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[.net编程] 11

RaiseDreams means to make a dream. It is an enterprise level website platform that will be prepared by the financial tycoon and the enterprise, using the asp.net+MsSQL database as the system architecture, the front desk uses the html5+css3 modern HTML language to build the high quality online public research platform. (2018-04-12, ASP, 19195KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] 222

E-business system is a new generation of enterprise e-business management system developed by the company. It is a set of solutions to large and medium-sized enterprise level e-commerce platform. It has a full set of enterprise e-business support tools: from site construction to commodity display, inventory management, processing from orders to online payments and customers. The household relationship management, from the promotion purchase to the sales analysis financial management and other auxiliary decision-making tools, from the information content management in the station to the online support for the recruitment of talent, and so on. (2018-04-07, ASP, 25011KB, 下载9次)


[.net编程] Webdiskv4.1

Webdisk Taoyuan network hard drive. NetV4.1 enterprise SQL fully cracked version of the program (including installation instructions) (2014-02-14, ASP, 8064KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] smsWebForm1.0

短信的收发功能 适用于大中小型企业、商场、酒店等,面向企事业单位开发的短信收发系统。
SMS send and receive functions for large and small businesses, shopping malls, hotels, etc., for the development of enterprises and institutions messaging system. (2013-09-10, ASP, 38KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] NewStartPoint

Good start enterprises station source code, database+ code, asp.net+ sqlserver2005, to those who study for reference, (2013-06-20, ASP, 14090KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] sysshopshixiantest

面向企业的 用户购物管理系统,主要是为了方便大家学习,这是开源的
Business-oriented users shopping management system, mainly in order to facilitate learning, which is open source (2013-05-29, ASP, 5592KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] ASPNET--source-code

简单企业网站 形同界面比较简洁 很好用 我自己看过几次 在.net 2.0 下运行,兼容性很好
Simple interface is relatively simple corporate website is tantamount to good use I have read several times in. Net 2.0 to run under good compatibility (2013-05-22, ASP, 2608KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] qy

I use an enterprise portal design source code can be downloaded to be used directly, without error. (2013-05-19, ASP, 1933KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] D_Release_1.12

秉承"大道至简 邦达天下"的设计理念,以灵巧、简单的架构模式构建本管理系统。可根据需求可配置多种类型数据库(当前压缩包支持Access).系统是对多年企业网站设计经验的总结。特别适合于中小型企业网站建设使用。压缩包内包含通用企业网站模板一套,可以用来了解系统标签和设计网站使用,同时我们可以提供网页设计和优化服务。
Adhering to the "road to Jane BangDa world" design philosophy, dexterity, simple architecture model construction of this management system. But according to demand can be equipped with various types of database (the current compression bag support Access). System is for many years enterprise website design experience summary. Particularly suitable for small and medium-sized enterprise website construction use. Compressed packet contains general enterprise website templates a set, can be used to understand the system label and design web site use, and at the same time we can provide web design and optimization of service. (2012-11-20, ASP, 1303KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] KstCMS

The KstCMS Enterprises Website system is based. NET3.5 framework the VS10 development, content management is divided into five parts, namely, single-page management, product management, article management, image management and download management, single page, product, Articles section is relatively perfect, KstCMS has been applied to develop a public corporate website, the official website has a large number of application cases development of KstCMS is developed for efficiency and SEO and website building enterprise Web site management system, so use KSTCMS Jianzhan effective website building efficiency can be greatly improved ... (2012-10-23, ASP, 4437KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] GanNiao_2.0

赶鸟企业网站管理系统是在已往系统的基础上经过重新设计和架构形成的。系统以任务为主导和以通用企业网站管理为目标而构建,前台页面精美漂亮、速度超快,后台功能强大、简单易用。整套系统完整无错,是企业建站之必备良品。 功能介绍: 基本设置:网站信息、联系方式、联系我们等; 产品管理:分类管理、产品管理; 新闻管理:分类管理、新闻管理;
Catch birds enterprise website management system is formed after the re-design and architecture on the system in the past. Task oriented and generic enterprise website management goals and build on, the front page is exquisitely beautiful, super-fast, powerful background, simple and easy to use. The entire system complete error-free is a must-Buy.com Ichiban. Features: basic settings: Site Information, Contact, Contact Us Product Management: category management, product management News management: category management, news management (2012-09-07, ASP, 2243KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] TDMSe

