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[单片机开发] stm32蓝牙文件

STM32芯片与蓝牙HC-05通讯 蓝牙(Bluetooth):是一种无线技术标准,可实现固定设备、移动设备和楼宇个人域网之间的短距离数据交换(使用2.4—2.485GHz的ISM波段的UHF无线电波)。蓝牙技术最初由电信巨头爱立信公司于1994年创制,当时是作为RS232数据线的替代方案, 蓝牙可连接多个设备,在与单片机连接使用也得到了广泛应用。
Communication between STM32 Chip and Bluetooth HC-05 Bluetooth: A wireless technology standard that enables short-range data exchange between fixed devices, mobile devices and building personal area networks (using UHF radio waves in ISM bands of 2.4-2.485 GHz). Bluetooth technology was originally created in 1994 by Ericsson, a telecommunications giant, as an alternative to RS232 data line. Bluetooth can connect multiple devices, and it has been widely used in connection with microcontrollers. (2019-06-27, C/C++, 18KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] STM32+12864+GUI

UcGUI and emWin are the first choice for many embedded engineers to write the display interface, but with the upgrade of the version, the requirement for the patent fee for commercial GUI is put forward, which is also not acceptable to the small enterprises in China. So, I wrote a unique GUI interface code. The work uses STM32 as the main MCU and drives LCM12864 to display. Our task is to write our own GUI, so we have little demand for other peripheral resources. (2018-05-15, C/C++, 2763KB, 下载81次)


[单片机开发] jjjj

本文介绍一种低成本便携式高分辨率电容测量系统的设计与实现。其基本原理是通过利用比较器组建RC振荡电路,通过测量振荡频率利用一种独特的算法计算电容值。 这种仪表具有电路简单、需要元器件少、成本低、稳定性好测量范围广以及分辨率高等优点。可以在实验室测量未知电容使用。 本文介绍了这种电容测量系统的硬件和软件实现,采用STM32F103C8T6作为主控芯片,实现了振荡回路频率的测量和电容值显示。
This article describes a low-cost portable high-resolution capacitance measurement system design and implementation. Its basic principle is through the use of comparators to form RC oscillator circuit, by measuring the oscillation frequency using a unique algorithm to calculate the capacitance value. This instrument has a simple circuit, requiring less components, low cost, good stability, wide measurement range and high resolution advantages. Can be used in the laboratory to measure unknown capacitance. This article describes the hardware and software implementation of this capacitance measurement system, the use of STM32F103C8T6 as a master chip to achieve the oscillation frequency of the circuit measurement and capacitance display. (2018-01-05, C/C++, 11895KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] STM8S EEPROM 介绍

STM8S EEPROM 介绍 虚拟机可以说是一种软件,也可以说是一种技术,它允许你在一台主机上虚拟出多台计算机,每台虚拟的计算机都可以有自己的硬件及软件配置。虚拟机技术的作用:可以帮助网络架构工程师在一台电脑上模拟、检测整个网络运行情况。可以极大的降低企业的运营成本与风险。可以帮助操作系统设计者测试、解决问题。可以帮助开发者在多个平台上进行自由切换。
STM8S EEPROM Virtual machine is a kind of software, also can saying is a kind of technology, it allows you to more virtual one on a host computer, each virtual computer can have its own hardware and software configuration.The role of virtual machine technology: it can help network architecture engineers to simulate and detect the entire network operation on a computer.Can greatly reduce the operation cost and risk of the enterprise.Can help operating system designers to test and solve problems.It can help developers switch freely on multiple platforms. (2017-08-29, C/C++, 1068KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] dianchi

Energy management program on power electronics circuit BUCK preparation has been applied, so that very 修改建议撤消修改帮助我们不断提高翻译质量非常感谢!您提供的翻译将用于改善翻译质量,并可能以匿名方式供其他用户参考提供建议关闭帮助我们改进 Google 翻译关于电力电子能量管理BUCK电路的程序编写,已经应用,非常好使Guānyú diànlì diànzǐ néngliàng guǎnlǐ BUCK diànlù de chéngxù biānxiě, yǐjīng yìngyòng, fēicháng hǎo shǐ关于电力电子能量管理BUCK电路的程序编写,已经应用,非常好使的定义关于电力电子能量管理BUCK电路的程序编写,已经应用,非常好使的同义词关于电力电子能量管理BUCK电路的程序编写,已经应用,非常好使的示例另请参阅 关于电力电子能量管理BUCK电路的程序编写,已经应用,非常好使 的翻译Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察将文件或链接拖放到此处以翻译文档或网页。 将链接拖放到此处以翻译网页。 我们不支持您拖放的文件类型,请尝试其他文件类型。 我们不支持您拖放的链接类型,请尝试其他类型的链接。 (2016-03-30, C/C++, 1078KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] duanxinsource

