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[WEB开发] MyBatis学习笔记(一)

ORM Framework, MyBatis Enterprise Development Detailed Tutorial, Chinese Edition. Enterprise internal information (2018-12-30, Java, 7684KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] weixin-java-tools-master

wechat mini programs (2018-02-24, Java, 2005KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] 身份证驱动

ICT ID card identification device driver development web. After installation with Demo (2017-11-27, Java, 12406KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] chanzhiEPS

An open source free enterprise portal system, designed for enterprise marketing! It is built in the article, the product, the forum, the commentary, the member, the blog, the manual and so on the function, the backstage operation is simple and convenient, the front desk interface is beautiful. And search engine to do a lot of optimization work. In order to help enterprises to establish brand website, promotion, marketing, product sales and customer tracking. (2017-03-07, Java, 7115KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] chshbuye

ASP昌盛布业企业网站源码是一款基于ASP+ACC制作的通用型企业建站系统。后台功能包含新闻管理、企业简介、产品管理、留言管理等企业常用模块。 后台地址:admin 用户名和密码:admin
ASP industry prosperous business website source is based on a general enterprise production of ASP+ACC station system. Back office functions include news management, corporate profiles, product management, message management and other enterprises commonly used modules. Background address: admin Username and password: admin (2017-02-01, Java, 5194KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] tongyongxiazai

基于aspCMS二次研发而成。我们致力于中小企业网站的搭建。根据现有企业的需求。开发适合企业的模块, 让企业可以轻松搭建适合自己企业的网站,后台功能强大,管理便捷。代码简单易懂,适合二次开发。
Based on aspCMS two R & D. We are committed to the construction of small and medium enterprises website. According to the needs of the existing enterprises. The development of suitable for the enterprise module, so that enterprises can easily build their own web site, powerful background, convenient management. Code easy to understand, suitable for the two development. (2017-01-19, Java, 6230KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qywzglxt

It is the ultimate goal of the whole station system design function to perfect the website sub-module, such as the enterprise resume, the enterprise culture, the enterprise news, the enterprise information, the enterprise information, The whole management system of the company and enterprise in English and Chinese is fully considered. The whole back-stage management mode, the back-office function is complete, the use and maintenance of the system, the function of the backstage supporter, the function of the backstage supporter, Whether it is production, sales, or service-oriented small medium and large companies, corporate Web site management staff as long as the typing, will build a professional company, corporate Web site, at any time to manage the site content. (2016-11-16, Java, 3147KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] weixin2

Enterprise application access micro-channel source. Micro Signal development, please leave a message exchange (2016-07-25, Java, 2636KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] newmtvxp2

风云娱乐MTV程序 v2.0,软件语言: 简体中文 运行环境: ASP
Storm Entertainment MTV program v2.0, Software language: Simplified Chinese operating environment: ASP (2016-03-10, Java, 208KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] fuo.cc

供求信息 会员管理 人才信息 企业名录 产品发布等很好的一套商务程
Member Postings and human resources information management company directory product launches good set of business process (2016-03-02, Java, 890KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] office

By office automation systems business daily office management, to meet the needs of enterprises of all aspects of daily office management, to achieve the send and receive functions messages between employees, greatly facilitate internal staff communication. Announcement and document information management website around Taiwan to facilitate the timely understanding of the company s employees dynamic, online operations and other functional modules so that the daily management of the enterprise into a scientific system management track (2015-06-15, Java, 569KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] enterpriseWeb

Enterprise portals to meet business enterprise software products through the website shows the front desk, to provide users with solutions to problems requirements. Through the establishment of the website, to enhance communication between businesses and their customers, enabling enterprises to keep abreast of the needs of customers in a timely manner to help customers solve problems encountered in their daily work, and better service to customers, thus enhancing the business and customers friendly business relationships. (2015-03-17, Java, 1645KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 14

Enterprise Portal to meet the business enterprise software products through the website demonstrate the foreground, to provide users with solutions to problems requirements. Through the establishment of the site to enhance communication between businesses and their customers, enabling enterprises to keep abreast of customer needs in a timely manner to help customers solve problems encountered in their daily work, and better service to customers, thus enhancing the business and the customer friendly business relations between. (2014-03-23, Java, 1810KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 1

企业门户源码 转载的 不是是自己写的
Source Enterprise Portal (2013-12-31, Java, 1694KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] qiyemessage

structs within the express letter of enterprise system development, documentation and databases are (2010-12-26, Java, 830KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] message_cn

网上在线留言代码 ,在线订购 含有验证码
Online message code, a verification code online ordering (2009-04-16, Java, 1KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] java2

A website (2009-03-25, Java, 1415KB, 下载5次)



Corporate propaganda site. Including news features, message boards, forums and other functions (2008-12-02, Java, 3766KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] javaWEB

JAVA development of an enterprise website. For all of us to learn certain useful. (2008-11-21, Java, 35513KB, 下载146次)


[WEB开发] 页面无组件上传控件

在支持asp环境下可以直接上传文件 详细情况,访问http://www.sobay.cn
support asp environment can directly upload documents the details of the visit http://www.sobay.cn (2005-07-15, Java, 11KB, 下载304次)
