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[多国语言处理] Lucene.Net.Analysis.Cn

Lucene是什么? Lucene是Apache组织的一个用JAVA实现全文搜索引擎的开源项目。后来有人将Lucene移植到。Net语言。 Lucene是一个信息检索的函数库(Library),利用它你可以为你的应用加上索引和搜索的功能。 Lucene的使用者不需要深入了解有关全文检索的知识,仅仅学会使用库中的一个类,你就为你的应用实现全文检索的功能。 不过千万别以为Lucene是一个象google那样的搜索引擎,Lucene甚至不是一个应用程序,它仅仅是一个工具,一个Library。你也可以把它理解为一个将索引、搜索功能封装的很好的一套简单易用的API。利用这套API你可以做很多有关搜索的事情,而且很方便。 Lucene能做什么? Lucene可以对任何的数据做索引和搜索。 Lucene不管数据源是什么格式,只要它能被转化为文字的形式,就可以被Lucene所分析利用。也就是说不管是MS word, Html ,pdf还是其他什么形式的文件只要你可以从中抽取出文字形式的内容就可以被Lucene所用。你就可以用Lucene对它们进行索引以及搜索。
What is Lucene? Lucene is an Apache with organizations to achieve full-text search engine JAVA open-source project. Later, some people will migrate to Lucene. Net language. Lucene is a library of information retrieval (Library), you can use it for your application together with the indexing and search functions. Lucene users do not need a deeper understanding of the full-text search of knowledge, just learn how to use a class library, you achieve your application for full-text search function. But do not think that Lucene is a kind of like the google search engine, Lucene is not even an application, it is merely a tool, a Library. You can also it will be understood as an index, a good search function of a package easy-to-use API. Use this API you can do a lot of things related to search and easily. Lucene can do? Lucene can do for any of the data and search index. Lucene regardless of what format the data source, as long as it can be transformed into the f (2009-05-31, C#, 93KB, 下载65次)