使用说明: 1.报警号码的设定与变更 初始的手机号码设定:(系统上电5分钟内有效) 1.1拿手机输入”112233”,模块返回 OK 1.2 输入 1#手机号 ,如果模块返回OK,表示设定成功,可按9进行查询 2. 报警后的响应 2.1触发报警后,对第一部手机发送彩信,对二部手机发送短信 系统上电后,会检测前一次系统的存储状态,如果是开关,或报警会自动进入状态 收到报警后,需要打开灯,并且延时一个时间后,进行拍照,拍照后等待一段时间后再灯关掉
Instructions for use: 1. Set the alarm and change the number of The initial set of phone numbers :( system power within 5 minutes active) 1.1 take the phone, enter 112 233 , the module returns OK Enter a phone number# 1.2, if the module returns OK, said the setting is successful, according to 9 queries 2. Alarm response after 2.1 After an alarm is triggered on the first phone to send MMS, for two mobile phones to send text messages After the system is stored once the state before the system will detect if a switch, or an alarm will automatically enter the state After receiving the alarm, you need to turn on the light, and a time delay, take pictures, after taking a wait for some time before lights are switched off (2015-03-31, C/C++, 124KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] 1344

Given a positive integer n, find two non-negative integers a, b such that a2 + b2 = n. The first line contains the number of test cases T (1 <= T <= 1000). For each test case, there is only one line with an integer n (1 <= n <= 109) as defined above. For each test case, output two integers a, b separated by a single space such that a2 + b2= n. If there are multiple solutions, anyone will be accepted. If there is no solution, output “-1” (without quotation marks) instead.
Given a positive integer n, find two non-negative integers a, b such that a2+ b2 = n. The first line contains the number of test cases T (1 < = T < = 1000). For each test case, there is only one line with an integer n (1 < = n < = 109) as defined above. For each test case, output two integers a, b separated by a single space such that a2+ b2 = n. If there are multiple solutions, anyone will be accepted. If there is no solution, output " -1" (without quotation marks) instead. (2014-11-25, C/C++, 9KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] (CN)8051_OCD_ICE_For_Keil_v2.63

为了能使用ISP功能,用户应当在“Megawin 8051 Writer”或“Megawin 8051 Writer U1”里使用“插入ISP代码”来配置目标MCU,并且设置ISP 空间为1KB(对于MPC82L(E)54是1.5KB)和确认HWBS或HWBS2选项使能 that the user can update the application code under the software control without removing the mounted MCU chip from the actual end product. The tool “Megawin 8051 ISP-ICP Programmer”, see the following picture, integrates these two functions into a USB stick. That is it can function as an ISP Programmer and an ICP Programmer. In addition, because the programming data to be programmed to the target can be saved in the programmer’s non-volatile storage, this programmer is able to work stand-alone without host (PC) intervention. This feature is especially useful in the field without a PC.
ISP is the acronym of In-System Programming, and ICP is the acronym of In-Circuit Programming. Both these two programming methods make it possible that the user can update the application code under the software control without removing the mounted MCU chip from the actual end product. The tool “Megawin 8051 ISP-ICP Programmer”, see the following picture, integrates these two functions into a USB stick. That is it can function as an ISP Programmer and an ICP Programmer. In addition, because the programming data to be programmed to the target can be saved in the programmer’s non-volatile storage, this programmer is able to work stand-alone without host (PC) intervention. This feature is especially useful in the field without a PC. (2014-03-07, C/C++, 2333KB, 下载13次)


