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按平台查找All CHM(65) 

[ICQ弱点检测代码] rimdpoaw

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) plays an important role in today's business operation. (2018-10-16, CHM, 7KB, 下载0次)


[行业发展研究] IP.Storage.Networking

加里·奥伦斯坦介绍了IP存储、iSCSI,和相关技术,然后展示了如何将它们集成到一个整体存储策略对于最大化可用性和业务敏捷性。范围包括:架构 软件基础设施 虚拟化 安全 存储政策 外包 测量投资回报率投资企业存储。
IP Storage Networking: Straight to the Core is your complete blueprint for planning, deploying, managing, and maximizing the business value of enterprise storage. Gary Orenstein introduces IP storage, iSCSI, and related technologies then shows how to integrate them into an overall storage strategy for maximizing availability and business agility. Coverage includes: architecture software infrastructure virtualization security storage policies outsourcing and measuring ROI on enterprise storage investments. (2012-06-01, CHM, 5138KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Design.Patterns(Cn.App.Articles)1.0

Design patterns (Chinese language articles).Azeri version Itabashi explain the GOF design patterns. For each design pattern, by definition, and why to use, how to use, and implementation to explain. (2011-05-21, CHM, 133KB, 下载7次)


[Java编程] JavaEE_CN

Java EE 5 API 文档中文版。本资源自网上搜索而来,感谢作者的分享。
Java EE 5 API documentation Chinese version. The resources come from web search, thanks to the author' s share. (2011-05-17, CHM, 6955KB, 下载69次)


[单片机开发] MDK_help_cn

MDK most detailed Chinese manual. keil is currently the most widely used compiler software, compiler and ARM processors including the 51, including most of the processing applications. This document details the use of the software and some advanced applications of basic instructions. (2010-12-12, CHM, 19672KB, 下载265次)


[.net编程] vss

ASP.NET企业实战VSS应用 看了以后可以详细的学会vss建服务器 和 设置客户端
VSS Enterprise actual ASP.NET application can read the details later learned vss build server and client settings (2010-04-30, CHM, 3780KB, 下载5次)


[VC书籍] DOS

文章列表: 1,DOS系统的安装 2,恢复误删文件--DOS命令应用实例(一) 3,合并VCD片断、快速删除文件夹--DOS命令应用实例(二) 4,低格、分区、高格的应对--DOS命令应用实例(三) 5,清除CMOS密码--DOS命令应用实例(四) 6,一劳永逸--批处理命令(一) 7,让CIH永不发作--批处理命令(二) 8,巧设开机密码等--批处理命令(三) 9,DOS经典软件 10,DOS经典游戏
List of articles: 1, DOS system installation 2, restore mistakenly deleted files- DOS Command Applications (1) 3, the merger VCD clips, quick delete folders- DOS Command Applications (2) 4, low-grid, zoning, high-cell responses- DOS Command Applications (3) 5, clear the CMOS password- DOS Command Applications (4) 6, once and for all- a batch command (1) 7, so that CIH never attack- a batch command (2) 8, Qiao-based power-on password, etc.- a batch command (3) 9, DOS classic software 10, DOS Classics (2010-03-15, CHM, 572KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] ManagementModeShouldNotBeKnownByEmployees

Management mode should not be known by employees (2010-02-05, CHM, 112KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] ApressEnterpriseJavaforSAP

SAP customers for enterprise-class Java development, describes how a typical closed SAP environment to the Java open, how to use enterprise-class Java technologies such as: JSP, JDBC, EJB to communicate with the SAP environment for (2009-12-15, CHM, 4238KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] HGE_CN

Classic 2D game engine HGE Chinese language reference manual, is a rare data, and now HGE has been open, the game developers a good choice. (2009-09-29, CHM, 216KB, 下载12次)


