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[WEB开发] plog_0.3.2_cn

在plog 0.32源程序基础上,修正了summary页面显示中文乱码的bug;修改了summary的模板,并对一些模板功能做了一些优化和修改。同时增加blue、green、black、fresh、standard等5个模板 安装文件默认语言改为了中文简体。同时为plog增加了最新评论、最多阅读、最多评论、网站统计、流量统计等几个插件,并应用到了各个模板中
In the plog 0.32 source program based on the modified summary page display Chinese garbled bug modify the summary template, and do some optimization and modification of some function of the template. At the same time increase the blue, green, black, fresh, standard and other 5 templates Install file default language to Chinese simplified. At the same time for the plog to add the latest comments, up to read, the most comments, website statistics, traffic statistics, and several other plug-ins, and applied to the various templates (2016-05-11, PHP-PERL, 1746KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] PhpMyDirectory10

软件介绍 一个专业的,快速的,可靠的工具,它可以使你的网页访问者,用最好的方法获得他们所要查找的信息。你可以把它集成到现有的网站,或者是独立建立具有特色的企业指南入门网站,它可以在不使用任何PHP或SQL的技术下,在短短的几分钟内安装,配置和翻译成任何一种语言。
Software introduction A professional, fast, and reliable tool that can make your web visitors use the best way to get the information they are looking for. You can integrate it into the existing web site, or to establish an independent with characteristics of the enterprises getting started guide website, it can be in without the use of any PHP and SQL technology and installed within a short span of a few minutes, the configuration and translation into any language. (2016-05-10, PHP-PERL, 229KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] iBulletin

一个高速稳定的论坛程序,充分发挥开发工具的效率优势,充分精密的设计,适用于各种服务器环境的高效论坛解决方案,程序结构更经过特别的优化,可以满足从小流量到大流量,从个人到企业各方面应用的要求,是个人网站和中小型论坛的完整解决方案 v1.1更新: 后台添加用户组功能 修正后台登录安全漏洞 修正了不能弹出论坛悄悄话错误 修正了不能刷新在线人数错误 修改了发表帖子后不能跳转到最新帖子的错误 修改了用户自定义头衔错误 修正了用户使用url头像级别制限漏洞 其它小错误
A high-speed and stable forum program, give full play to the efficiency advantage of development tools, sufficient precision design for solutions in all server environments and efficient forum, program structure more after a special optimization can meet traffic to the traffic flow, the individual to the enterprise the application requirements, it is a complete solution for personal websites and small forum V1.1 update: Background add user group function Fixed login security vulnerabilities Fixed bug not popping up on forum Fixed the number of errors can not be refreshed Online After the modification of the post can not jump to the latest post error Modify user custom title error Fixed a bug with user using URL avatar level Other minor errors (2016-05-09, PHP-PERL, 742KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] okphpcms

主要面向企业应用,也可用于政府机关、学校、店铺,以及小团队管理的门户网等类型的网站。 支持全站生成静态页,或者静态、动态页并存。 网页结构全面优化,让您的网站更容易被搜索引擎收录。 拥有会员管理和权限控制机制。 可整合目前常见的论坛程序(如PHPBB、VBB、DISCUZ、PHPWIND等)。 操作简便,初学者也可轻松管理网站。 支持模板标签调用,专业开发人士更有发挥余地。 v5.0 Build 0825更新: 合并企业版与门户版,集动态缓存和静态缓存于一身 增加对常见论坛的整合支持 增加主编、副编设定功能 修正发现BUG
Mainly for enterprise applications, can also be used for government agencies, schools, shops, as well as a small team of management portal and other types of web sites. Support the total station to generate static pages, or static, dynamic pages coexist. Full page structure optimization, so that your site is more likely to be included in the search engine. With member management and access control mechanism. Can integrate the current common forum procedures (such as PHPBB, VBB, DISCUZ, PHPWIND, etc.). Easy to operate, beginners can easily manage the site. Support template tag calls, professional developers have more room to play. Build v5.0 0825 update: Combined enterprise edition with portal version, set dynamic cache and static cache in one body Added support for the integration of common Forums Add editor, deputy editor set function Fixed discovery BUG (2016-05-09, PHP-PERL, 1171KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] xoops22

