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[其他] shell-scripting-tutorial

欢迎来到“Shell Scripting Zero to Hero”存储库,这是一个全面的指南,可以帮助您掌握用于真实企业场景的Bash Shell脚本。无论您是希望自动化单调任务的初学者,还是希望增强脚本技能的经验丰富的开发人员,本教程都将带您从基础知识学习英雄级脚本。
Welcome to the "Shell Scripting Zero to Hero" repository, your comprehensive guide to mastering Bash shell scripting for real-world corporate scenarios. Whether you re a beginner looking to automate tedious tasks or an experienced developer aiming to enhance your scripting skills, this tutorial takes you from the basics to hero-level scripting. (2024-03-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] bash-scripting-tutorial

欢迎来到“Shell Scripting Zero to Hero”存储库,这是一个全面的指南,可以帮助您掌握用于真实企业场景的Bash Shell脚本。无论您是希望自动化单调任务的初学者,还是希望增强脚本技能的经验丰富的开发人员,本教程都将带您从基础知识学习英雄级脚本。
Welcome to the "Shell Scripting Zero to Hero" repository, your comprehensive guide to mastering Bash shell scripting for real-world corporate scenarios. Whether you re a beginner looking to automate tedious tasks or an experienced developer aiming to enhance your scripting skills, this tutorial takes you from the basics to hero-level scripting. (2024-02-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Room

基于Java+SpringBoot+Vue的自习室座位管理系统源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)角色:管理员、企业、用户 当游客打开系统的网址后,首先看到的就是首页界面。在这里,游客能够看到自习室座位管理系统的导航条显示首页、自习室座位、系统公告、后台管理、投诉反馈、个人中心...
Java+SpringBoot+Vue based self-study room seat management system source code+database+10000 word document+ppt) Role: administrator, enterprise, user When visitors open the system website, the first thing they see is the home page interface. Here, visitors can see the navigation bar of the study room seat management system displaying the home page, study room seats, system announcements, background management, complaint feedback, personal center (2024-01-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] courseing

课程设计选题管理系统(源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)角色:管理员、企业、用户 管理员:管理员进入主页面,主要功能包括对首页、个人中心、学生管理、教师管理、课题信息管理、课题分类管理、选题信息管理、系统管理等进行操作。 教师:教师进入系统可以对首页、个人中心、课题信息管理、课题
Course design topic selection management system (source code+database+ten thousand word document+ppt) Role: administrator, enterprise, user administrator: administrator enters the main page, whose main functions include operating the home page, personal center, student management, teacher management, topic information management, topic classification management, topic information management, system management, etc. Teachers: teachers can access the system to check the home page, personal center, subject information management, and subject (2023-11-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] HORA

Xiaomei HR, a professional human resources system based on OSGI modular technology, mainly includes several modules: personnel files, attendance management, salary management, performance management and logistics management. It is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises. The system features module development and loading at the code level, which fundamentally solves the problem of system complexity, and provides in-depth services in the field of human resources., (2023-10-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 多基地声纳动目标融合检测跟踪技术研究_于婧

论 文 首 先 基 于 单 基地 声 纳 信 号 检测 , 研 究 了 在 各 站 判 决准 则一定 的 情 况下 的 硬判 决 融 合检测 算 法 、 软 判 决 融 合 检测 算 法和 实 际 工 程 常 用 的 K/N 融合检测 算 法 。 并 在单 站 采 用 单 元平 均 恒 虚 警检测 器 的 情况 下 , 给 出 了 这三种 融 合 检测 算 法 的 工 作特 性 曲线 , 分 析 了 各 算 法 在 等 检 测 概率 下 的 多 基地 声 纳 系 统 目 标探测 范 围。
The paper first studies the hard decision fusion detection algorithm, soft decision fusion detection algorithm, and K/N fusion detection algorithm commonly used in practical engineering, based on monostatic sonar signal detection, under certain decision criteria at each station. And in the case of using a unit average constant false alarm detector in a single station, the working characteristic curves of these three fusion detection algorithms were given, and the target detection range of the multi-static sonar system under equal detection probability was analyzed for each algorithm. (2023-06-18, Others, 10218KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 信捷文本屏说明书

