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按分类查找All 其他书籍(72) 
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[其他书籍] 基于反演策略的星基ADS-B信号译码方法

To solve the problem of low decoding accuracy of satellite based broadcast automatic correlation surveillance (ADS-B) signal at low SNR, a satellite based ADS-B decoding technology based on inversion strategy is proposed (2021-03-18, PDF, 925KB, 下载0次)


[其他书籍] white-paper-of-cyber-physical-system

Cyber physical system (2017-05-17, PDF, 3394KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] NC6.3

NC6.3 data dictionary (all), UF NC enterprise management software (2017-02-23, PDF, 74KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] The-Communication-Theory

The Communication Theory Sixth Edition _ Fan Changxin _ Cao Lina after-school answer (full version), I hope for your help! (2013-02-25, PDF, 12236KB, 下载18次)


[其他书籍] Hacker-Monthly

《黑客》月刊是news.ycombinator.com 网站黑客新闻组的印刷版,这是一个深受黑客和企业创始人喜欢的网站之一。本pdf是2010年六月刊。
" Hacker" magazine site is hacker news group news.ycombinator.com print version, which is a popular favorite hacker site, and one of founders. The pdf is the June issue of 2010. (2011-05-26, PDF, 589KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] air-conditioner

变频空调器的原理与优点 海信变频空调电控故障讲解 IPM组件典型故障分析
Principle and advantages of inverter air conditioner inverter air conditioner electronic control Hisense explain IPM component failure analysis of typical faults (2011-03-25, PDF, 7087KB, 下载23次)


[其他书籍] DataStage_Guide_CN

IBM DataStage 中文学习资料,很难找的中文资料,入门者必备学习资料之一
IBM DataStage Chinese learning materials, it is difficult to find the Chinese data, one data entry person must learn (2011-03-09, PDF, 10758KB, 下载56次)


[其他书籍] At-present-only-four-companies-have-the-right-

目前只有4家企业有权生产农用硫酸链霉素At present, only four companies have the right to production of agricultural streptomycin sulfate
At present, only four companies have the right to production of agricultural streptomycin sulfate (2010-11-24, PDF, 40KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] Evolving.Application.Domains.of.Data.Warehousing

Data warehouse technology matures, the needs of large enterprise data processing more and more urgent, the document describes the latest data mining technologies and methods. (2010-11-24, PDF, 8033KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] Cortex-M3_CN

Cortex-M3权威指南,宋岩著,中文清晰版。 非常好的Cortex核入门资料。
Cortex-M3 The Definitive Guide, Song Yan the Chinese a clear version. A very good introductory information on the nuclear Cortex. (2010-03-22, PDF, 4864KB, 下载178次)


[其他书籍] NSISchs

1、此教程的最新版本可从 轻狂编程资源网 下载得到。 2、此教程由少轻狂收集于网络并添加修改了部分内容制作成CHM文档,以便于网络分发。如果您有更好的意见或建议,请与少轻狂联系:www.flighty.cn shaoqingkuang@163.com 3、少轻狂使用的编译环境为NSIS 2.11和HM VNISEdit 2.0.3,少轻狂不保证NSIS脚本文件能够在其他编译环境中通过,如有问题请自行检查脚本文件。 3、少轻狂提供教程文件的本意只是让大家互相学习提高,并不为您使用此教程可能造成的损失负责。
Setup Scrip (2010-01-07, PDF, 284KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] OpenCL48_CN

opencl1.0规范中文版 经过近半年的埋头码字,终于得成正果,最近又根据最新的revision48做了修正,保留了附录中的例子 NOTE:仅校对了前几章,后面的还未进行校对,不过后面大多数都是介绍API的,所以应该不会有太大问题,如有讹误,请以英文版为准,千万不要开骂:( 最近研究tex,后面可能会用tex重新整理,暂时先用此word->pdf版本
OpenCL 1.0 Specification Chinese (2009-11-14, PDF, 3738KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] CRM

Microsoft CRM 可帮助中型企业生成有利的客户关系。雇员通过集成的市场营销、销售和客户服务功能共享信息,促进销售成功并提供统一、高效的客户服务。 使用 Microsoft .NET 连接技术生成的 Microsoft CRM 易于部署、自定义和使用。Microsoft Outlook 与其他业务应用程序进行了集成,并可随着公司的发展壮大而扩展。
Microsoft CRM 可帮助中型企业生成有利的客户关系。雇员通过集成的市场营销、销售和客户服务功能共享信息,促进销售成功并提供统一、高效的客户服务。 使用 Microsoft .NET 连接技术生成的 Microsoft CRM 易于部署、自定义和使用。Microsoft Outlook 与其他业务应用程序进行了集成,并可随着公司的发展壮大而扩展。 (2009-08-02, PDF, 2751KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] model