A good content management system, safe, stable, reliable, well managed group privileges, for multi language especially Chinese support is perfect for user terminal, system function module, interface design templates, installation use management is clear and concise, reasonable structural design, code specification is ideal choice for developers and is widely used in personal website, community, enterprise management and all kinds of small and medium-sized portal system (2016-05-06, PHP-PERL, 4904KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] bnbc

一个用于搜集互联网上企业商机、完全傻瓜化操作的高效、智能的信息搜集系统。使用本系统,您能随时快速获取贵公司感兴趣的网络商机,定制建立贵公司专用的商机信息系统,方便贵公司业务同事定向联系客户,更可用本系统搜集信息快速建立B2B及企业黄页类网站。 功能介绍: 1、系统设计为平台+模块结构,将每个搜集目标定义为模块,方便系统功能扩展; 2、每个搜集模块内置信息搜集规则,用户不需要自己学习规则定义,无任何html知识要求;
An efficient and intelligent information collection system for the collection of business opportunities on the Internet, completely stupid operation. Using this system, you can quickly at any time to get your company are interested in networking opportunities, custom build your company dedicated business information system, convenient your business colleagues directional contact customers, more available to the system collect information to quickly build B2B and enterprise Yellow Pages site. Function introduction: 1, the system is designed as a platform+ module structure, each collection goal is defined as a module to facilitate the expansion of system functions 2, each collection module built-in information collection rules, users do not need to learn their own rules of the definition, without any HTML knowledge requirements (2016-05-02, PHP-PERL, 183KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Deepthroatphp

可同时生成企业网站的前台和后台,并实现前后台同步管理。基于PHP技术开发,系统构架安全合理,独特的缓存处理机制,使生成网站的浏览速度极快,结合Web设计简单理念,使生成的后台管理界面直观操作简单,支持插件模块、支持模版皮肤,使系统具有良好的扩充性,升级方便 v2.3更新: 1、解决了安装文件安装时出现空白页的bug 2、向前兼容数据库 3、解决了在虚拟主机上安装的几个bug 4、增加了SEO的header项目
At the same time to build enterprise website foreground and background, and the realization of the former background synchronization management. Based on PHP technology development, system security framework is reasonable, unique cache processing mechanism, to generate website browsing speed is very quick, combined with web design simple concept, make the generation background management interface operation is simple and intuitive, plug-in module support, support for templates skin, make the system have good scalability and easy to upgrade V2.3 update: 1, to solve the installation file to install the blank page bug 2, forward compatible 3, solve several bug installed in the virtual host of 4, an increase of SEO header project (2016-04-29, PHP-PERL, 984KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xb

Gyb2b V1.01免费版可终身使用,是一款功能强大的B2B电子商务应用软件。 该软件不仅更新和修改了V1.0相关功能,更是采用了目前互联网上最流行的LAMP组合(Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP)开发完成,模板技术实现了界面与代码的有效分离,用户可以快速地在此基础上编译模板;提供B2B电子商务应用最常见的求购、供应、商品、公司库、行业资讯、商圈、资信认证、在线交易、交易评分、留言、搜索、广告、展会、招聘、友情链接等模块 还集成中、英、繁三种语言包与9套风格任意转换,20套(以后会更多)企业模板,商务会员收费管理机制,内嵌全球免费可视电话系统、全国电子地图定位、具备WAP功能(即通过手机浏览网站、发布商机到网站);完善的商务会员
V1.01 Gyb2b free version can be used for life, is a powerful B2B e-commerce applications. Not only is the software update and modify the related function of V1.0, it is the most popular on the Internet, LAMP (Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP) is developed, the template technology to realize the effective separation of interface and code, the user can quickly on the basis of the compiled template provide the most common B2B application of electronic commerce, supply, purchase of goods, the company library, information industry, business, credit certification, online transactions, score, messages, search, advertising, exhibition, recruitment, Links module also integrated in Britain, then three language packs and 9 sets of arbitrary style conversion, 20 sets (more on this later) business enterprise template, membership management the mechanism of charge, embedded VAVAA system, the electronic map, with the WAP function (i.e. through mobile phone browsing the website, issued business opportunities (2016-04-25, PHP-PERL, 4198KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] quicksite