Technical document management system, developed based on the ASP.Net environment, can pipe internal variety of technical documentation. , (2012-08-14, ASP, 392KB, 下载15次)


[.net编程] AyWeb

asp.net+mysql 简单的企业网站
asp.net+ mysql simple corporate website (2012-06-29, ASP, 2644KB, 下载34次)


[.net编程] suzhouwuliu

本系统是物流信息网站: 网站首页 货源信息 车源信息 专线信息 企业信息 仓储信息 招聘信息 发布信息 新闻动态 联系我们 这些模块 你可以通过注册然后进行登陆
Logistics management system source code (2011-08-20, ASP, 3926KB, 下载8次)


[.net编程] enterprise

To produce their own enterprise business management system, including contract management, customer management, user management, according to criteria query functions (2009-12-24, ASP, 286KB, 下载19次)


[.net编程] MyQQ_For_Company

基于ASP.NET后台代码采用C#,数据库为SQL 2005的企业群发QQ系统,非常实用。功能完整强大。
Based on the ASP.NET code-behind using C#, database SQL 2005 Enterprise mass QQ system, very useful. Powerful full-featured. (2009-09-08, ASP, 889KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] wangshangshudian

Enterprise-class ASP.NET+2.0 proficient in project development, source code for online bookstore system (2009-05-23, ASP, 665KB, 下载10次)


[.net编程] bingfenwang

当初要做一个.net 的企业网站管理系统,但在互联网上找不到好的。asp版本的企业系统到是一大把,于是我就把一个asp的企业网站管理系统改成了.net 版本,就是现在这个。至于改谁的我忘了,毕竟asp做的企业网站系统太多了,大多是互相拷贝的,因为大部份都是开源的,换个界面,换个名字就在网上卖了。 本程序源码全部公开,仅供学习交使用,请误用于商业用途,网页编辑器采用的是FreeTextBox。 主要功能模块如下: 常规管理 基本设置 | 友情链接 新闻中心 添加新闻 | 管理新闻 作品展示 分类管理 | 作品管理 | 添加作品 | 设想中... 人才招聘 招聘列表 | 添加招聘 关于我们 关于我们 | 添加新项 其它管理 管理员密码变更 客户留言管理 上传图片清理 App_Data下为Access数据库文件,为了安全(防止被下载)建议不要修改路径 后台登录admin/login.aspx,用户名密码分别是admin/admin888
To be a first. Net enterprise website management system, but can not find on the Internet good. asp version of the enterprise systems that is a lot, so I put an asp web site management system of enterprises has been changed. net version is now. As to who I forgot, after all, asp web site system to do too many companies, most of them copy each other, because most of them are open source, change interface, change the name of selling on the web. Open-source all of the procedures, only to learn to pay to use, please mistakenly used for commercial purposes, the page editor is used in FreeTextBox. (2009-04-10, ASP, 2528KB, 下载35次)


[.net编程] enterprisepersonnelmanageet

ASP.NET 企业人事管理,功能强大,代码明了,是你找工作之前必看的源代码!
ASP.NET enterprise personnel management, powerful, code to understand, are looking for a job before you see the source code! (2009-03-04, ASP, 3835KB, 下载79次)


[.net编程] exam

天柏在线考试系统》是上海天柏科技针对企业、政府机构、教育单位而设计的新一代纯B/S架构通用网络考试系统,全面实现了考试工作的网络化、无纸化、自动化。该系统可用于INTERNET和局域网在线考试 ,最多可以承载近千人的同时在线考试任务,而且对服务器的配置要求非常低,客户端不用任何设置。通过强大的后台设置功能,用户可以根据自身需要设定考试功能,几乎能满足企业、政府机构、教育单位的所有需求。
err (2008-06-16, ASP, 15934KB, 下载710次)
