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[ICQ/即时通讯] call

This system uses Java language and eclipse as the basic development environment, using the software refactoring development approach, the original system design is optimized, by using the principle of lan communication mechanism (that is, through direct inheritance thread class to build a multi-threaded), realizes the network chat server and network chat client program. Java uses the common programming method of the network, socket socket, to set up the server so that the server can read and reply and forward the client messages. eclipse enables the client to communicate with the client by establishing a connection with the server. on the basis of the existing network, it is necessary to study a secure, private and regional instant communication tool. The significance and feasibility of the research are analyzed, and the prospects of ;lan chat software are presented. (2018-04-13, Java, 1789KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] WLYCmpszgj-a5

WLYC cards Brush Brush QQ software tools like business cards like software. Without trumpet, brush about 500 per day, free trial brush, software has a second hairpin platform. 撤消修改 您提供的翻译将用于改善翻译质量,并可能以匿名方式供其他用户参考提供建议关闭感谢您提交的内容。 Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察将文件或链接拖放到此处以翻译文档或网页。 将链接拖放到此处以翻译网页。 我们不支持您拖放的文件类型,请尝试其他文件类型。 我们不支持您拖放的链接类型,请尝试其他类型的链接。 (2014-06-03, Java, 1359KB, 下载8次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] xabber-android-master

Xmpp-development company based chat and other features of the software, using the openfire server. (2013-12-13, Java, 3019KB, 下载17次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] EQ

Internal communication system must provide network communication capabilities in the communication process prohibits use of chat expressions, file transfer and other functions, to avoid leakage of information, or send an error which led to higher levels due to loss of data and other losses. The most important thing is to adapt to any operating system, which is the cross-platform technology, because internal work requirements, work environment using multiple operating systems to accomplish different tasks. In addition, the system does not use the server transfer and record the content of communications, communication tasks can be completed independently, excluding staff working for leaders to monitor progress of reverse psychology. (2013-07-18, Java, 130KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] javaSE_IM_source_code

企业即时通讯工具,采用C/S架构 + TCP/UDP协议 + Socket + 多线程技术实现。客户端支持:用户上下线,单聊,群聊,自定义消息字体样式,表情、图片发送,文件发送,语音聊天,修改状态,修改头像,修改密码等。服务端支持:服务器管理、用户管理、服务配置管理、日志管理等。
Enterprise instant messaging tool, using the C/S architecture+ TCP/UDP protocol+ the Socket+ multithreading technology. Client support: the user off the assembly line, single chat, group chat, send self-defined message font styles, facial expressions, pictures, and send files, voice chat, to modify the state, Avatar, modify your password. Server support: server management, user management, service configuration management, log management. (2012-11-03, Java, 7789KB, 下载89次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] EQ

The internal communication system must provide the network communication function, and prohibit the use of chat expression in the process of communication, file transfer and other functions, to avoid leakage of information, or send an error and lead to higher data loss and other losses. The most important thing is must be adapted to any operating system, which is cross-platform technology, because the internal needs, work environment, use multiple operating systems to accomplish different tasks. (2012-06-17, Java, 2700KB, 下载13次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] BusinessContact

Internal communication system to provide network communication capabilities, the process prohibiting the use of chat communication expressions, file transfer and other functions, to prevent data leakage, or send an error which led to higher levels due to loss of data, and other losses. (2011-11-22, Java, 125KB, 下载5次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Enterprise--intercom-system

Internal communications systems must provide network communication capabilities, in the process of prohibiting the use of chat communication expressions, file transfer and other functions, to prevent information leakage, or send an error which led to higher levels due to loss of data, and other losses. The most important thing is to adapt to any operating system, which is cross-platform technology, as companies need to work within the working environment using multiple operating systems to perform different tasks. In addition, the system does not use a server transfer and recording of communications content, communication tasks can be completed independently, excluding the work of employees to monitor the progress of the leading reverse psychology. (2011-06-04, Java, 124KB, 下载5次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] mini-QQ