[单片机开发] source

1,有1、2、3、4个数字,能组成多少个互不相同且无重复数字的三位数?都是多少? 2,企业发放的奖金根据利润提成。利润(I)低于或等于10万元时,奖金可提10 ;利润高于10万元,低于20万元时,低于10万元的部分按10 提成,高于10万元的部分,可可提成7.5 ;20万到40万之间时,高于20万元的部分,可提成5 ;40万到60万之间时高于40万元的部分,可提成3 ;60万到100万之间时,高于60万元的部分,可提成1.5 ,高于100万元时,超过100万元的部分按1 提成,从键盘输入当月利润I,求应发放奖金总数? 3,一个整数,它加上100后是一个完全平方数,再加上168又是一个完全平方数,请问该数是多少? 4,输入某年某月某日,判断这一天是这一年的第几天? 5,输入三个整数x,y,z,请把这三个数由小到大输出。
1, 1,2,3,4 figures, the number of each other with no repeating three-digit numbers can be formed? How many are? 2, corporate bonuses based on profit commission. When profits (I) is less than or equal to 10 million in prize money to put 10 while profits more than 10 million yuan, less than 20 million, less than 10 million in part by the 10 commission, higher than 100,000 yuan part, cocoa commission of 7.5 while between 200,000 to 400,000, higher than the $ 200,000 the available commission of 5 while between 400,000 to 600,000 more than 40 million parts can commission 3 when between 600 thousand to one million, higher than the $ 600,000 the available commission of 1.5 , while more than 100 million yuan, more than one million yuan in part by 1 commission, profit from the keyboard of the month I, should seek Total prize money distributed? 3, an integer, it is a perfect square plus the 100, plus the 168 is a perfect square, what is the number? 4, input on a certain day, judgment (2014-02-18, C/C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] main

MzTH17V10是MzTH系列彩色多功能显示模块中的一款1.77英寸(对角线)彩色TFT显示模块,MzTH17V10自带四种字号的ASCII码西文字库,并且自带基本绘图GUI功能,包括画点、画直线、矩形、圆形等;而如其它型号的MzTH系列模块一样,MzTH17V10标准模块内部有4M bytes大小的资源存储器,支持GBK2312的二级(包含一级和二级)汉字库、Big5字库、BMP位图、ASCII码西文字库的资源。模块为串行UART接口,接口简单、操作方便;与各种MCU均可进行方便简单的接口操作
MzTH17V10 is MzTH series color multifunction display module in a 1.77-inch (diagonal) color TFT display module the four kinds Font ASCII code MzTH17V10 comes West text library, and comes with a basic drawing GUI functions, including painting pointdraw straight lines, rectangles, circles, etc. series of modules, such as the other models MzTH, MzTH17V10 standard module internal resources memory 4M bytes size support GBK2312 the secondary (including primary and secondary) character base, Big5 fontBMP bitmap, ASCII, West text library resources. Module is a serial UART interface, the interface is simple and easy to operate convenient and simple interface operation can be carried out with a variety of MCU (2012-08-24, C/C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] AIC23--chinese-datasheet

TLV320AIC23(以下简称AIC23)是TI推出的一款高性能的立体声音频Codec芯片,内置耳机输出放大器,支持MIC和LINE IN两种输入方式(二选一),且对输入和输出都具有可编程增益调节。AIC23的模数转换(ADCs)和数模转换(DACs)部件高度集成在芯片内部,采用了先进的Sigma-delta过采样技术,可以在8K到96K的频率范围内提供16bit、20bit、24bit和32bit的采样,ADC和DAC的输出信噪比分别可以达到90dB和100dB。与此同时,AIC23还具有很低的能耗,回放模式下功率仅为23mW,省电模式下更是小于15uW。由于具有上述优点,使得AIC23是一款非常理想的音频模拟I/O器件,可以很好的应用在随声听(如CD,MP3……)、录音机等数字音频领域。
TLV320AIC23 (hereinafter referred to as AIC23) is a TI introduced a high-performance stereo audio Codec chip, built-in headphone output amplifier, to support both MIC and LINE IN input (check one), and the input and output are programmable Gain adjustment. AIC23 analog to digital conversion (ADCs) and digital-analog converters (DACs) of highly integrated components inside the chip, using the advanced Oversampling Sigma-delta technology, the frequency in the range of 8K to 96K provide 16bit, 20bit, 24bit and 32bit Sampling, ADC and the DAC s output signal to noise ratio up to 90dB, respectively, and 100dB. At the same time, AIC23 also has very low energy consumption, playback mode, power is only 23mW, power-saving mode is less than 15uW. Because of these advantages, making the AIC23 is a very good analog audio I/O devices, the Walkman can be a good application (such as CD, MP3 ... ...), tape recorders and other digital audio field. (2011-04-08, C/C++, 75KB, 下载183次)


