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[WEB开发] shycms_v14.2

Shypost enterprise management system supports up to more than 20 sets of templates, with the characteristics of novel interface appearance, template diversity, dynamic fashion etc., is a set of services in the CMS content management system for small and medium-sized enterprises, whether individuals, enterprises can quickly build their own enterprise website, software use threshold low, without professional computer knowledge, background operation management, the operation is simple and powerful, the system also supports link function, and can customize the site public part of the file information, convenient to call operation. (2016-05-06, Visual C++, 2460KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wxqywz_blue_v3.1

Network new enterprise website management system is a professional for the individual and enterprise web site development and development of an intelligent program. The program based ASP+ ACCESS development environment, with perfect website onstage and the backstage the intelligence of management functions, completely by the back office operations (such as add, modify the basic site information, products, business news, etc.) to generate static front interface page file in HTML format. (2016-04-19, Visual C++, 4181KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] bandc

Scientists have discovered how the Ebola virus enters cells and infects humans, marking a major breakthrough in the battle against the virus (2016-01-24, Visual C++, 597KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] zmcms_utf-8_v6.01

追梦企业网站管理系统(zmcms)是 由追梦工作室基于asp+access/mssql 自主研发而成。我们致力于中小企业网站的搭建。根据现有企业的需求。开发适合企业的模块, 让企业可以轻松搭建适合自己企业的网站,后台功能强大,管理便捷。代码简单易懂,适合二次开发。 我们认为“简单就是美”,因此一直以来,追梦工作室在开发过程中无处不充分考虑用户的使用习惯,尽最大可能降低用户的使用门槛,让用户关注于内容维护本身,而不需 要投入过多的时间来学习系统的使用技巧,在细节处下大工夫。
Dream enterprise website management system (zmcms) is formed by the dream studio based on asp+access/mssql independent research and development. We are committed to small and medium-sized enterprises to build website. According to the existing enterprises demand. Suitable for the development of enterprises so that enterprises can easily build module, suitable for their own business web site, a powerful back office functions, easy management. The code is simple to understand, for the two time development. We think that simple is beautiful , it has always been the dream studio in the development process without fully considering the user s habits, as much as possible, reduce the use of the user threshold, let users focus on content to maintain itself, without spending too much time to learn to use the skills system in details. The next big time. (2014-12-05, Visual C++, 2414KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Tseo_v7.9

企业seo优化模板 html asp 后台登陆账号密码默认为 admin
Business seo optimized template html asp BackManager default is admin account password (2014-05-23, Visual C++, 3151KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] test

Can convert image to binary, upload a file is very useful to the enterprise (2014-04-21, Visual C++, 29KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] wangmeng.cn_af

一个聊天室的代码,ASP ,功能齐全,对刚学asp的朋友来说是一个很好的学习例子。
a chat room code, ASP, multifunctional asp just learning right friends is a good example of learning. (2013-09-26, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] YidaCms_v2_build20130425

 YidaCms易达外贸企业建站系统 UTF8版,管理模块的功能有:服务器环境查看、网站基本设置、新闻管理、产品管理、图文管理、模板管理、产品帮助等。易达企业CMS功能完备、后台设计优美、操作舒适,功能全部可用,欢迎需要建设外贸类网站的企业用户下载测试
VTech YidaCms foreign trade enterprises establishment of systems UTF8, management module functions: View server environment, site basic settings, news management, product management, graphics management, template management, product help. The accessible CMS function is complete, beautiful background design, ease of operation, all of the available features, foreign trade class website Welcome to the need to build enterprise users to download test (2013-04-27, Visual C++, 1823KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] YidaCms_X2

Free open source enterprise YiDaCms accessibility Station system, Access and MSSQL two database, easy to handle and with a high degree of continuation of the development of content and knowledge management system for small to medium website. Accessible Build your system fully supports the upload picture watermark, online mail notification powerful component function. Also supports the columns two classifications, the free version is the dynamic version, the function does not limit the commercial version supports static HTML and do not want to use static Build your friends, YiDaCms accessible free open source Build your system or can be used. (2013-04-20, Visual C++, 1969KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] BSystemDevwewu

Corporate documents, we try to download play, as if there are forums function, this is the latest version. .. (2012-07-22, Visual C++, 804KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] chahua2216

绿色花纹商城网页模板 绿色 花纹 商城 网站 企业 div CSS JS 模板
Web template store green green pattern pattern Mall website template business div CSS JS (2011-11-27, Visual C++, 271KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] chahua2213

空间域名主机网站模板 空间 域名 主机 网站 企业 div CSS JS 模板
Space domain host domain host web site template space enterprise div CSS JS template (2011-11-27, Visual C++, 144KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] xngl(1)

: VB Enterprise Edition cement sales management system. Additional statistical functions. ACCESS database (2011-11-08, Visual C++, 435KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] yothcms1.0_xiuzheng

YothCMS是由 石家庄优斯科技有限公司开发的一套完全开源建站系统,主要面向企业进行快速的建造简洁,高效,易用,安全的公司企业网门户站,稍具技术的开发人员就能够使用本系统以最低的成本、最少的人力投入在最短的时间内架设一个功能齐全、性能优越的公司企业网站。
YothCMS by Adams Technology Co., Ltd. Shijiazhuang excellent development of a fully open source station system, mainly for the construction business for fast simple, efficient, easy to use, secure corporate network portals, with a bit of technology developers able to use the system at minimum cost, minimum human input in the shortest period of time set up a fully functional, superior performance of corporate website. (2011-07-25, Visual C++, 3708KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] help

完全免费的公司企业批发商产品分类报价管理系统 ASP产品在线报价绝对是公司企业产品在网上报价销售管理好程序程序特点 1,产品大/小类自定,无限制数量 2,可上传大/小图片 3,简介和祥细信息可分开 4,分类顺序可以调 5,强劲的前后台管理 6, 清爽的界面,非常可靠的稳定性


[WEB开发] websitetemplates

A simple but very useful website template for many small companies use the site (2010-08-19, Visual C++, 931KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] AspWeb

Local need to install IIS, you can test your dynamic web page development, function is complete, dynamic web page designers can fully meet the test requirements. Union City ASPWeb server. (2009-12-15, Visual C++, 836KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] Talking

talking each other (2009-04-20, Visual C++, 1779KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] v6847_jobken

自助式小型企业网,可以免费使用 但要尊重作者相应的权利
Self-service small business network, you can use free of charge but must respect the right of the corresponding author (2007-11-27, Visual C++, 465KB, 下载13次)


[WEB开发] web.config

通过微软的最新技术ASP.NET2.0开发一个类似BtoC、CtoC的企业产品信息发布系统。 整体设计思想与规划: 用Firework设计图形,CSS定义五种界面外观,分别为:黑、黄、蓝、绿、朱。更加突出企业网站外观的个性选择。 用Visual Studio .NET2005做为开发工具,ASP.NET2.0与C#相结合,用 ACCESS数据库储存整个系统的信息。
through Microsoft's latest technology ASP.NET2.0 development of a similar BtoC. CtoC enterprise product information dissemination system. Overall design and planning : Firework design graphics, CSS five interface definition appearance, namely : black, yellow, blue, green, Zhu. Enterprise websites more prominent appearance of personality choice. Using Visual Studio.NET2005 as a development tool, ASP.NET2.0 and C# combined with ACCESS database storage of information throughout the system. (2007-01-14, Visual C++, 658KB, 下载283次)
