dialogue platform. Invite all areas of outstanding person, with their extraordinary career and life experience, with their to society" responsibility and Thanksgiving "feelings to unfold and young people share, dialogue, communication. Since the 2005 first annual meeting held since, has successfully hosted the fifth, there are tens of thousands of college students, the extent of directly involved in more than 500 million. The government officials, entrepreneurs, scholars, stars and other social celebrities attend, such as fosun group chairman guo, Google China chief executive kai-fu lee, the global-known vice President of Microsoft Asia, IDG according XiongXiaoGe President, a famous film star jet li, new Orienta (2010-11-20, Others, 941KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] Digital-Communications

" Digital communication" (4th edition) is a digital communications of a classic textbook in the field, through the review process, the probability of randomly addressed, details of the digital and analog source coding, digital modulation signal and the narrowband signal and system characteristics, additive white Gaussian noise in digital communication modulation and the best modulation and detection methods, based on maximum likelihood criterion of carrier phase estimation and time synchronization method, different channel model of channel capacity and random coding, band-limited channel signal design by ISI worse signal demodulation and detection, adaptive channel equalization, multi-channel and multi-carrier modulation, spread spectrum signals and systems, fading channel digital communications. (2010-05-12, Others, 17177KB, 下载218次)


[其他书籍] energydetection

认知无线电是一种用于提高无线电通信频谱利用率的新的智能技术. 首先简述认知无线电的背景和概念,针 对认知无线电的频谱感知功能,详细地分析基于能量检测的频谱检测方法,在此基础上研究了噪声方差的不确定 性对检测性能的影响. 针对无线信号检测具有本地局域性和能量检测存在信噪比极限的特点,提出一种分布式有 限合作检测机制,推导出基于“OR”规则的有限合作机制的检测概率,并进行Monte Carlo仿真.
Cognitive radio is a radio communications spectrum used to improve the efficiency of the new smart technology. First, the background and outlined the concept of cognitive radio, spectrum sensing for cognitive radio capabilities, a detailed analysis of the spectrum based on energy detection test In this study the noise variance based on the uncertainty of the detection performance. for wireless signal detection with local detection of localized and there is signal to noise ratio limit of the energy characteristics of a distributed cooperative detection mechanism, derived out based on " OR" rules of the detection probability of the limited cooperation mechanism and conduct Monte Carlo simulation. (2010-05-08, matlab, 732KB, 下载280次)


[其他书籍] SR

本 文 对 说话人识别技术作了较深入系统的研究。提出将不同的特征参数进行信 息互补组合,以整合出能够较全面反映说话人个人信息的新参数向量,并以此特征 参数进行文本相关的说话人识别系统设计。 文 章 同 时对说话人识别中的噪声问题进行比较研究,根据MFcC这一参数本身 的噪声鲁棒性特点,对其提取算法进行研究,引入依据嗓声强度而比例加权的思想, 得出抗噪声性能更好的加权MFCC特征参数。 文 中 根 据上述参数,分别采用基于动态时间规整(DTW)和隐马尔可夫模型 (HMM)的识别方法,对不同的说话人进行语音采集和识别,实验证明,本文中提 取的特征参数有很好的应用性能表现。
In thi sth eiss,the传sc峨hofspeakcrreco即itiontc比nologyislhoorughlydicsussed. Thediferentfeatu优isassembledtoPatch.achotheraccordingtoitsinformation,and thcnanewfcaturcvedorthatcanbetterreflectthesPcakcr,sinformationisformed.we usethisnew featuretodoourtext一dcPcndcntsPeakerrccognitio盯systemdesign. Th er ew eaiso乡vedeePreseaerhofthenoiseProbleminspeakcrrecognition.As lhe MFC Cfea盆ureh”goodn说se功bustn哪,westudyils欲lractarithmetica如advanc食hc id.atbaIwccanaddweighlsProPortionalIybasedonitsnoj“intcnsity,andwcget玄hc weigh妞dMFCCfcaturewhichisbettero015odresistedtheorotically (2010-01-06, matlab, 2335KB, 下载75次)


