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[Web服务器] flight

A web server designed for running full stack, component based applications at enterprise scale. (2024-02-17, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] nodejs-server-examples

《从零搭建 Node.js 企业级 Web 服务器》文章源码,
The source code of the article "Building a Node.js Enterprise Web Server from scratch", (2020-08-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] web网页

企业门户网站开发 里面有css源代码和html的源代码,用于web大作业之类的网页制作开发
Development of Enterprise Portal (2018-12-28, HTML, 1614KB, 下载2次)


[Web服务器] confaructor

本留言板界面简洁,美观,适合中小企业,个人网站等使用…… 具体功能详见留言板 默认管理员用户名:haixo 密码:haixo (2017-10-04, ASP, 275KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] eku_sale_2.0

第一便捷的开源进销存软件 基于 HTML5 的,便捷企业仓储管理软件。 适合库存品类在 3000 以内的销售类中小企业。 界面非常简单 出入库、库存、明细、设置。 一库进销存是 一库仓储的进销存版本,专业针对零售类的商业企业,如淘宝商家等等。
The first convenient open-source Invoicing software based on HTML5, convenient enterprise storage management software. Suitable for the inventory category in the 3000 sales of small and medium enterprises. Interface is very simple out of storage, inventory, details, settings. A library Invoicing is a library storage Invoicing version, the professional category for the retail business enterprises, such as Taobao business and so on. (2016-11-24, PHP, 132KB, 下载7次)


[Web服务器] 29jierencai

支持生成HTML和伪静态显示链接 ·企业分为免费会员和高级会员,黄金会员。可分别设置权限 ·个人会员可上传照片,在线裁切照片功能 ·自由设置企业会员收费标准; ·完善的招聘参数设置;
Support for generating HTML and pseudo static display links enterprise into a free member and senior member of Gold. Permissions can be set separately individual members can upload photos, crop photos online business function set free membership fees improve recruitment parameter settings (2016-10-14, Java, 1781KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] 08qiye

08cms 08cmsv3.4 Build system is based on the core program, the system architecture, templates, and processes in accordance with the function and operation of this system are code optimization. 08cms developed by official team. (2016-10-13, Java, 3606KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] chaidaoe_company

财到php企业建站系统是一种新概念的中小型企业建站程序,它能通过自由配置字段快速搭建企业营销型网站。是所有程序员和网络公司接单建站的利器. 让程序员免用重复修改后台的麻烦,而又没有多余的东西在系统里。
Finance to the php enterprise website system is a new concept of small and medium enterprises station procedures, it can quickly through the free configuration field set up enterprise marketing website. Is that all programmers and Internet companies station Jianzhan a weapon for programmers to avoid the trouble of repeated changes to the background, but no extra things in the system. (2016-10-10, HTML, 1836KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] Sail_GBK

1、单页模块:发布介绍企业的各类信息,如企业简介、组织机构、联系方式。 2、文章模块:发布企业新闻和相关文章,可设置图片文章。特有首页推荐和栏目置顶功能。 3、产品模块:可设置产品参数,如产品型号、尺寸等等,支持新品展示和推荐产品,可自动生成产品缩略图。
1, single-page module: the introduction of various types of enterprise information, such as business profiles, organizations, contact information. 2, the article module: publishing corporate news and related articles, you can set the image article. Special home page recommendation and column top function. 3, the product module: you can set the product parameters, such as product model, size, etc., to support new products and recommended products, can automatically generate thumbnails. (2016-10-09, HTML, 1628KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] mybubc3

对每一个登记的企业都要进行信息审核管理,付费后即可加入; 对搜索关键词具有只能辨别功能,可选择智能或模糊; 具有企业信誉测评功能,搜索排名按照用户打分的分值排列; 对每一个企业都进行票数统计,积分统计和点击数统计;
For each registered businesses must audit management information, to join the post-paid Keyword search function has only to identify, choose smart or blurred With enterprise credibility uation function, arranged in search rankings User rating score For every enterprise were the tallies, statistics and integration clicks statistics (2016-03-22, HTML, 80KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] 52077tv

最好音乐网娱乐TV电台 默认登陆用户和密码:admin admin
The best music and entertainment TV network Radio The default login and password: admin admin (2016-03-08, Unix_Linux, 176KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] FlowerApplication

netbeans学习资料之web service第3部分创建企业应用程序测试 Web 服务
netbeans web service learning information Part 3 to create Web services, enterprise application testing (2010-05-10, Java, 1647KB, 下载6次)


[Web服务器] web_20090708175253

简单型企业网站ASP源代码 后台地址/system/login.asp 用户名:admin 密码:admin123
Simple corporate website address of the background ASP source code/system/login.asp user name: admin password: admin123 (2009-07-08, ASP, 764KB, 下载17次)


[Web服务器] pinhong

A simple web-based corporate jsp, java for beginners (2009-04-08, Java, 917KB, 下载19次)


[Web服务器] Message08[1].10.25

SMS platform for enterprise communication platform, a small information center, send and receive information (2009-01-19, C#, 1785KB, 下载48次)


[Web服务器] Gogo16

1、支持个人用户与企业用户注册 2、用户点数和时间并存消费制的管理,方便网站收费 3、独立的个人简历页面,独立的公司与其招聘信息页面 4、支持个人用户照片上传 5、支持企业黄页 6、强大的用户互动功能:支持个人职位库、企业人才库、站内短信、邮件(支持后台群发)、人才\职位高级搜索、简历投递 7、可设置VIP高级用户及其站内等级权限 8、根据网站需求可对网站进行地区、职位、专业、企业类型的动态设置 9、内置文章管理(可自行设置文章分类)、友情连接管理功能 10、具有委托招聘功能 11、采用图片验证码技术和MD5加码技术,使网站更加安全 12、整站全后台管理,无须修改任何文件 13、附加站长文件管理功能 14、附带广告管理功能 15、附带网站留言版 16、多管理员分权限管理 17、管理登陆:admin\login.ASP 帐号:gogonet 密码:gogonet
err (2008-08-12, ASP, 943KB, 下载123次)


[Web服务器] shanrui

是一套针对企业的网站内容管理系统。他高效、智能、友好易用。 系统采用 ASP.NET2.0 编写,支持 Access,MSSql 数据库。使用闪睿建站只需要专注少量而简单的模板设计。
Is a set of enterprise Web content management systems. Him efficient, intelligent, friendly, easy to use. System ASP.NET2.0 prepared to support Access, MSSql database. Core建站use flash only need to focus on small and simple template design. (2008-07-01, ASP, 1130KB, 下载14次)


[Web服务器] crm_crm

crm customer relationship management can rate systems, most small and medium-sized home solution! possess 5 years experience in the implementation of R (2008-05-29, ASP, 299KB, 下载61次)


[Web服务器] apache2_manual.zh-cn-5978

Chinese Manual apache2.0. including the installation, verification, configuration application. more detailed. rich in content, worth a visit. (2008-02-21, Java, 1174KB, 下载3次)


[Web服务器] testnew

企业新闻发布系统 asp.net with c#
corporate news release system with Asp. Net c# (2006-06-05, ASP, 278KB, 下载63次)
