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[通讯编程] ShortMessageSystem

Mass messaging system, in a number of business a wide range of companies, when the company has a new notification to tell the staff in the field, normally used by calling the way, so although things can make it clear, but when the staff out for a long time compared , the heavy workload, in order to resolve this problem, can develop an enterprise management system for mass text messaging. Short Message management system for enterprises mainly use the hardware to send SMS text messages a cat and can view the SIM card text messages received. (2009-07-16, Visual C++, 722KB, 下载5次)


[通讯编程] TCP_OCX_ALL

tcp 通讯客户端我已经有一个自己写的CProEdit类,打算将这个功能用控件实现,所以在建立OCX控件时选择了在EDIT基础上开发,我想只要得到EDIT类的变量M_EDIT ,再将M_EDIT的类型改为 CProEdit就可以实现了, 可我没有办法得到EDIT类的变量,请高手指点一下,如果这种方法不行要怎么实现 本篇文章来源于 www.itzhe.cn IT者网站 原文链接:http://www.286it.com/news/20081006/245167.html
tcp communication client I already have a category CProEdit wrote it myself, intend to use controls to achieve this function, so in the establishment of the selection of OCX controls in EDIT developed on the basis, I would like to receive EDIT category as long as the variables M_EDIT, then the M_EDIT type to CProEdit can be achieved, and may be I can not EDIT the variable category, please expert advice, if this method will not work how to achieve this article from the original site www.itzhe.cn IT link: http:// www.286it.com/news/20081006/245167.html (2008-11-22, Visual C++, 97KB, 下载4次)