[单片机开发] CarDesign

本文详细介绍了以第四届全国飞思卡尔智能车大赛为背景的竞速车模自 动循线控制系统方案。文中主要介绍了竞速车模的整体框架、硬件设计、摄像 头图像采集模块、光电编码器速度采集模块、执行模块电路设计、电源管理模 块以及系统软件设计。在硬件设计方面,结合大赛选用芯片的要求,自行设计 实现了系统的电路板,实践证明,该电路板较好的集成了智能车所需电路,使 得整车的集成度提高, 性能更加可靠。软件系统以Freescale16 位单片 MC9S12XS128作为系统控制处理器,采用CMOS数字摄像头OV6620获取实时赛道信 息,通过边缘检测方法提取赛道黑线,求出小车与黑线间的位置偏差,采用PD 控制算法对舵机转向进行控制。通过光电编码器YZ30D4S-2NA-200实时获取小车 速度,采用P控制策略形成速度闭环控制。经过大赛实践证明,该套方案能够使 智能汽车稳定并且快速运行。
Abstracts: Automatic line patrol control system prepared for the 4th national contest of Smart car was described in details in this paper. The paper introduces the overall framework, hardware design, camera image acquisition module, photo electrical encoder speed acquisition module, implementation module circuit design, power management module and system software design of the racing car. As for the hardware design, the racing car system, with single-chip MC9S12XS128 as its system control processor, uses CMOS digital camera to obtain the real-time track information, extracts the black line on the contest lane with the edge detection method, and calculates position deviation between the car and the black line, distinguishes the different shape of the lane, then PD control algorithm for steering engine steering control was given in this paper. Through the photo electrical encoder named YZ30D4S-2NA-200 to attain the real-time car speed, and uses incremental P strategy to achie (2010-04-24, C/C++, 1049KB, 下载191次)


[单片机开发] GasFlowmeterWithICCard

IC卡燃气表设计.pdf(73页的论文)----本文设 计了一个以预付为目的的IC卡燃气表。设计的题目来源于和一家苏州燃气表生产企业的项目合作,该项目主要包括IC卡燃气表、IC卡写卡器及售气管理系统三个部分。本人作为开发小组的成员之一,负责了IC卡燃气表的开发工作。
IC card gas meter design. Pdf (73 pages of paper )---- This article is designed for the purpose of a prepaid IC card gas meter. The title comes from the design, and a gas meter manufacturing enterprises in Suzhou project cooperation, the project mainly include IC card gas meter, IC card smart card device and the sale of gas management system in three parts. As a member of the development team is responsible for the IC card gas meter of the development. (2009-09-23, C/C++, 1991KB, 下载80次)


[单片机开发] Traffic-Signal-Light-Intelligent-Control-System

绍 了一 种基 于 单 片机借 助 CAN总 线技 术设 计 的分 布 式 区域 交通信 号 灯 智能控 制 系统 。 系统 采 用 AT89C51作 为核 心控 制 器 ,红 外 接 收 器接 收 来 自发 射 器 的红 外信 号 ,经 解调 后 输入 单 片机进 行 处理 ,单 片机 与 CAN 总 线控 制 器构 成 CAN 总线通信 系统进行数据传输 ,实现了根据车流信息、遥控 、PC机控制的系统设计。文章详细介绍 了系统总体方案及部分硬 件 设 计 方 案
Shaozeng a single-chip based on CAN bus technology with the design of intelligent distributed regional traffic signal control system. AT89C51 system as the core controller, infrared receiver to receive from the transmitter of the infrared signal, after demodulation by the importation of processed single-chip microcomputer, microcontroller and CAN bus controller constitutes a CAN data bus communication system transmission, to achieve the basis of traffic information, remote control, PC machine control system design. The article detailed the overall system program and part of the hardware design (2008-12-26, C/C++, 223KB, 下载28次)


[单片机开发] Matlab_pc_serial

结合单片机和M a t l a b 两者的优点,基于事件驱动的中断通信机制,提出一种Matlab 环境下PC 机与 单片机实时串行通信及数据处理的方法;完成单片机数据采集系统与PC 机的RS-232/RS-485 串行通 信及其通信数据的分析处理、文件存储、F I R 滤波及图形显示;简化系统开发流程,提高开发效率。 该方法已成功应用于一个P I C 1 6 F 8 7 6 单片机应用系统实例之中
Combination of single-chip and M atlab strong points of both, based on event-driven interruption of communication mechanism, a Matlab environment PC and MCU in real-time serial communication and data processing methods complete single-chip data acquisition system with PC-RS-232/RS-485 serial communication and analysis of communication data processing, file storage, FIR filtering and graphical display simplify the system development flow, improve development efficiency. The method has been successfully applied to a PIC 1 6 F 8 7 6 examples of single-chip microcomputer application systems (2007-10-04, C/C++, 148KB, 下载186次)