Okphp QuickSite(以下简称QuickSite)是一套快速建站及内容管理系统,其特点是结构清晰、简洁易用,是企业网站和政府机构网站建设的首选CMS。 使用QuickSite,您可以在几分钟内建立好网站常用的栏目,比如“产品列表”、“公司简介”、“新闻”、“联系方式”等。
QuickSite Okphp (hereinafter referred to as QuickSite) is a set of rapid site and content management system, which is characterized by a clear structure, simple and easy to use, is the first choice for enterprise websites and government agencies website CMS. Use QuickSite, you can set up a good site in a few minutes commonly used columns, such as product list , company profile , news , contact and so on. (2016-04-22, PHP-PERL, 1194KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] phpsqlitecms

phpSQLiteCMS 是一个完全开源、免费、简洁、高效的php 内容管理系统(CMS),使用SQLite 数据库和Smarty 模板引擎。任何使用和开发者可自由分享、复制、发行、展示、传播、创作衍生作品。 可免费用于企业、政府、组织及营利性网站,这意味着可以自由地修改,补充或删除它,没有任何限制! phpSQLiteCMS 版权署名权及共享方式需要遵守GNU General Public License 通用公共许可。
PhpSQLiteCMS is a fully open source, free, simple and efficient PHP content management system (CMS), using the SQLite and Smarty template engine. Any use and developers can freely share, copy, issue, display, spread, and create derivative works. Free for enterprise, government, organization and non-profit website, which means you can freely modify, add or delete it without any restrictions! The right of authorship and copyright phpSQLiteCMS sharing need to comply with the GNU general public license General Public License. (2016-04-19, PHP-PERL, 864KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ThinkCMS

ThinkCMS是一个基于国内领先开源框架ThinkPHP开发的开源CMS内容管理平台。 ThinkCMS采用模块化开发,方便您自由扩展网站的使用范围。 灵活多变,敏捷应用,适用于企业网站以及行业网站搭建的高性能内容管理系统。 ThinkCMS将能快速帮您的企业、行业搭建属于自己的专业网站!无需复杂的设置与修改,轻松点击,让您在网络上战胜您的竞争对手! 1、修改 config.php中关于数据库的配置 2、通过MYSQL相关管理程序导入sql.txt中的数据库结构 后台用户名密码admin
ThinkCMS is an open source CMS content management platform based on the domestic leading open source framework ThinkPHP development. ThinkCMS using modular development, to facilitate the use of your website to expand the scope of freedom. Flexible, agile applications, suitable for enterprise web site and industry Web site to build high-performance content management system. ThinkCMS will be able to quickly help you to enterprise and industry to build their own professional website! No complex setup and modify, easy to click, allowing you to overcome your network of competitors! 1, modify the configuration of in config.php The structure of MYSQL related management program into sql.txt 2, by The backstage username and password admin (2016-04-18, PHP-PERL, 924KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] viishop_utf8

VIIShop 开发初期曾参考和借鉴目前国内几大流行在线购物平台的优秀功能,以及某些同类软件需要用户额外支付费用定制的功能,在VIIShop里面您都能免费得到,可以说是具百家之长。 不论是企业还是个人,借助 VIIShop 都能够迅速建立个性、高效、稳定、安全的网上商店。
VIIShop at the initial stage of development has reference and draw lessons the domestic pandemic online shopping platform and excellent function, and some similar software need users to pay an extra fee custom function, in VIIShop you can get free, can be said to be 100. Whether it is business or personal, with VIIShop are able to quickly establish a personalized, efficient, stable and secure online store. (2016-04-17, PHP-PERL, 2497KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] beiancx