OP 系列是可编程序控制器的小型人机界面,以文字或指示灯等形式监视、修改 PLC 内部寄存器或 继电器的数值及状态,从而使操作人员能够自如地控制机器设备。 OP 系列显示器有以下特长: ? 通过编辑软件 OP20 在计算机上作画,自由输入汉字及设定 PLC 地址,使用串口通讯下 载画面 ? 通讯协议和画面数据一同下载到显示器,无须 PLC 编写通讯程序 ? 对应 PLC 机种广泛,包括三菱 FX 系列、欧姆龙 C 系列、西门子 S7-200 系列、光洋 SG 系列等 ? 具有密码保护功能 ? 内置时钟(可选件) ? 文本精灵,动态显示文本 ? 具有报警列表功能,逐行实时显示当前报警信息 ? 按键可被定义成功能键,可替代部分控制柜上机械按键 ? 带背景光 STN 液晶显示 ? 显示器表面 IP65 构造,防水、防油 ? 可显示位图 OP320 显示器有以下特长: ? 通讯口为 RS232/RS422 ? 7 个按键可被定义成功能键,可替代部分控制柜上机械按键
Xinjie text screen manual (2020-09-16, Others, 1595KB, 下载4次)


[其他] 管货通送货单打印软件

The delivery note printing software is a clean interface, comprehensive function, easy to use delivery note management tool. The official version of the delivery note printing software is suitable for small enterprises or self-employed people, and has perfect and powerful functions. The printing software of the delivery note of the general cargo management can let users get rid of the pain of filling in the order manually and print out the neat and beautiful delivery note easily, which brings us different feelings. (2020-03-16, Others, 10537KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 基于ARM处理器的便携式心电血压检测仪

介 绍 了基 于 ARM 嵌 入 式微 处理 器 S3C44BOX 的 心 电血 压检 测 系统 的 结 构及 主 要 特 点 ,给 出 了其 软 硬 件 设 计 方 法 。 该 系统 人 机 接 口简 单 、使 用 方 便 ,实现 了对 人 体 心 电 、血 压信 号 的 采 集 、显 示、打印和传输 。使 用结果表 明,该方案稳定可靠、测量结果准确。
The structure and main features of the ECG blood pressure detection system based on the ARM embedded microprocessor S3C44BOX are introduced, and the software and hardware design method is given. The system's human-machine interface is simple and easy to use, enabling the collection, display, printing and transmission of human ECG and blood pressure signals. The results show that the scheme is stable and reliable, and the measurement results are accurate. (2019-11-14, Others, 154KB, 下载3次)


[其他] 防洪标准【GB 50201-2014】

This standard is applicable to flood protection zones, industrial and mining enterprises, transportation facilities, power facilities, environmental protection facilities, communications facilities, cultural relics and historic sites and tourist facilities, water conservancy and hydropower projects and other protection objects, to prevent rainstorm flood, snow melting flood, mixed rain and snow flood and coastal and estuarine areas against tidal water planning and design. Construction and operation management. 2015-05-01 implementation. (2018-10-04, Others, 11816KB, 下载1次)


[其他] fido-uaf-v1.0-ps-20171208-cn-pass

FIDO生物识别技术中文规范: 1.FIDO UAF 架构概览 v1.0.pdf 2.FIDO 术语表 v1.0.pdf 3.FIDO UAF 协议规范 v1.0.pdf 4.FIDO UAF 应用API和传输绑定规范 v1.0.pdf 5.FIDO UAF 认证器控制命令 v1.0.pdf 6.FIDO UAF 认证器特定模块API v1.0.pdf 7.FIDO UAF 认证器元数据声明 v1.0.pdf 8.FIDO UAF 认证器元数据服务 v1.0.pdf 9.FIDO UAF 预定义值的注册表 v1.0.pdf 10.FIDO 应用标识符与类型规范 v1.0.pdf 11.FIDO 安全参考v1.0.pdf
The FIDO UAF specifications are as follows: 1.FIDO UAF Architectural Overview 2.FIDO UAF Protocol 3.FIDO UAF Application API and Transport Binding 4.FIDO UAF Registry of Predefined Values 5.FIDO UAF APDU 6.FIDO AppID and Facets Specification 7.FIDO Metadata Statements 8.FIDO Metadata Service 9.FIDO Registry of Predefined Values 10.FIDO ECDAA Algorithm 11.FIDO Security Reference (2018-09-19, Others, 12341KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 高炉本体毕业设计完整版

