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[单片机开发] TEL-REMOTE

1.電話筒掛著時,其兩端電壓約為DC48~50V. 2.震鈴信號為正旋波VP-P=100V,20HZ 3.電話筒拿起時,其兩端電壓為DC5V
1. telephone handsets hanging, the voltage across about DC48 ~ 50V. 2. ringing signal is sine wave VP-P = 100V, 20HZ 3. Pick up the telephone receiver, the voltage for DC5V (2015-07-11, Asm, 5KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] ATMEL-89xxxx-PROGRAMMER

AT89Cxx MCS51 Series controller programmer
AT89Cxx MCS51 Series controller programmer (2013-10-14, Asm, 166KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] tiapin

条屏控制卡,就是LED显示屏控制卡 LED显示屏(LED panel):是一种通过控制半导体发光二极管的显示方式,用来显示文字、图形、图像、动画、行情、视频、录像信号等各种信息的显示屏幕。LED显示屏显示画面色彩鲜艳,立体感强,静如油画,动如电影,广泛应用于车站、码头、机场、商场、医院、宾馆、银行、证券市场、建筑市场、拍卖行、工业企业管理和其它公共场所。
good (2010-09-11, Asm, 325KB, 下载56次)


[单片机开发] MAX539

MAXIM MAX539 is produced by fast D/A converter, it has a simple interface, conversion time is short, low power consumption, small size and so on. Can be used in portable devices and industrial control and so on. This paper introduces the D/A converter MAX539 s performance characteristics, principle and in the SCM system. Gives the MAX539 and MCU interface program. (2010-08-19, Asm, 392KB, 下载30次)


[单片机开发] aybook.cn_dsjicwej0530

I dare say this is a very useful information, especially for electronic design contest would like to participate in the vast number of students. This is an Electronic Design Competition Collection, a collection of outstanding works over the years. Single-chip learning is also good information on Sunplus, because there is work to do with Sunplus (2009-04-22, Asm, 2346KB, 下载84次)


[单片机开发] MODHID-1_00

您可以使用 Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 执行其他 Windows XP 计算机所执行的任何操作,甚至更多操作。可以浏览 Web,玩喜欢的计算机游戏,与朋友互相发送电子邮件和即时消息,以及安装和使用针对 Windows XP 设计的程序。无论您是坐在 Windows 桌面前还是手持遥控器呆在另一间屋子里,Media Center 都会提供功能强大且易于使用的方法使您享受所有数字娱乐活动:照片、音乐、电视、电影、家庭视频、广播和种类繁多的应用程序和服务。Media Center 是高度集成的计算机和家庭娱乐中心。 对此感兴趣的可以和我联系。13616148574 邮箱:crzman@163.com
you can use Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Ed ition 2,005 other Windows XP computer performs any operation, even more operational. Can surf the Web, play like a computer game, with mutual friends to send e-mail and instant messaging. and the installation and use of Windows XP design process. Whether you are sitting Windows desktop before or handheld remote control to stay in another room and Media Center will provide powerful and easy-to-use method allows you to enjoy all the digital entertainment : Photos, music, television, movies, family video, radio and a wide variety of applications and services. Media Center is a highly integrated computer and family entertainment center. Interested can contact me. 13616148574 mail : crzman@163.com (2007-06-08, Asm, 68KB, 下载66次)


[单片机开发] AN_O0306_cn_V1.0

本系统应用于SUNPLUS SPMC65x series上,扫描4X4按键和4个数码管的动作与规格说明,提供的范例程序的硬件部分是以SPMC65P2404A*28p为开发对象。
the system used SUNPLUS SPMC65x series. 4 X4 scan button and four digital control movement and specifications. provide examples of procedures based on the hardware of Application of SPMC65P2404A* 28p for the development targets. (2007-05-09, Asm, 370KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] AD转换芯片ADC0832的应用

ADC0832 是美国国家半导体公司生产的一种8 位分辨率、双通道A/D转换 芯片。由于它体积小,兼容性强,性价比高而深受单片机爱好者及企业欢迎, 其目前已经有很高的普及率。学习并使用ADC0832 可是使我们了解A/D转换器 的原理,有助于我们单片机技术水平的提高。
ADC0832 is National Semiconductor production of a eight-resolution, dual-channel A/D converter chips. Because of its small size, compatibility, cost-effective and popular SCM enthusiasts and enterprises welcomed its already high penetration. Learning and using ADC0832 But we know A/D converter principle, SCM will help us raise the level of technology. (2006-02-05, Asm, 247KB, 下载105次)


[单片机开发] 复件 0

该抢答器供不多于4个参赛队或者个人的抢答比赛场合使用。每个参赛队的座位前 安装1只抢答按钮开关(用板上的S9、S10、S11、S12)和一个信号灯(D4、D5、D6、D7)。 主持人座位前装一只复原开关(板上S3)、1只蜂鸣器(板上BUZ1)和一个抢答器工作状态 指示灯(D10),每当主持人口头发出号令之后.哪个队先按下座位上的按钮开关,该座位的信 号灯就先被点亮,同时封锁其他按钮开关的活动.并且熄灭主持人座位上的状态指示灯和发出 三声类似于电话振铃的提示声,以声明此次抢答动作已经完成.在主持人确认后,按下复原按钮 ,状态指示灯重新点亮,并且同时发出"笛-笛-"声,为下一次抢答作好准备.
the Responder for up to four teams or individuals in the use of Responder competition occasions. Every team installed the seats before a Responder button switch (with the board S9, S10, S11, S12), and a signal (D4, D5, D6, D7). Moderator seats installed before a recovery switch (S3 board), a buzzer (BUZ1 board) and a Responder work status indicators (D10), whenever the moderator after oral orders issued. Which team first press of a button switches, the seat lights were lit on the first, while the blockade of the other button to switch activities. Moderator seats and extinguished the lights and the state issued three sound similar to the telephone tips ringing sound, in a statement this Responder action has been completed. the presenters confirmed? recovery button, status indicators re-lit, (2006-01-07, Asm, 3KB, 下载255次)
