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[SQL Server] SQL Server数据库技术手册

SQL Server 是Microsoft 公司推出的关系型数据库管理系统。具有使用方便可伸缩性好与相关软件集成程度高等优点,可跨越从运行Microsoft Windows 98 的膝上型电脑到运行Microsoft Windows 2012 的大型多处理器的服务器等多种平台使用。 Microsoft SQL Server 是一个全面的数据库平台,使用集成的商业智能 (BI)工具提供了企业级的数据 (2022-02-21, SQL, 22446KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] 数据库设计指南

如果把企业的数据比做生命所必需的血液, 那么数据库的设计就是应用中最重要的一部分。 有关数据 库设计的材料汗牛充栋, 大学学位课程里也有专门的讲述。 不过, 就如我们反复强调的那样, 再好的 老师也比不过经验的教诲。
If the enterprise data is compared to the blood necessary for life, then the design of the database is the most important part of the application. relevant data The materials designed by the library are abundant, and there are also special descriptions in university degree courses. However, as we have repeatedly stressed, no matter how good Teachers can't compare with experience. (2020-08-31, SQL, 54KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] PMS

With the rapid development of China' s market economy, human resources management system plays an increasingly important role in the day-to-day management of the enterprise. Human resources management system for file management, discipline management and payroll management, facilitate the processing of internal employee salary information. In addition, in order to more easily view the salary information of employees, wage information through Crystal Reports print. (2013-04-22, SQL, 1128KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] SQL-Server2005-Examples

本书精选了7 个当前应用最广泛的数据库系统,详细介绍了使用SQL Server 2005 开发数据库管理系 统的思路、方法和技术。主要内容包括天下鲜美食网、电子商城、物流信息网、供求信息网、企业客户管 理系统、学生管理系统、图书综合管理系统等。这些系统既可以独立使用,也可作为综合管理系统的重要 组成部分。
Book a selection of seven of the most widely used database system, described in detail the development of database management using SQL Server 2005 System of ideas, methods and techniques. The main contents include the world of fresh food network, electronic mall, logistics network, supply and demand information network, enterprise customers tubes Management systems, student management system, library management system. These systems are either independent use, also can be used as the importance of an integrated management system Component. (2012-05-16, SQL, 12128KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] The_Art_of_SQL

For all the buzz about trendy IT techniques, data processing is still at the core of our systems, especially now that enterprises all over the world are confronted with exploding volumes of data. Database performance has become a major headache, and most IT departments believe that developers should provide simple SQL code to solve immediate problems and let DBAs tune any "bad SQL" later. (2011-11-18, SQL, 1647KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] 12

SQL语句创建可更新的简单视图和包含聚合函数的不可更新视图,SQL语句对所创建的2类视图进行查询,SQL语句对所创建的2类视图进行更新 4.利用SQL语句删除视图 5.利用企业管理器创建、删除视图,以及对视图进行浏览
SQL statement to create a simple view can be updated and include non-renewable view of aggregate functions, SQL statements created two classes of view, query, SQL statements created two classes of view update 4. The use of SQL statements to delete the view 5. Use Enterprise Manager to create, delete the view, as well as browse the view (2009-12-24, SQL, 547KB, 下载6次)


[SQL Server] MySQL_procedure

本书是为需要了解5.0版本新特性的MySQL老用户而写的。简单的来说是介绍了“存储过程、触发器、视图、信息架构视图”,这是介绍MySQL 5.0新特性丛书的第一集。希望这 本书能像内行专家那样与您进行对话,用简单的问题、例子让你学到需要的知识。 为了达到这样的目的,我会从每一个细节开始慢的为大家建立概念,最后会给大家展示 较大的实用例,在学习之前也许大家会认为这个用例很难,但是只要跟着课程去学,相 信很快就能掌握。
This book is for the need to understand new features of version 5.0 of MySQL written in the old users. Simple example is to introduce a (2008-10-27, SQL, 467KB, 下载16次)


