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[SQL Server] 200728009

摘要:现在我们处在一个信息量高度膨胀地时代。人们处理的信息越来越多,几乎比过去成几何倍数的增长。人们对信息处理工具-计算机的要求越来越高。本汽车销售管理系统是为满足企业汽车销售前期和后期的流程实践需求而作的,该系统是以vs2003为前台开发工具,Microsoft SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库开发的。 本文以管理信息系统建设中的汽车销售系统的开发为背景,论述了管理信息系统的概念、结构及系统开发的基本原理和方法,首先从系统的开发工具和主要技术进行论述,然后从系统的定位结构设计,系统总体设计,数据库设计和具体的模块设计进行讲述,最后是系统的调试。
Abstract: Now we are in a high degree of expansion of the information age. People with more and more information, almost doubled compared to the past as the geometric growth. People on the information processing tools- computers increasingly demanding. The auto sales management system is to meet the pre-and post-sales process for the needs of practice, the system is vs2003 prospects for development tools, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database development as the background. Based on management information systems in the building of car sales system development as the background, discussed the concept of management information systems, systems development and structure of the basic principles and methods, first of all from the system development tools and major technology exposition, and then the system Location structural design, system design, database design and specific design of the module on, and finally the system debugging. (2010-12-01, Visual Basic, 1369KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] kaoshi_system

1.本系统提供了两个版本,一个为SQL Server版本,另外一个为Access版本。 2.特别注意,运行本程序,需要安装Visual Basic 6.0 +SP5(补丁),不装补丁,则不能使用. 3.考试学员的默认账号为public,密码为1。 4.管理员的默认账号为administrator,密码为administrator。 5.如果采用Access数据库,则不需要任何配置。 6.如果采用SQL Server,则需要首先创建数据库。 通过SQL Server的企业管理器创建数据库“exam”,创建步骤同图书馆信息系统。创建完毕以后,右键点击刚创建的数据库“exam”,在弹出菜单中选择【所有任务】->【还原数据库】,在弹出的对话框中选择“从设备”单选按钮,然后单击“选择设备”按钮。在弹出的对话框中单击“添加”按钮,然后从弹出的对话框中选择“文件名”单选按钮,单击“...”按钮,选择SQL Server版本的“data”目录下的“exam”文件,依次单击“确定”按钮。 数据库恢复成功,即可运行本程序。
vb program connect to database (2009-11-23, Visual Basic, 11500KB, 下载5次)



企业营销管理系统程序使用说明(VB+SQL2000)将目录data下的db_Csell_Data.MDF和db_Csell_Log.LDF文件拷贝到SQL Server 2000的“MSSQL”->“data”目录下. 如果没有安装Sql Server,请先安装Sql Server,安装SQL SERVER 2000数据库时,在身份安全验证机制选项中 必须要选择“Windows和Sql server混合安全验证机制。SA的密码设置为空。如果您已经安装好了Sql Server 2000,
Enterprise Marketing Management System procedures for use (VB+ SQL2000) directory data under db_Csell_Data.MDF and db_Csell_Log.LDF files are copied to the SQL Server 2000 the MSSQL -> data directory. If you do not have Sql Server, please the installation of Sql Server, install the SQL SERVER 2000 database, the identity of the security authentication mechanism options must choose Windows and Sql server mixed security authentication mechanism. SA password is set to air. If you have already installed Sql Server 2000, (2008-09-02, Visual Basic, 4010KB, 下载48次)