Has a long history of BF ironmaking,is the main way of ironmaking,BF campaign life is continuously increased as unceasing development of iron making technology. (2018-06-14, Others, 377KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Serial Key

The CCBoot system is powerful, efficient and stable. It can be used in the Internet bar industry; all kinds of enterprises and institutions; telecom / Netcom and other ISP business offices and similar business outlets; multimedia classrooms of educational institutions, online libraries, computer rooms; chain hotels; song and entertainment industries. CCBoot supports all diskless system functions: multi server, multiple network card, multi disk, packet storage, mirror restore point, load balance, redundant service, server caching, client caching, reading and writing separation, large memory access, SSD read caching and so on. (2018-05-15, Others, 43KB, 下载0次)


[其他] music

MUSIC 算法MATLAB仿真源代码 clc clear all format long %将数据显示为长整型科学计数 N=200;%快拍数 doa=[20 60]/180*pi; %信号到达角 w=[pi/4 pi/3]';%信号频率 M=10;%阵元数 P=length(w); %信号个数 lambda=150;%波长 d=lambda/2;%阵元间距 snr=20;%信噪比 B=zeros(P,M); %创建一个P行M列的0矩阵 for k=1:P B(k,:)=exp(-j*2*pi*d*sin(doa(k))/lambda*[0:M-1]); %矩阵赋值 end B=B'; xx=2*exp(j*(w*[1:N])); %仿真信号 x=B*xx; x=x+awgn(x,snr);%加入高斯白噪声 R=x*x'; %数据协方差矩阵 [U,V]=eig(R); %求R的特征值和特征向量 UU=U(:,1:M-P); %估计噪声子空间 theta=-90:0.5:90; %%谱峰搜索 for ii=1:length(theta) AA=zeros(1,length(M)); for jj=0:M-1 AA(1+jj)=exp(-j*2*jj*pi*d*sin(theta(ii)/180*pi)/lambda); end WW=AA*UU*UU'*AA'; Pmusic(ii)=abs(1/ WW); end Pmusic=10*log10(Pmusic/max(Pmusic)); %空间谱函数 plot(theta,Pmusic,'-k') xlabel('角度 \theta/degree') ylabel('谱函数P(\theta) /dB') title('MUSIC算法的DOA估计谱') grid on
MUSIC algorithm MATLAB simulation source code (2018-04-28, Others, 15KB, 下载8次)


[其他] 防错料软件

Ming yuan MES (error proof module) is a sub module for small and medium enterprises engaged in the SMT industry. This module is cheap, software is stable, provides powerful hardware expansion, supports scanning production, scans the hard wrong means of changing material, avoids human factors causing mass production and improves product quality. Stability of quantity (2018-04-11, Others, 4654KB, 下载4次)


[其他] 主成分分析

The factor analysis and principal component analysis of SAS software and the comparison between them are studied by examples. Town in 2012 consumer spending data (data from China statistical yearbook, 2013), on the basis of 31 provinces and cities nationwide, principal component analysis and factor analysis in 31 provinces and cities consumer spending index for X_1 - food, X_2 - clothing, X_3, household equipment and supplies, X_4 - health care, X_5 - traffic communication, X_6 - cultural and educational entertainment, X_7 - living, X_8 other goods and services. (2018-02-28, Others, 11KB, 下载5次)


[其他] HuaWeiJixiaoGuanliYuKaohe

华为绩效管理与绩效考核,是华为的内部培训教材。非常详细,共89页。涉及到: 1)企业价值链与价值评估体系 2)评价过程中种种问题透视 3)绩效、绩效管理概念 4)绩效管理体系:绩效目标体系、绩效管理程序、绩效考核制度、绩效管理组织与责任体系
Huawei performance management and performance evaluation, Huawei' s internal training materials. Very detailed, a total of 89. Relate to: 1) assess the enterprise value chain and value system 2) the various problems in the perspective of the evaluation process 3) performance, performance management concepts 4) performance management system: system performance objectives, performance management process, performance appraisal system, performance management, organization and responsibilities system (2010-10-16, Others, 77KB, 下载33次)


