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[WEB开发] enterprise_web_development

这是Yakov Fain、Victor Rasputnis、Anatole Tartakovsky和Viktor Gamov的企业Web开发示例代码库...,
This is the example code repository for Enterprise Web Development by Yakov Fain, Victor Rasputnis, Anatole Tartakovsky, and Viktor Gamov (O Reilly Media) (2014-06-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 07FLY-CMS.1.01

Build your marketing practical, very strong system, has a corporate Web site commonly used module functions (Company Profile module, news module, product modules, download module, image module, job module, message, feedback systems, online communication, Links, Site Map , membership and rights management). Flexible static control, custom fields, custom templates, custom forms, custom URL, custom themes, and other diversified greatly increased the demand for space for a variety of business websites. Powerful templates can be easily customized to create a personalized column cover, the list of articles, pictures list, download list, product list, a list of regions and so on (2014-06-23, Others, 3345KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Discover-your-competitiveness

It will teach you how to be smarter (rather than the more their lives) to work for enterprises to get more profits, faster, get a raise promotion, career development out a new path (2013-11-02, Others, 19077KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] netgather_v3.4.9_Basic

企业免费建站系统本次的改版,重新过滤了所有的代码。 免费下载的是基础版,也完全够大家使用的。 企业版有文档下载和在线视频栏目,专业版还有主菜单的单独管理。 NetGather企业免费建站系统特点: 1.采用asp+access更加适合中小企业的网站模式。 2.网站页面div+css兼容目前所有主流浏览器,ie6+,Chrome,火狐,Opera,Safari等,HTML代码简洁规范通过W3C,更加有利于SEO推广。 3.后台管理界面,操作便捷、友好、更具人性化。 4.网站支持无限的语言种类、无限菜单栏目及无限栏目分类。
The revision of the free establishment of systems of enterprises, re-filter all of the code. Free basic version, is also fully enough for everyone to use. Enterprise Edition is a separate document downloads and online video part, the Pro main menu management. The enterprise of NetGather Free Station system features: 1. To adopt asp+access site model is more suitable for small and medium enterprises. 2. Site pages div+css compatible all current major browsers, ie6+, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc. HTML code concise specification by the W3C, is more conducive to SEO promotion. Admin interface, easy operation, friendship and more humane. The site supports unlimited language, the unlimited menu tab and unlimited part classification. (2013-01-21, Others, 1125KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] tthr

代码功能比较简单,主要实现的功能是招聘、应聘、新闻发布及后台管理 管理后台的主要功能有:新闻添加 新闻管理 个人会员管理 企业会员管理 个人用户abcd,123456 企业用户ccc,123456 管理员manager,123456登录 DB_51aspx下为SQL数据库,附加即可
Code function is relatively simple, the main functions of the recruitment, candidates, the main function of the press release and background management background: News Add News Management Member Companies of individual members of management to manage individual users abcd, the 123456 enterprise users ccc, 123456 administrator manager 123456 Login DB_51aspx SQL database, additional to (2013-01-16, Others, 647KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] PaperFactory

详细介绍 一个相对完整的企业网站源码,包括企业文化 产品介绍 纸区关注 在线订购 加盟合作 联系方式 网站留言 人才招聘 等功能模块 App_Data下为Access数据库文件 Access数据库操作采用的是DbHelperACE URL地址采用了UrlWrite进行重写 后台管理 admin/adminlogin.aspx 用户名aspxon 密码aspxon
Details of a complete corporate website source code, including corporate culture products introduced paper area concern Order Online Affiliate Contact Website Message Recruitment module App_Data Access database the File Access database operation using DbHelperACE URL address using the UrlWrite to rewrite the Manage admin/adminlogin.aspx username aspxon password aspxon (2013-01-15, Others, 2262KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] CommAdmin

Website background part of the source code, the the Everest online business management system, the main application, including news, products, voting Links Member Feedback System (2013-01-15, Others, 2056KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] BlogoMVC

本软件是由专业的互动学习平台——学云网倾情奉献。无论您是个人还是中小企业能可以使用本源码轻松拥有功能强大的个人或者企业博客。轻松实现博客显示,博文排序、博文管理、博文评论等功能。学云网提供系统整个开发过程的演示。 用户账号:zy 密码:123
This software is a portrait of dedication by professional interactive learning platform- School cloud network. Whether you are a personal or SMEs can use this source easily have a powerful personal or corporate blog. Easily blog Bowen sort Bowen, management, Bowen comments. School cloud network provides a demonstration of the system throughout the development process. User account: zy Password: 123 (2013-01-13, Others, 2853KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] totsearch

秉承"大道至简 邦达天下"的设计理念,以灵巧、简单的架构模式构建本管理系统。可根据需求可配置多种类型数据库(当前压缩包支持Access).系统是对多年企业网站设计经验的总结。特别适合于中小型企业网站建设使用。压缩包内包含通用企业网站模板一套,可以用来了解系统标签和设计网站使用,同时我们可以提供网页设计和优化服务。
Adhering to the " Road to Jane Banda world" design philosophy, building the smart, simple architecture management system. Can be configured according to the needs of the many types of database (current compression package supports Access) system is a summary of the years of corporate experience in website design. Particularly suitable for use in small and medium-sized enterprise website construction. Compressed package contains a set of generic corporate website template can be used to understand the system label and design website, we can provide web design and optimization services. (2013-01-13, Others, 2212KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] juhe1.10

