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按分类查找All 3G/4G/5G开发(42) 
按平台查找All matlab(42) 

[3G/4G/5G开发] Example3_1

Generate a real OFDM symbol by assigning conjugate symmetric data to each subcarrier of the OFDM signal; (2) add a cyclic prefix and a cyclic suffix to the OFDM symbol; (3) add a window to the OFDM symbol. What is added in the program is a raised cosine window. You can observe the effect of adding different raised cosine windows on the OFDM signal spectrum by changing the roll-off coefficient of the raised cosine window; (4) The channel adopts additive Gaussian white noise channel. The channel environment can be changed by changing the signal-to-noise ratio,thereby observing the influence of the channel on OFDM signal transmission through bit error rate or constellation diagram at the receiving end; (5) Remove the cyclic prefix and suffix, and demodulate the OFDM signal (2020-11-05, matlab, 3KB, 下载2次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] LTE_baseband_simulation

LTE基带收发仿真系统,在该仿真平台中,分为4种运行模式 ? 第一种模式为载入小区参数(仅发端)。参数配置从题目给定的’小区参数.dat’文件中读取参数。并将题目给的’业务数据.dat’作为发送的信息比特,对其进行基带的处理。 ? 第二种模式为手动配置参数(仅发端)。使用者可通过界面上的提供的选项,为基站的基带处理配置参数。有效参数包括系统公共参数、用户公共参数、用户独立参数以及仿真次数。 ? 第三种模式为仿真BLER曲线(包含发端收端)。使用者除了配置第二种模式的选项外,还可以选择第三列的参数。第三列里的参数选项主要包括接收方式配置、仿真信噪比区间、信道的选择等参数。程序运行结束后,会在右下角的绘图区域显示本次仿真的误块率曲线。 ? 第四种模式为载入已有BLER曲线。因为得到误块率曲线花费的时间很长,使用者可以载入预先仿真好的部分曲线。
LTE baseband simulation of PDSCH process about physical layer aspect,including single antenna spatial multiplexing and transmit divisity. (2010-08-15, matlab, 132KB, 下载707次)