[其他书籍] what_is_math_cn

《什么是数学》既是为初学者也是为专家,既是为学生也是为教师,既是为哲学家也是为工程师而写的。它是一本世界著名的数学科普读物。书中搜集了许多经典的数学珍品,给出了数学世界的一组有趣的、深入浅出的图画,对整个数学领域中的基本概念与方法,做了精深而生动的阐述。   I·斯图尔特增写了新的一章,以新的观点阐述了数学的最新进展,叙述了四色定理和费马大定理的证明等。这些问题是在柯朗与罗宾写书的年代尚未解决,但现在已被解决了的。
"What is Mathematics," is not only for beginners but also for experts, not only for students but also for teachers, both as a philosopher, but also for engineers, and written. It is a world-renowned popular science books in mathematics. The book has collected a number of classic mathematical treasures, gives the mathematical world, a group of interesting and easily comprehensible picture of the whole mathematics of the basic concepts and methods, has done a deep and vivid exposition. I · Stewart by writing a new chapter with a new point of view expounded the latest developments in mathematics, describes the four-color theorem and the proof of Fermat s last theorem and so on. These issues are at the Courant and Robin the age of writing a book yet to be resolved, but has now been settled. (2009-10-15, PDF, 16978KB, 下载17次)


[其他书籍] PSIM

PSIM是专门用于电力电子以及电机控制领域的专业化仿真软件。PSIM具有快速的仿真功能和友好的用户界面等优点,针对各不同用户而提供的一种强有效的仿真环境。 PSIM具有独特仿真速度、可控制任意大小的电力变换回路、及对控制回路仿真功能的特点,在各不同系统的仿真领域、控制环的设计、以及电机驱动系统设计领域被广泛应用。 PSIM作为仿真工具以及设计工具使用,可大大提高工作效率和生产性能,对降低开发成本和Time-to-Market(到出厂的时间)的缩短都起到举足轻重的作用
PSIM is designed for power electronics and motor control areas of specialized simulation software. PSIM simulation capabilities with fast and friendly user interface, etc., aimed at different users provides a strong and effective simulation environment. PSIM simulation has a unique speed control loop of any size of power conversion and control loop simulation function of the characteristics of the different areas of system simulation, control loop design and motor drive system design has been widely used. PSIM simulation tools, as well as design tools to use, can greatly improve the efficiency and production performance, reducing development costs and Time-to-Market (to the factory of the time) have played a decisive role in reducing (2009-10-03, QT, 2261KB, 下载125次)


[其他书籍] RTOS

本书首先从真实世界入手介绍了实时和嵌入式系统的概念及未来的发展趋势、嵌入式系统开发的基础知识和初始化问题;接着,介绍了实时操作系统,详细论述了实时操作系统中的任务、信号灯、消息队列、其他内核对象以及RTOS服务。其中,深入讨论了异常和中断、计时器和计时器服务、I/O子系统以及内存管理问题,并给出了这些服务的典型操作和使用方式。本书依据由表及里的方法,讲述了分解实时嵌入式应用系统中并发模块的方法;从通信和同步角度论述了资源的使用以及普遍使用的实际设计模式;从理论角度论述了实时中死锁发生的原因和解决死锁的方案。本书对于国内软件企业中将要和正在从事实时嵌入式系统开发和管理的技术人员具有较高的参考价值 对于计算机工程与技术、电子、信息及通信等相关专业的师生,特别是软件学院有意从事实时嵌入式系统开发的学生,也是一本很好的参考书。
This book bridges the gap between higher abstract modeling concepts and the lower-level programming aspects of embedded systems development. You gain a solid understanding of real-time embedded systems with detailed examples and industry wisdom. (2009-09-30, C/C++, 10769KB, 下载167次)


[其他书籍] beginning_joomla!_second_edition

Joomla!是一套在国外相当知名的内容管理系统(Content Management System, CMS),它属于Portal(企业入口网站)类型,顾名思义,就是比较适合作为商业类型的网站程序。一般人对这类型的内容管理系统可能会有以下的别名来称呼:   ■ 架站程序(或软件)   ■ 快速架站程序(或软件)   ■ 整站程序   Joomla!是使用PHP语言加上MySQL数据库所开发的软件系统,可以在Linux、 Windows、MacOSX等各种不同的平台上执行。目前是由Open Source Matters (www.opensourcematters.org)这个开放源码组织进行开发与支持,这个组织的成员来自全世界各地,小组成员约有150人,包含了开发者、设计者、系统管理者、文件撰写者,以及超过2万名的参与会员。 本书是学习joomla的最新资料,2009年3月出版,从基础开始,能够知道你了解并使用 joomla!
Joomla!, exclamation point and all, is one of the most searched–for and hired–for open source content management systems in the world. Since 2007, the combination of Joomla! and Dan Rahmel’s bestselling Beginning Joomla!, From Novice to Professional have made it so that all you have to do is read a single book to learn how to build sites that take community–authored content and turn it instantly into published web pages with all the latest features like rich templating, community member profile management, forums, photo management, and article commenting. Now revised and updated for the new Joomla! 1.6, this second edition “job–in–a–book” provides the solid core of know–how that you’ll need to get the most out of your Joomla! deployment, written to fully exploit the features of latest version of Joomla!. More than just a simple “build a toy web site” guide, Beginning Joomla!, Second Edition will give you a wealth of life–saving tips, tricks, tools, and fixes that experienced Joomla! (2009-09-13, PHP, 23580KB, 下载20次)