[单片机开发] AssembleGear

组装齿轮问题 譬如,在这个玩具中包含了 6 齿、12 齿和 30 齿的齿轮,而你的弟弟希望搞一个转速比为 5:4 的传动装置。下图就显示了一种可能的方案: 这个传动方案使用了四个齿轮,第一跟轴上是 30 齿和 12 齿的,第二跟轴上是 6 齿和 12 齿的。转速比可以通过如下公式获得: (30 / 12) * (6 / 12) = (5 / 2) * (1 / 2) = 5 / 4 = 5:4 然而,使用以上三种齿轮,就没法组装出转速比为 1:6 的传动装置。 题目 给定齿轮的大小(齿轮有多少个齿),判断通过这些齿轮能否组成一定的转速比。我们假定每种齿轮的数量都足够多。 输入 输入的第一行是一个数字 n,它表示在玩具中有几种齿轮(1 <= n <= 20)。下一行包含了 n 个数字 c1...cn,以空白符隔开,他们表示了玩具中的 n 种齿轮的大小(5 <= ci <= 100,其中 1 <= i <= n)。你可以假定在玩具中所有齿轮的大小都是最小齿轮大小的倍数。 再下一行有一个整数 m,它表示所需的实现的转速比有多少组,而之后的 m 行中每行都有两个整数 a 和 b,它们表示要实现的转速比为 a:b,其中 1 <= a, b <= 10000。
assembled gear problems For example, in the toy contains six teeth, 12 teeth and 30 teeth of the gears, and your brother want to see any more than a speed of the transmission device fools. The following diagram shows a possible options : the use of the transmission program four gears, with the first axis is 30 teeth and 12 teeth, with the second axis is six teeth and 12 teeth. Speed than can be obtained by the following formula : (30/12)* (6/12) = (5/2)* (1/2) = 5/4 = vow However, Use these three gears, assembly would not be able to speed up the ratio of 1:6 gear. Subject to the fixed gear size (the number of gear teeth), judging by the formation of these gear speed than certain. We assume that the quantity of each gear are sufficient. Importation of importation of the first li (2007-05-30, C/C++, 1KB, 下载32次)


[单片机开发] ds1820_CN

DS1820 数字温度计提供9 位温度读数,指示器件的温度 信息经过单线接口送入DS1820 或从DS1820 送出因此从中央处理器到DS1820 仅需连接一条 线和地读写和完成温度变换所需的电源可以由数据线本身提供而不需要外部电源 因为每一个DS1820 有唯一的系列号silicon serial number 因此多个DS1820 可以存在 于同一条单线总线上这允许在许多不同的地方放置温度灵敏器件此特性的应用范围包括HVAC 环境控制建筑物设备或机械内的温度检测以及过程监视和控制中的温度检测
DS1820 digital thermometer for temperature readings 9, instructions device temperature information through a single interface into DS1820 or DS1820 therefore sent from the central processing All of the DS1820 just connected to a line and read and write and complete the transformation temperature of the power supply can provide data line itself without the need for external power supply because each one DS1820 is the only series of silicon serial So many DS1820 number can exist on the same bus on a one-way permit this in many different places placed temperature sensitive device characteristics of this application include environmental control building HVAC equipment or machinery within the temperature detection and process monitoring and control of temperature measurement (2007-02-06, C/C++, 565KB, 下载55次)


[单片机开发] cml.1.6.2

This a software runing on the matlab, it is used in the channel coding simulation. It include DVB-S2 LDPC, Covolution turbo, and block turbo code, You can choose which channel coding to run. it run the encoder and add white noise in the channel, then it run the decoder, and compute the error rate.
This a software runing on the Matlab. it is used in the channel coding simulation. It i nclude DVB-S2 LDPC and turbo Covolution. and block turbo code, You can choose which channel coding to run. it ru n the encoder and add white noise in the channel. then it run the decoder. and compute the error rate. (2006-11-26, C/C++, 500KB, 下载194次)