功能说明 根据给出的列表检查列表中站点备案号放置情况,支持同一个首页放置多个备案号,适用各虚拟主机提供商。这样主机提供商可以先自纠自查,关闭未正确放置备案号的网站,避免被工信部查出封网。 Tags: 虚拟主机域名备案信息检查系统
Function description According to the list of the list to check the site for the record number of placement, support the same home to place a number of record numbers, the application of the virtual hosting provider. So the host provider can first self-examination and self correction, and did not shut properly placed the record number of sites, to avoid being found ministry censorship. Tags: virtual host domain name registration information inspection system (2016-04-16, PHP-PERL, 7KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] habarizh-cn

Habari功能 1、采用模块化和面向对象的设计模,使其非常容易扩展 2、支持多种数据库做为后端(MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL) 3、事先准备的语句用于阻止SQL语句的入侵 4、Media仓库用于直接存储不同形式的媒体,如:Flickr、Viddler或server s 5、支持Atom发布协议 6、支持多作者 7、可安装多个站点 8、支持静态页面内容 9、支持插件 10、支持标签 11、可以导入Serendipity和WordPress数据
The function of Habari 1, using modular and object-oriented design mode, make it very easy to extend 2, support a variety of as the back-end (MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL) 3, a prepared statement SQL statement used to prevent the invasion 4, Media warehouse for direct storage of different forms of media, such as: Flickr, Viddler or server s 5, support Atom release agreement 6, support multiple authors 7, can be installed more than one site 8, support the static page content 9, support plug-ins 10, support the label 11, you can import the Serendipity and WordPress data (2016-04-16, PHP-PERL, 1332KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] byart

样方便添加新的内容 2、更新了正个系统的安全体系。 3、更新了文章增加与类别的联系。 4、多处采用AJAX技术。 应用范围: 1、对一些小型企业建站,又需要栏目灵活多变的。 2、个人网站的后台程序 3、可以修改成为下载管理以及文件上传管理 4、可修改为照片管理
Sample convenient to add new content 2. Update the security system of the positive system. 3, updated the article to increase the contact with the category. 4, more than the use of AJAX technology. Application range: 1, the establishment of a number of small enterprises, and the column is flexible and changeable. 2, the background of the personal website program 3, can be modified to download management and file upload management 4, can be modified for photo management (2016-04-16, PHP-PERL, 403KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] phpwms

PHPWMS 网站管理系统是一个基于PHP+MYSQL的建站系统,经过完善设计并适用于各种服务器环境(如UNIX、LINUX、WINDOWS等)的高效、全新、快速、优秀的网站解决方案,包括文章、下载、图片和信息四大功能模块,支持内容收费、广告管理和论坛整合,适合政府、学校、企业以及其他各种资讯类网站使用。
PHPWMS web site management system is a station system based on PHP+ MYSQL, after perfecting the design and applicable to various server environment (such as UNIX, Linux, windows, etc.) and new efficient, rapid and excellent website solutions, including articles, downloads, pictures and information functions of the four modules, supports charging for content, advertising management and integration of the forum for government, schools, enterprises and other kinds of information website use. (2016-04-16, PHP-PERL, 1327KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] WeCMS_utf8

系统特性: 1、跨平台。支持Linux/Unix/Windows服务器,支持Apache/IIS等 2、跨浏览器。基于最新Web标准构建,在各主流浏览器(IE/FireFox/Opera等)上运行良好 3、官网提供数十套商业模板免费下载使用 已发布模型: 用户、新闻、产品、企业招聘、网上预定、友情链接、留言。
System characteristics: 1, cross platform. Support Linux/Unix/Windows server, support Apache/IIS, etc. 2, cross browser. The latest construction based on Web standard, in the mainstream browser (such as IE/FireFox/Opera) to run well 3, the official website to provide dozens of sets of business template free download A published model: Users, news, products, business recruitment, online booking, Links, message. (2016-04-16, PHP-PERL, 7316KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wordpress-3.1.1-zh_CN