[SQL Server] c

通过本实验加深对SQL Server 2000环境下数据定义语言的理解,能够熟练地建立数据库,并通过SQL语句来建立一个新的SQL Server设备管理数据库,使用SQL的数据定义功能建立数据库中的各个基本表(共3个),并按要求对有关表进行修改。 每次操作后通过企业管理器查看有关对象的变化。创建和修改基本表、创建和取消索引。
Through better understanding of this experiment under SQL Server 2000 data definition language understanding, able to skillfully build up a database, and through the SQL statements to create a new SQL Server Device Manager database, use SQL data definition, function to establish a database of all the basic table (a total of three), as required on the table to edit. After each operation through the Enterprise Manager view information about the object changes. Create and modify the basic form, the creation and abolition of the index. (2008-10-09, SQL, 729KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] PPSdatabase.sql

学生作品展示平台数据库设计sql源码参考,内容包括.表1学员信息数据表(member_info) 2 表2企业代表信息表(agent_info) 2 表3平台管理员信息表(admin_info) 3 表4学员作品信息(production_info) 3 表4.1学员作品附件信息表(porduction_enclose_info) 4 表5人才需求信息表(WorkerReq_info) 4 表6开发需求信息表(DevReq) 4
Students work platform reference source sql database design, including. Table 1 student information data sheet (member_info) 2 Table 2 companies on behalf of the Information Table (agent_info) 2 Table 3 platform administrator information table (admin_info) 3 Table 4 trainees work information (production_info) 3 Table 4.1 Annex student work information table (porduction_enclose_info) 4 Table 5 Table talent demand information (WorkerReq_info) 4 Table 6 development needs information table (DevReq) 4 (2008-07-15, SQL, 1KB, 下载8次)


[SQL Server] sql2000kc

《SQL Server 2000课程设计案例精编》-李昆(案例四 企业员工资料管理系统)利用VB+SQL Server 2000进行课程设计,用一个通用的企业员工资料管理系统来介绍人事管理系统的实现过程。 案例四 企业员工资料管理系统 4.1 程序设计目的 4.2 程序功能介绍 4.3 程序设计 4.3.1 后台数据库设计 4.3.2 类模块设计 4.3.3 用户登录系统设计 4.3.4 系统主界面设计 4.3.5 员工信息管理系统设计 4.3.6 员工工资管理系统设计 4.3.7 员工部门/职务变动管理系统设计 4.3.8 用户管理系统设计 4.4 小结 4.5 课后作业 4.6 答案解析
SQL Server 2000 Short Course Design Case - Li Kun (case IV employees the information management system) using VB+ SQL Server 2000 for curriculum design, use of a common information management system for enterprise employees to introduce the personnel management system to achieve the process. Four cases of employee data management system designed to process 4.1 program features 4.2 Programming 4.3.1 Introduction 4.3 Background 4.3.2 database design class module design 4.3.3 users sign-on system design 4.3.4 System 4.3.5 main interface design information management staff System 4.3.6, wages and salaries of employees Management System 4.3.7 Department/job change management system design 4.3.8 User Management System 4.4 operating 4.6 Summary 4.5 after-school answer to resolve (2008-06-23, SQL, 538KB, 下载55次)


[SQL Server] wl

第三方物流信息管理平台 1、数据库配置: 需要打开MS SQL SERVER 2000企业管理器,将logistics_Data附加到数据库中。 2、系统运行: 附加数据库成功后,请打开“源程序”文件夹下的“物流信息”文件夹,再打开“test007”文件夹下的“bin”中的“Debug”,双击运行test007.exe即可。 3、系统用户: 系统登录账号为:1 密码为:1
Third-party logistics information management platform 1, the database configuration: the need to open the MS SQL SERVER 2000 Enterprise Manager, will be attached to logistics_Data database. 2, system is running: After the success of additional databases, please open the source folder under Logistics Information folder, then open test007 folder under the bin in the Debug , double-click to run test007. exe to. 3, users of the system: the system registry account for: 1 password: 1 (2007-12-04, SQL, 11015KB, 下载79次)


[SQL Server] 实验1 SQL SERVER 2000上机环境

一. 熟悉SQLSERVER2000上机环境、了解SQLSERVER2000各个组件的作用、学习使用SQL SERVER联机丛书。要求能够巩固数据库的基础知识,掌握使用SQL Server2000企业管理器方法创建数据库、查看和修改数据库的属性、缩小与删除数据库。
one. Sqlserver2000 familiar with the environment on the plane, Sqlserver2000 understanding of the role of various components, learning to use SQL Server Books Online. Asked to consolidate the basis of the database of knowledge, using the SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager to create the database method, to view and modify the attribute database, narrow and delete database. (2006-01-03, SQL, 24KB, 下载25次)