WebSite 页面源代码 +GetHtml.aspx 生成HTML入口 +/Yule.aspx 娱乐 +/Renwu.aspx 人物 +/Auto.aspx 汽车 +/OnlineGames.aspx 网游 +/It.aspx IT +/Education.aspx 教育 +/Finance.aspx 金融 +/Tese.aspx 特色
The WebSite Page source code+GetHtml.aspx Images to generate HTML entrance+/Yule.aspx entertainment the the+/Renwu.aspx figures+/Auto.aspx car+ /+ of OnlineGames.aspx online /+ of It.aspx the IT/Education.aspx education+/Finance The. the aspx financial+/Tese.aspx Features (2013-01-11, Others, 191KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] IabcWeb2.1

简易建站系统(IabcWeb),天易CES系统组成部分之一,是一个功能强大、操作人性化、搜索引擎优化、高效性、安全性的Web系统,是企业迈进电子商务化必经的一个门槛,同时也是宣传企业一个强有力的利器。 二、安装步骤 上传安装文件包到指定目录,直接运行即可。 后台用户名:admin 密码:iabcweb
Simple Station system (IabcWeb), one of the components the days easy CES system is a powerful operation humane, search engine optimization, efficiency and security of the Web system, is the enterprise forward e-commerce must pass through a threshold, also the publicity enterprises a powerful weapon. Installation steps uploaded installation file package to the specified directory, and can be run directly. Backstage Username: admin password: iabcweb (2013-01-10, Others, 2156KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] dcore_1.0build120813

Dcore is a lightweight and flexible, easy to use lightweight CMS system, well suited for the establishment of a personal blog or corporate display site. (2012-08-17, Others, 2127KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] ShyPost4.7

ShyPost enterprise management system is a set of ASP-based intelligent website software! Interface novel and beautiful, dynamic fashion, is a set of services SMEs CMS content management system, low threshold for the use of software, without specialized computer knowledge, full background operation management, operation simple and powerful software also has a very strong scalability, can be adapted to the different needs of various industries (2012-07-28, Others, 3034KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] Mikeenglishv

Corporate portal. classifying of navigation in the basic information and product information, contact, and download the landing, video online, etc. the other program simple, easy to modify. the account password : admin admin888 (2012-01-08, Others, 3111KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] softhy120I

云枫工作室企业网站Version3.0是由云枫工作室独立开发的一个适用于普通企业的网站展示系统.系统环境:asp+access(注:网站风格是与其它版本不相同的,并不是其它版本的升级版) 网站功能主要有新闻管理系统、信息管理系统、产品管理系统、人才招聘管理、友情链接管理、通讯信息管理、
Curly maple studio Web Site Version3.0 is independently developed by the Curly maple studio one for the website display system of ordinary business. System environment: asp+ access (Note: The site style is the same with the other version, not the other version of the upgrade version of) the main function of a news site management system, information management, product management, recruitment management, links management, communications, information management, (2010-05-03, Others, 1251KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] fjqq_cn_lady2010

程序特点: ·占用空间小,建站成本低,无需等待,马上就可以拥有海量网站数据; ·免更新免维护,管理方便,操作简单,实现全站后台管理的全自动采集;
Procedure Characteristics: small space, establishment of low cost, no wait, we can immediately have a massive web data · maintenance-free updates, easy management, simple operation, to achieve the station' s back office management automatic acquisition (2010-05-03, Others, 258KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] ASP131jxc

ASP企业进销存管理系统+论文 后台数据库采用SQL Server 2000
ASP enterprise management system ADOMS+ Paper back-end database using SQL Server 2000 (2008-06-29, Others, 2626KB, 下载151次)


[WEB开发] pic

安装与运行说明 1、该程序需要.Net精简框架集2.0的支持,请确保设备安装了.Net精简框架集2.0。 .Net CF2.0下载地址:http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=zh-cn&FamilyID=aea55f2f-07b5-4a8c-8a44-b4e1b196d5c0 2、直接把china.exe和pic目录(含目录下的文件),直接复制到设备任意一个目录即可。 3、运行china2008.exe,即可进行奥运场馆的查询。 叶帆 Email:yefan@vip.sina.com blog:http://blog.csdn.net/yefanqiu 2007年11月13日
Installation and operation of Note 1, the program needs. Net Framework 2.0 to streamline support, make sure that the equipment installed. Net framework set streamline 2.0. . Net CF2.0 Download Address: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=zh-cn (2008-05-23, Others, 2793KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] ST_EnterpriseOnlineInfoManage

用asp.net(c#)做的企业信息管理系统,内有 数据库设计及系统源代码。
Using asp.net (c#) Do enterprise information management system, there are database design and system source code. (2007-12-20, Others, 705KB, 下载15次)


[WEB开发] News3.0

wap 新闻发布系统,协助编程爱好者方便和学习。本系统直接就可以使用。
wap press release systems to help facilitate and learning programming enthusiasts. The system can use directly. (2007-11-07, Others, 2010KB, 下载129次)
