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按平台查找All Dockerfile(49) 

[其他] tarot-tales

Get a Tarcot Card reading. Learn about the different tarot card meanings. Join Class to unlock your potential to read Tarot Cards. Explore the connections between Tarot Cards and psychology. Online or at our studio in Cork City. (2024-05-08, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[wifi] docker-freeradius-eap-tls

用于EAP-TLS WiFi身份验证的Dockerized FreeRADIUS服务器。使用x.509证书的WPA2 3企业SSID的最小配置。
Dockerized FreeRADIUS server for EAP-TLS WiFi authentication. Minimal config for WPA2 3 Enterprise SSIDs using x.509 certificates. (2024-01-15, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] docker-caddy-azuredns

Caddy 2是一个强大的、支持企业的开源web服务器,具有用Go编写的自动HTTPS。docker caddy azuredns添加Azure DNS...
Caddy 2 is a powerful, enterprise-ready, open source web server with automatic HTTPS written in Go. docker-caddy-azuredns adds Azure DNS LetsEncrypt support to the base image. (2023-12-16, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] comfy-sloth

欢迎来到Comfy Sloth,这是一个使用MERN堆栈(MongoDB,Express.js,React,Node.js)构建的完整电子商务平台。该项目旨在为在线零售企业提供全面的解决方案。
Welcome to Comfy Sloth, a complete e-commerce platform built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js). This project aims to provide a comprehensive solution for online retail businesses. (2023-12-01, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] docker-spug

Open source operation and maintenance platform: a lightweight agentless automatic operation and maintenance platform designed for small and medium-sized enterprises, integrating host management, host batch execution, host online terminal, online file upload and download, application release and deployment, online task planning, configuration center, monitoring, alarm and other functions., (2023-09-29, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] Canasta

用于Canasta的MediaWiki Docker映像,一个一体化的MediaWiki堆栈,用于在pro...上轻松部署和管理企业级MediaWiki...,
MediaWiki Docker image for Canasta, an all-in-one MediaWiki stack for easy deployment and management of enterprise-ready MediaWiki on production environments. (2023-08-16, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] caddy-cloudflare

Caddy的自定义构建,这是一个用GO编写的强大、企业级就绪和可扩展的web服务器,集成了Caddy-dns cloudflare插件。
A custom build of Caddy, a powerful, enterprise-ready and extensible web server written in GO, with the caddy-dns cloudflare plugin integrated. (2023-07-04, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] jupyterhub-docker-cinnecta

英语演讲人:这是为一家巴西企业做的。所有文档都在葡萄牙语上,但您可以在上面使用Google Translator。工作良好:3
FOR ENGLISH SPEAKERS: This was done for a Brazilian enterprise. All documentation is on portugese, but you can use Google Translator on it. Works nice :3 (2020-09-23, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] caddy-cloudflaredns

Caddy 2是一个强大的、支持企业的开源web服务器,具有用Go编写的自动HTTPS。caddy云闪...
Caddy 2 is a powerful, enterprise-ready, open source web server with automatic HTTPS written in Go. caddy-cloudflaredns adds Cloudflare LetsEncrypt support to the base image. (2023-03-16, Dockerfile, 5KB, 下载0次)
