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[其他书籍] Radargrammetry

靳​ 国​ 旺​ 、​ 张​ 红​ 敏​ 、​ 徐​ 青​ ​ 编​ 著​ ,​ 2​ 0​ 1​ 5​ 年​ 4​ 月​ ,​ 中​ 海​ 达​ 测​ 绘​ 地​ 理​ 信​ 息​ 科​ 技​ 出​ 版​ 基​ 金​ 项​ 目​ 资​ 助​ ,​ 测​ 绘​ 出​ 版​ 社​ 出​ 版​ ,​ 雷​ 达​ 摄​ 影​ 测​ 量​ ,​ 高​ 等​ 学​ 校​ 教​ 材​ 。
Jin Guowang, Zhang Hongmin,Xu Qing, Radargrammetry. (2015-04-09, Visual C++, 1212KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] Survey_on_SMT

The paper gives a survey on three approaches of statistical machine translation and the evaluation methods used in SMT. (2010-02-22, Visual C++, 123KB, 下载18次)


[其他书籍] 41

This document illustrates how to achieve a high degree of optimal routing in an enterprise network connected to multiple Internet service providers (ISPs), while minimizing the memory requirements of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routers. This is achieved by using AS_PATH filters for accepting only routes originated from an ISP and its directly connected autonomous systems, instead of receiving the full BGP routing table from an ISP. (2010-01-07, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] 3040995285

This book systematically on the basis of the theory of information theory, including: information and measurement information discrete and continuous source of information entropy source channel and channel capacity average distortion and information rate-distortion function source coding and channel coding theorem network information theory and the theory of secrecy systems. The book also introduced the practice of information theory in communications engineering application, while a brief introduction to information theory in thermodynamics, optics, statistics, biomedical and other applications in other disciplines. This book can be used for institutions of higher learning radio technology, information technology, communications, computers and other specialized undergraduate and postgraduate courses in information theory textbook, but also for acoustic management science and related professional post-graduate teaching, research and engineering officers. (2009-06-21, Visual C++, 9174KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] digitalaudiocompression(AC3)A52

ac3标准文档,杜比数字AC-3(Dolby Digital AC-3)是杜比公司开发的新一代家庭影院多声道数字音频系统。杜比定向逻辑系统是一个模拟系统。它的四个声道是从编码后的两个声道分解出来的,因此难免有分离度不佳、信噪比不高,对环绕声缺乏立体感,并且环绕声的频带窄等缺点。
ac3 standard documents, Dolby Digital AC-3 (Dolby Digital AC-3) is Dolby has developed a new generation of home theater multi-channel digital audio system. Dolby Pro Logic system is a simulation system. It is from the four-channel encoded by the two-channel decomposition, have poor separation, signal to noise ratio is not high, on three-dimensional sense of a lack of surround sound and surround sound, such as the shortcomings of a narrow band. (2009-04-15, Visual C++, 532KB, 下载78次)


[其他书籍] C_chengxuyuan_mianshibaodian

C programmers interview book download (pdf version), no way, I find a lot of this electronic version of this book, this is what I see most clearly the. Written by very good! With many enterprises, the company s face questions. In need of a friend can download to see! (2009-01-02, Visual C++, 4222KB, 下载93次)


[其他书籍] always

辉煌之地 幸福之源  ? ?   ——“香巴拉”中国第一家装门户网站  ?   家是心灵的归宿、幸福的天堂;装饰一个梦想中的家已成为越来越多人执著的追求。那么,请到“香巴拉”来,体验我们全面、权威、专业、多元的一站式家装服务。唯有“香巴拉”家装不可复制的天成之美,可为您造一方理想的圣地。   “香巴拉”家装网站作为成熟的行业代言品牌,突破性地实现:全面反映行业发展动态;超大容量再现企业、产品信息;以客户需求为导向建立庞大的服务体系;追求实现包括企业和消费者在内的目标用户最高实用价值;服务功能的创新性、权威性直接积极地引导市场,从而成为中国家装业第一门户。   “香巴拉”凝聚250多位美居专家、800多家大型装修公司、3000多个知名家装建材品牌以及超过200000种的精选优质家装建材产品的智慧和支持,打造承载“全程家装产业链”的网络互动平台,给予每个家庭无所不在的帮助。   “香巴拉”同时超越了传统家装网站,从单纯的信息集散地变为家装行业供求状况的晴雨表,全面把握行情风尚的主窗口;汇聚所有参与、关注、热爱家装事业的朋友,成为“家装人”栖居的乐园。 (2008-05-23, Visual C++, 1934KB, 下载13次)


[其他书籍] aybook.cn_xdystjs0202

搜索巨人Google和Autonomy,一家出售信息恢复工具的公司,都使用了贝叶斯定理(Bayesian principles)为数据搜索提供近似的(但是技术上不确切)结果。研究人员还使用贝叶斯模型来判断症状和疾病之间的相互关系,创建个人机器人,开发能够根据数据和经验来决定行动的人工智能设备。
Search giant Google and Autonomy, a sale of information-retrieval tools which are using the Bayes theorem (Bayesian principles) for the data search to provide similar (but technically incorrect) results. The researchers also used Bayesian models to determine the symptoms and the interrelationship between diseases, create personal robots, developed based on data and experience to determine the action of artificial intelligence equipment. (2008-03-26, Visual C++, 5498KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] ThinkinCOM

COM insider, the main stresses COM+ Principle and enterprise application of the original English e-books, learning good information on COM. (2007-08-08, Visual C++, 6403KB, 下载88次)