[其他] jisuanjiwangluo

校园计算机网络已成为学校办学的基础设施和必备条件.公众信息电脑公司立足中国,服务教育.以开发教育软件和网络集成为主,推进教育教学信息化和现代化为主要经营方向的综合型企业. 经过广泛的市场调研,针对中等学校办学特点和应用需求,我公司开发出"中等学校千兆校园网整体解决方案".该方案以千兆主干网络为基础平台,以校园网应用为主线,以实现广泛的教育资源共享,提高教育教学的现代化水平为目的,为建设信息化学校提供了一个完整的解决方案. 校园网的信息点覆盖整个校园,教室、办公室和宿舍等地方都是十分开放的,很多人都可以自由出入这些地方,任何一个人都可以利用这些地方的信息点,通过便携连接到学校办公内部网,这将对校园网造成巨大安全隐患。全网接入采用统一认证技术,保证了只有合法授权的用户才能使用内部或外部网络,而且还能对网络的使用情况进行了审计 。
err (2008-12-31, Others, 83KB, 下载6次)


[其他] web

1、第一次运行时,请先在浏览器上输入:http://您的域名/install/index.aspx。 注意:文件必须放在web根目录下才能运行。 后台登陆:http://您的域名/master/login.aspx 说明1: 1、系统分商业版本后免费版本,其中免费版本不提供专人服务,有任何问题可登陆到bbb.pageadmin.net寻求解决方法。 2、支持access和MSSQL数据库,系统默认ACCESS数据库。 Access优点:不需要单独购买。 缺点:在数据存取频率或数据比较多的情况下,速度比较慢,容易损坏导致数据丢失。 适用范围:适用于网站访问量较小和数据不多的网站。 Mssql缺点:需单独购买,成本高 优点:企业级数据库,高效、安全。 适用范围:适用于网站访问量较大、注重数据安全、网站访问量较大用户。 3、采用虚拟主机的用户一定要确定主机支持ASP.NET2.0及以上,其中URL静态化功能要求主机商可根据需要配置IIS。 推荐主机购买网站:www.18inter.com 4、系统自带4套风格模板,可在后台任意切换,模板文件在template目录下,熟悉CSS样式的用户可根据需要自行修改风格。
err (2008-12-06, Others, 4969KB, 下载46次)


[其他] TenyQQ

TenyQQ是一款业余挂QQ的小工具。使用它,您再也不必为了挂QQ,开 多个QQ客户端而占用过多系统资源而烦恼。TenyQQ使用了多线程的工作方 式,确保每个正在登陆的QQ互不干扰,稳定运行。同时TenyQQ支持自动回 复,可以告知您的好友您本人不在。消息记录功能,可以将好友发来的信 息记录下来,这样,一些重要的信息便不会遗失。TenyQQ还会记录下请求 加为好友的系统信息,如果您愿意,您还可以将程序设置为自动接受好友 请求,非常方便。TenyQQ支持TCP方式登陆,更加稳定。最主要的是,TCP 方式登陆还支持HTTP代理。再也不用烦恼公司用代理上网无法挂QQ了
TenyQQ Amateur is a link QQ small tools. To use it, you no longer need to link QQ, QQ number of open client and taking up too many system resources and trouble. TenyQQ use of the multithreading means that the work is to ensure that every landing QQ dimensions, and stable operation. While TenyQQ support automatic reply, you can tell your friends I was not. News recording can be made to Friends of the information recorded, so that important information would not be lost. TenyQQ will record the request to increase the friends system information, if you wish, You can also set up procedures for automatic acceptance friend request, very convenient. TenyQQ support TCP landing approach, a more stable. The main thing is to approach the landing TCP also supports HTTP proxy. Companies no longer have (2006-07-25, Others, 42KB, 下载26次)