The book outlined a variety of models and describe a variety of perspectives and relationships in accordance with their classification methods of the new organization, and then discuss a few points of which involved 32 kinds of patterns, and explains how they are integrated into enterprise solutions (2009-07-08, PDF, 4495KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] Operations_Management

本书比较系统地阐述了现代生产管理中最新的、具有代表性的思想、方 式和方法。如:物料需要计划(MRP)和制造资源计划(MRPⅡ);准时化生 产方式(JIT);柔性制造系统(FMS);以及计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)。 在编写中,结合我国企业的实践,特别侧重于上述思想、方式和方法在我国 企业中应用的可能性,以及必需具备的环境条件,并列举了一些已有效应用 上述方法的我国企业的典型案例。
This book systematically expounded the latest in modern production management, and a representative of the thinking of ways and means. Such as: materials need to plan (MRP) and manufacturing resource planning (MRP Ⅱ) just-in-time production (JIT) flexible manufacturing system (FMS) and computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS). At the time of writing, the combination of the practice of China' s enterprises, with particular emphasis on the above-mentioned ideas, ways and means in our country the possibility of enterprise applications, as well as the environmental conditions necessary for, and lists some of the effective application of these methods a typical case of China' s enterprises . (2009-06-09, PDF, 436KB, 下载27次)


[其他书籍] Moinwiki_install_on_windows

Moinwiki install windows at the manual! According to the manual steps, you can deploy your business a strong platform for wiki collaboration. (2009-04-08, PDF, 122KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] MangBook

德隆是最大的民营企业之一。德隆在辉煌时刻,其运作模式曾吸引了许多企业家探讨;而德隆的突然崩塌,同样应该引起人们警醒。目前德隆危机渐趋平缓,但德隆对中国企业的启示却有长久的意义。   本书追踪了德隆从崛起到危机的全过程,资料丰富详实。不仅首次披露了德隆国际战略投资有限公司的37个股东的隐秘身份,还全面展示了德隆自救行动的“A计划”。是目前了解德隆最全面、最深入的读本。
Delong is one of the largest private enterprises. Delong in the glorious moment, its mode of operation has attracted a lot of entrepreneurs to explore and the sudden collapse of Delong, the same people should be vigilant. Delong current crisis is becoming flat, but Delong inspiration for Chinese enterprises have long-term significance. Delong book tracks the rise of the crisis from the whole process of information-rich and detailed. Disclosed for the first time not only the Delong International Strategic Investment Co., Ltd. 37 to shareholders of the secret identity, but also a comprehensive display of self-help measures Delong " A Plan." Learn Delong is the most comprehensive and in depth read. (2009-04-06, PDF, 1608KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] IT

IT procurement staff to see how tight pockets, IT Performance who is responsible, chief executive officer of the IT business concept .... a lot of useful information on all trades (2008-12-09, PDF, 2395KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] LPC2141_42_44_46_48_1_cn

This is a series of chips LPC2141_42_44_46_48_1 Chinese data, costs a lot of time to find and come up with to share! (2008-11-21, PDF, 478KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] 270B

西门子技术支持网站简介 当您在使用西门子产品时可能遇到这样或是那样的问题,没关系,您可以登陆西门 子技术支持与服务网站来查找您需要的信息. 网站链接为: http://www.ad.siemens.com.cn/service/ 登陆网站后,您可以点击相关链接,查找您想要得信息,其中在"网上课堂"可以 下载西门子技术支持工程师编写的常问问题和使用入门文档,点击网页左侧的"技 术资源",进入后将显示语言切换到英文(点击网页的右上角"English"),然后 在"Search"输入框中输入您要查找的相关内容,如下载升级软件包,或是查找错 误代码的解释,或是查找相关产品的信息等等,您可能会找到很多条链接,您可以 从中选择您所需要的内容,您还可以通过点击"Product Support"进入西门子的 产品信息库,通过点击左侧的相关文件链接可以查找到西门子相关产品的详细信 息.如果您经常使用网站信息,您会觉得它已成为您解决问题的得力助手. (2008-07-17, PDF, 2679KB, 下载2次)