[企业管理] delphi

思飞通用进销存管理软件是思飞科技软件设计工作室开发的一套面向中小型企业的管理软件,系统易学易用,实现一些初步的计算机化的管理,代替了传统的人工管理方式,在降低成本的同时提高了企业的工作效率。 软件包括强大的数据存储、查询和汇总功能,提供多角度的业务分析报表和数据查询;严谨的权限和业务流程控制、系统自动维护和备份功能确保数据的安全性;智能化预警功能监测存货的短缺、超储等异常状况,确保企业生产经营正常进行。 相信使用了本系统,一定会为您企业的经营管理带来更多的便捷,使企业的优势在激烈的市场竞争中日益显现。
Think of flying General Invoicing management software is thought to fly software design studio developed a set of small and medium-sized enterprise management software, the system easy to learn and use and achieve some initial computer-based management, in lieu of the traditional management methods of artificial in reducing costs while improving the efficiency of the enterprise. Software includes a powerful data storage, query and aggregate functions, to provide the perspective of the business analysis and data query statements strict control of authority and business processes, system maintenance and backup functions automatically to ensure the security of data intelligent early warning function to monitor inventory shortage of storage such as super-abnormal conditions, to ensure normal production and operation. Believe that the use of the system, will definitely help your business more efficient management, the advantages of the enterprise in the fierce competition in the marke (2009-06-26, CHM, 794KB, 下载18次)


[企业管理] EnterpriseLibrary2.0

Enterprise Library是微软Patterns & Practices 项目组 推出的公共模块解决方案,用来解决我们在企业级开发中遇到公共问题,如配置管理、数据访问、缓存管理、记录操作日志、异常管理、加密解密、权限管理等。
Enterprise Library is Microsoft Patterns & Practices project team launched a public module solutions to solve our enterprise-class development in the face of public questions, such as configuration management, data access, cache management, record operating logs, exception management, encryption and decryption , permissions management. (2009-03-12, CHM, 3634KB, 下载13次)


[软件设计/软件工程] juyuwangzyjian

Enterprise LAN on the establishment and management of paper, detailing the establishment of local area network. (2009-02-07, CHM, 503KB, 下载11次)


[其他书籍] Elanguagelesson

A learning E best language tutorials, detailed and beginners to see the most suitable. CHM format is to facilitate the watch. Another MFC from entry to the master of the CHM format, and some friends, please contact E-mail: vbkyweb @ yahoo. com.cn to thank (2009-01-10, CHM, 1354KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] PatternsofEnterpriseApplicationArchitecture-Englis

Enterprise application framework (English), enterprise architecture design, and if you want to study architecture design process and not just designed to see if other stations have this Chinese version of the book and still we see Shuang original, there are interest can be under (2008-11-30, CHM, 968KB, 下载17次)


[Java编程] Hibernate3.1_DOC_CN

Chinese hibernate3.1 documentation, very good document, if you use data persistence layer, I believe that you have a great help (2008-05-08, CHM, 288KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] effectiveC++_cn

we thank lostmouse hematemesis for us such a good C works. hope that we will support him and hope that he can continue to bring us more and better articles. (2007-06-13, CHM, 249KB, 下载29次)


[matlab编程] matlab_cn_help

matlab的chm格式之帮助手册 短小精悍型的手册,可以在忘记命令的时候迅速查出命令
Matlab chm format- help manuals short and pithy manual forget in order to identify quickly when orders (2007-06-03, CHM, 1004KB, 下载82次)


[Java编程] javalx_cn

with any human language, Java provides us with a way to express ideas. If operating properly, as compared with other methods, as the problems have become larger and more complex, This expression to the convenience and flexibility will be shown. (2006-12-18, CHM, 674KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] SQL_Server_2000菜鸟入门

本篇文章介绍了安装SQL Server 2000企业版的软硬件配置要求,安装过程的详细步骤,以及初步使用SQL Server 2000.
This article introduced the installation of SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition software and hardware configuration requirements, the installation process in detail the steps, and the initial use of SQL Server 2000. (2005-08-17, CHM, 405KB, 下载19次)