KittenTransfer 该程序是为局域网即时通信开发,难点之一在于局域网内用户列表的建立。当KittenTransfer启动时,首先向局域网内所有启动了KittenTransfer的用户发送一条广播消息,收到消息后,在用户列表中添加发送广播消息的用户。当用户退出KittenTransfer时, 也发送一条广播消息通知其他用户,之后其他用户将用户列表中的该用户删除。启动KittenTransfer后,可以实现与多用户的即时通信,文件传输。消息窗口采用Java Socket处理。
KittenTransfer The program is developed for the LAN instant messaging, one of the difficulties lies in the establishment of a list of LAN users. When KittenTransfer starts, the first to start a KittenTransfer all LAN users to send a broadcast message, receiving the news, in the user list to add the user to send broadcast messages. When the user exits KittenTransfer, they send a broadcast message to notify other users, then other users in the user list, the user deleted. Start KittenTransfer, you can achieve with multi-user instant messaging, file transfer. Message window using Java Socket processing. (2011-05-17, Java, 134KB, 下载8次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] EQ

The enterprise internal communication systems must provide network communication function, in the communication process banned chat expression, file transfer, and other functions, avoid data were leaked, or because of the errors caused by superior material loss and other loss. The most important is to must adapt to any operating system, that is to realize cross-platform technology, because the enterprise interior work needs, working environment with multiple operating system to complete different jobs. In addition, the system does not need to use server transfer and record the newsletter, can independently communications tasks, eliminate worker to leadership monitoring work progress etc rebellious attitude. (2011-03-14, Java, 124KB, 下载4次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] MyQQ

Internal communication systems to provide network communication capabilities, in the communication process prohibit the use of chat expressions, file transfer and other functions, to prevent information leakage, or send an error which led to a higher level of information loss and other losses. The most important thing is to adapt to any operating system that is cross-platform technology, as companies need to work within the work environment, using multiple operating systems to perform different tasks. In addition, the system does not require a server transfer and recording of communications content, and could complete the communication task, excluding the work of staff to monitor the progress of the leading reverse psychology. (2010-05-12, Java, 5279KB, 下载29次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] ChatRoom

聊天系统   角色可以针对每个频道开创一个独立的拥有消息显示和输入框的面板,就像oicq那样,可以针对每个人开出一个聊天窗口。可以分为以下几种方式   轻声频道   角色说的话,只有他附近的人才可以听到。   团队频道   角色说的话,自己的队友不论在哪里都可以收到,也只有队友可以收到。   好友频道   角色说的话,自己好友名单中的人不论在哪里都可以收到,也只有好友可以收到。   帮派频道   角色说的话,会发给他所在的帮派的所有成员,也只有帮派的成员可以收到。   城域频道   角色说的话,会发给所在城域范围以内的所有角色知道。玩家不能够向全服务器发送消息。   私聊频道   角色说的话,只有他指定的接收方才可以收到。   聊天设置   频道选择:是否接收轻声频道;是否接收团队频道;是否接收帮派频道;是否接收公共频道;是否接收私聊频道。   私聊窗口:当接收到私聊信息时是否打开一对一的小窗口。
err (2007-11-22, Java, 3147KB, 下载15次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] openfire_3_3_2.tar

Openfire is an open source instant messaging server software, the use of Java development, based on the XMPP (Jabber) protocol. Openfire installation and use are very simple, and take advantage of Web management. A single server can support thousands of concurrent users. Spark can be used with the client, set up their own enterprises QQ/MSN exchange environment. (2007-09-01, Java, 5838KB, 下载95次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] MiniICQ13

MiniICQ1.3面向Socket基于线程池技术的java聊天室程序下载(含源代码) 首先,安装jre 没有的自己搜一个。 运行服务器端。startServer.bat成功! 运行2个客户端。startClientw.bat 窗口出来以后可以把客户端的命令窗口关掉。 现在的版本还没有注册功能,帐号 随便 有什么问题请和我联系 QQ:281284015 Email:ibm_chen@163.com 欢迎大家来chensoft.cn和我一起讨论java编程的乐趣
MiniICQ1.3 Socket-oriented technology based on the thread pool java chat room procedures set (including source code) First, the installation of its own jre not found one. Operation server. StartServer.bat success! Running two clients. StartClientw.bat out the window after the client can order window switch off. The current version has no registration functions, Account casually What is the problem and please contact me QQ : 281284015 Email : ibm_chen@163.com chensoft.cn welcome everyone to come and join me to discuss ja va Programming fun (2007-07-07, Java, 1357KB, 下载255次)
