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按分类查找All JavaScript/JQuery(73) 
按平台查找All JavaScript(73) 

[JavaScript/JQuery] MINI-ARCADE

Mini Arcade project – your one-stop destination for a nostalgic gaming experience right in your browser! Say goodbye to installations and hello to hours of entertainment with our collection of classic games that evoke the golden age of arcades. (2024-03-28, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] PublicAPI_Hub

Explore a diverse collection of categorized APIs, designed to empower developers, data enthusiasts, and entrepreneurs. (2024-03-08, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Web-AnimePalooza

Welcome to AnimePalooza, your ultimate destination for streaming the latest and greatest anime, movies, TV shows, dramas, manga, and more. Dive into a world of endless entertainment with our vast collection of anime content. (2024-02-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] MLD-B2B

使用React和Tailwind CSS设计的React JS Startup和小型企业网站模板
A React JS Startup and small business website template designed using React and Tailwind CSS (2024-01-27, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] job-helper

使用job Helper简化您的求职!这款功能强大的仪表板使用户能够轻松发送电子邮件、管理求职信、简历...
Streamline your job hunt with Job-Helper! This powerful dashboard empowers users to effortlessly send emails, manage cover letters, CVs, and craft compelling motivation messages to land their dream jobs. Elevate your job application game today! (2023-11-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] libroneto

Libroneto is a responsive web and serverless application designed to keep track of the operations of a small business. This application was built using React.js and Material UI (2023-07-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jquery-weui

由于前端业界早已以React Vue Angular为主,个人也多年未使用过jQuery,此仓库已不再维护。推荐大家尽快转向 AntD、Element等更先进的UI库,<https: ant.design >, [https: elem...](https: element.eleme.io # zh-CN)
由于前端业界早已以React Vue Angular为主,个人也多年未使用过jQuery,此仓库已不再维护。推荐大家尽快转向 AntD、Element等更先进的UI库,<https: ant.design >, [https: elem...](https: element.eleme.io # zh-CN) (2019-12-26, JavaScript, 3611KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] WeiXinEnterprises

The WeChat enterprise public account interface develops JSP source code, which defines a rich JAVA WeChat operation class (2020-05-28, JavaScript, 1239KB, 下载5次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 15 201520181135王勤生招聘网站

people search job and some company found employee,when the internet coming,all developing (2019-03-06, JavaScript, 161KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] WEB3.0控件开发包V1.0.9_CN_带配置库

Web 控件 V3.0 基于 ActiveX 和 NPAPI 开发,接口封装于 javascript 脚本,以 javascript 接口形式提供用户 集成,支持网页上实现预览、回放、云台控制等功能。该控件开发包仅支持 B/S 网页开发,不适用于 C/S 开发。
The Web control V3.0 is developed based on ActiveX and NPAPI, the interface is encapsulated in the JavaScript script, provides user integration in the form of JavaScript interface, and supports the functions of preview, playback and cloud platform control on the web page. (2018-04-12, JavaScript, 19252KB, 下载4次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jsp200308142244

To download the e-books, teacher training, I felt about business, to share with you (2010-12-27, JavaScript, 4028KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Ext

Extjs examples, including database connections, add, delete, modify, interface layout (2010-11-12, JavaScript, 9053KB, 下载334次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jquery-easyui-Tutorial

chm 格式 的 jquery easyui 指南
jquery-easyui-Tutorial (2010-07-10, JavaScript, 361KB, 下载90次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] IxEdit_pack_cn

IxEdit中文版 所见即所得的jQuery设计工具
IxEdit is a JavaScript-based interaction design tool for the web. With IxEdit, designers can practice DOM-scripting without coding to change, add, move, or transform elements dynamically on your web pages. Especially, IxEdit must be useful to try various interactions rapidly in the prototyping phase of your web application. (2009-12-28, JavaScript, 245KB, 下载3次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 359t

companyweb整站系统V5.0版本发布 框架:struts2+spring2.5+hibernate3.2+freemarker+jquery1.3+mysql5.0 主要功能: 1. 文章(新闻)管理系统 2. 能够作为简易CMS系统 3. 网站模版风格支持 4. 企业网站整站系统 5. 门户信息网站系统 6. 个人博客信息发布系统
companyweb Station System V5.0 release the whole framework: struts2+ spring2.5+ hibernate3.2+ freemarker+ jquery1.3+ mysql5.0 main functions: 1. article (News) Management System 2. can be used as simple CMS system 3. Web site templates style support 4. enterprise website entire station system 5. Portal information website system 6. Personal blog Information Dissemination System (2009-11-30, JavaScript, 18975KB, 下载183次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jquery-1.2.6-vsdoc-cn

The source of the jquery some simple annotations, research source for those who like a certain extent help (2009-09-28, JavaScript, 44KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] BlockGame

Jigsaw puzzle, providing three kinds of maps, more than 10 kinds of MP3 as background music. Full use of javascript+ HTML programming. For learning and entertainment. Prohibit commercial. (2009-09-07, JavaScript, 37458KB, 下载74次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] EXT_API.chm

程序修改:EXT中文技术网 EXT交流QQ群:56250758 网址:http://www.myext.cn 欢迎大家学习交流....
Ext API, In your application,it can help you develop happily. (2009-05-22, JavaScript, 1559KB, 下载31次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] mootools_doc1.2_cn

A powerful open-source javascript controls, only recently in 2012. There are its source and the api description (2009-01-17, JavaScript, 549KB, 下载41次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jquery_api

文档说明   本文档旨在帮助广大javascript爱好者快速了解jquery库,以及供广大应用jquery进行开发的人员 提供一个速查手册!   本文档资源来自于jquery.org.cn,部分内容直接翻译或copy自jquery.com!感谢jquery框架开发者 John Resig及其所在的jQuery team.为我们提供这么好的javascript开发类库,感谢jquery.org.cn为 翻译做出的努力! 注意事项 本文档大部分内容收集其网络,所以任何涉jQuery的法律及权益的问题与本文档整理者无关!
Document Description This document is designed to help the vast numbers of fans quickly understand the jQuery javascript library jQuery, as well as for the vast number of applications developed to provide a manual Info! Resources in this document from jquery.org.cn, part of the contents of a direct translation or copy from jquery.com! JQuery framework for developers to thank John Resig and where the jQuery team. Provide us with the development of such a good javascript library, thanks for the translation jquery.org.cn efforts! Note most of the contents of this document the collection of its network, and therefore, any related laws and the rights and interests of jQuery problems and in this document are not related to finishing! (2008-09-22, JavaScript, 105KB, 下载8次)