WordPress 3.1.1 中文版本现已发布。此版本是修订版本,修复了 3.1 中包含安全问题在内的近 30 个问题。几个重要更新内容: 加强媒体文件上传的安全性 性能改进 增加对 IIS6 的支持 修正分类和 PATHINFO(/index.php/)的固定链接问题 修正了在某些极端情况下,数据库查询和分类法相关内容可能导致插件不兼容的问题 3.1.1 版本包含了我们的安全团队成员、WordPress 核心开发者 Jon Cave 和 Peter Westwood 发现的 3 个安全问题。修复的内容分别是:修正媒体文件上传器包含的“跨站请求伪造”(CSRF)问题、修正在处理评论内容中极复杂链接时可能导致 PHP 崩溃的问题,以及修补“跨网站指令码”(XSS)漏洞。
Chinese version of WordPress 3.1.1 has been released. This version is the revised version, fixes security issues is included in 3.1, including nearly 30 issues. Several important updates: Enhance the security of the media file upload Performance Improvement Increase support for IIS6 Revised classification and PATHINFO (/ index.php /) of the fixed link issue Fixed in some extreme cases, the database query and classification-related content may lead to plug-in incompatibility 3.1.1 version includes the security of our team members, WordPress core developer Jon Cave and Peter Westwood found three security issues. Contents of repair are: amendments to the media file upload control that contains the "cross-site request forgery" (CSRF) issue, amend comments in the context of dealing with the link could lead to a very complex PHP crash and repair "cross-site scripting" (XSS) vulnerabilities. (2011-04-10, PHP-PERL, 3373KB, 下载17次)


[WEB开发] html-extractor

发布一个HTML正文提取程序HTMLExtractor, 程序主要是基于内容统计的方法,暂不包含自学习能力,仅是 一个分析程序而以,网上也有别人实现了的正文提取程序,不过 大部人都当宝,都不愿意公开完整代码,有些大人实现了一些简 单的,不过分析能力和识别能力都不太理想。所以自己做了一个 简单的,本来想用PHP DOM分析器,不过大部份网页都不规范, 缺个标签啥的都很正常,所以自已又造了个简单的轮子分析HTML标 签,功能比较简单,每个元素都生成一个对象,内存方面占用比较 高,不过在这里我只是为了实现,并没去做优化。因为我并不是在 做应用,所以希望不要让我改改成什么样去适用你们的业务(以前经常 有QQ加上让我把我的例子怎么改,很无语), 如果你们喜欢,可以和我一起开发完善他。 补充一下,因为写的着急,现在几个类的耦合性还比较大,下来再守善吧。 项目代码 http://code.google.com/p/html-extractor/ 在线例子 http://dev.psm01.cn/c/html-extractor.php
HTML text extraction procedure to release a HTMLExtractor, Program is mainly based on the content of statistical methods, including self-learning capability temporarily, only An analytical procedure to, the Internet also has the body of someone else realized the extraction process, but When the treasure most people are reluctant to open the complete code, some adults to achieve a number of simple Single, but analysis and recognition are not ideal. So do yourself a Simple, had wanted to use PHP DOM parser, but most of the pages are not standardized, Han s missing tags are normal, so their own and made the wheels of a simple HTML standards Sign, function is relatively simple, each element generates an object, the memory area occupied by comparison High, but I m just here to achieve, it did not do optimization. Because I am not Do apply, so I hope I do not what to change into for your business (before the regular I had QQ with examples of how to change my very silent), If you p (2010-12-23, PHP-PERL, 5KB, 下载11次)


[WEB开发] PHPv4.0

PHP 整站4.0正式版 1.源代码全部开源不加密,可以很方便的进行二次开发,可以说:在CMS界,开源的CMS源代码实属罕见 2.可以很好的满足个人,企业,门户建站的需要. 3.功能极其的强大完善,文章栏目支持无限级分类,支持自定义风格与模板,可以由栏目变成一个频道。 4.对广大用户而言,完全免费使用,并且在论坛提供免费技术支持. 5.扩展性非常强,可以自由安装官方提供下载、商城、图库、音乐、视频、博客等等模块。 6.可以很好的整合discuz论坛与phpwind论坛的用户系统.最关键的是纯绿色整合,不修改原论坛的数据结构与程序文件.丝毫不影响原论坛的正常运行。 7.还有更多的特色功能,尽在不言中,大家慢慢体会吧。 (2007-09-08, PHP-PERL, 2383KB, 下载44次)
