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[前端开发] adam

Adam is a visually appealing e-learning template for institutions and businesses, aiding in quick online learning setup with responsive design and multimedia integration, although functional features require further development. (2024-04-17, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] metaworks4

Metaworks 4是一个进步的企业web框架,它促进了基于POJO的领域驱动开发、微服务...
Metaworks 4 is a progressive enterprise web framework that promotes POJO-based domain driven development, micro-services architecture-ready, and material design and responsive web. Metaworks 4 utilizes VueJS, Spring Data, and Spring Hateoas. Plus, Metaworks4 can be composed with OCE s components like IAM, API- GW, Billing to enable MSA architecture. (2018-08-29, HTML, 4916KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ProjetoFinalModulo2

Projeto onde precisamos desenvolver em grupo o front-end para apresentar um novo produto lan?ado pela empresa "FrontEnders", onde poderíamos inventar o produto que quiséssemos, pensando em algo que seria legal para ajudar no dia a dia com programa??o ou estudos. Acesse nosso projeto clicando no link abaixo: (2022-03-29, HTML, 633KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] easyui-scaffold

Easyui-scaffold is a front-end development of scaffold, which based on the EasyUI([www.jeasyui.com](http://www.jeasyui.com)) and jquery- easyui(<https://github.com/waylau/jquery-easyui>) . The rapid establishment of enterprise application model. 基于 EasyUI([www.jeasyui.com](http://www.jeasyui.com)) 和 jquery- easyui(<https://github.com/waylau/jquery-easyui>) 前端开发脚手架。快速建立企业应用模型。
Easyui-scaffold is a front-end development of scaffold, which based on the EasyUI([www.jeasyui.com](http: www.jeasyui.com)) and jquery- easyui([h...](https: github.com waylau jquery-easyui) (2015-11-05, HTML, 137KB, 下载0次)