[其他书籍] digital_communication_4th_2m

本书是数字通信领域的一本经典教材,通过对概率论及随机过程的复习,详细介绍了数字和模拟信源编码、数字调制信号和窄带信号与系统的特征、加性高斯白噪声中数字通信的调制和最佳调制与检测方法、基于最大似然准则的载波相位估计和定时同步的方法、不同信道模型的信道容量及随机编码、带限信道的信号设计、受到符号间干扰恶化信号的解调与检测问题、自适应信道均衡、多信道与多载波调制、扩展频谱信号和系统、衰落信道上的数字通信。本书适合与通信工程相关专业的高年级本科生、研究生及工程技术人员阅读。 作者介绍 约翰●G 普罗基斯(JOhn G.Proakis)自1969年9月以来任职于美国东北大学。在1982-1997年期间,他历任电气与计算机工程系系主任、研究生院副院长、院长;同时也在美国通用电话电子公司(GTE)实验室和麻省理工学院(MIT)林肯实验室任职。 普罗基斯博士在Cincinnati大学获得学士学位(BSEE),在MIT获得硕士学位(MSEE)在哈佛大学获得工程领域博士学位。他的专业方向和研究兴趣主要是数字通信和数字信号处理,在这些领域里他已发表了许多论文并出版了多本著作。
This book is the field of digital communication 1 classical materials, through the random process of probability deals with the review, detailing the digital and analog source coding, digital modulation signal and narrow-band signal and system characteristics, additive white Gaussian noise digital communications modulation and best modulation and detection methods, based on the criteria of maximum likelihood estimates of carrier phase and timing synchronization method, different channel models and channel capacity of random coding, band-limited signal channel design, by the deterioration of inter-symbol interference signal demodulation and detection, adaptive channel equalization, multi-channel and multi-carrier modulation, spread spectrum signals and systems, the decline of the digital communication channel. Book for engineering and communications professional senior undergraduates, graduate students and engineers and technicians to read. Author ● JOhn G. Proakis since September 1 (2009-07-13, Others, 17941KB, 下载119次)


[其他书籍] pepoleware

内容摘要 《人件》第1版于 1987 年出版,专门讨论了软件开发和维护团队的管理问题,并向人们的传统认识提出了挑战。作者在书中推崇人本管理思想,正确指出知识型企业的核心是人,而不是技术,呼吁给予软件工作者充分的自由和信任。本书推出后,立即在西方引起了轰动,被誉为“几十年来对美国软件业影响最大的理念”。与《人月神话》一样,《人件》现已成为软件团队管理的经典之作。它和《人月神话》共同被誉为软件图书中“两朵最鲜艳的奇葩”。人们认为,《人月神话》关注“软件开发”本身,《人件》则关注软件开发中的“人”,因此,在成千上万的书架上,《人件》永远和《人月神话》并列在一起。1999 年 2 月,《人件》第2版出版,增补了8 章新内容。这些新内容拥有更加宽广的视角,对大中型组织中的团队如何运作进行了深入探讨。《人件》最新版的中文译本由UMLChina组织翻译,清华大学出版社将于2003 年5月出版。
Abstract "Human parts" version 1 was published in 1987, was devoted to software development and maintenance of the management team to understand the people s traditional challenges. In the book, respected author of the management of people thought, rightly pointed out that the core of a knowledge-based enterprises is, rather than technology, calls for software workers in full freedom and trust. After the introduction of this book immediately caused a sensation in the West, as the "Over the past decades the software industry in the United States the concept of the greatest impact." And "The Mythical Man-Month", the "people pieces of" software team management has become a classic. It and "The Mythical Man-Month" common software library known as the "wonderful work of the two most colorful." It is believed that "people on the myth of" concern "software development" itself, "people piece" of software development were concerned about the "person", so the shelves in the tens of tho (2009-04-23, PDF, 2449KB, 下载19次)
