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[J2ME] ynoa

办公自动化(OA: OFFICE AUTOMATION)就是采用Internet/Intranet技术,基于工作流概念,使企业内部人员方便快捷地共享信息,高效协同工作;改变过去复杂、低效的手工办公方式。
Office Automation (OA: OFFICE AUTOMATION) is based on the Internet/Intranet technology. Based on the workflow concept, the internal staff can share information conveniently and quickly, and work together efficiently; changing the complex and inefficient manual office methods in the past. (2019-08-14, Java, 384KB, 下载1次)


[J2ME] J2ME_MobileSourceCode

Book starting from the current mainstream applications and development trends of the J2ME mobile phone platform based on real case, practical technology and application mode of the J2ME mobile platform. The contents of the book include: phone file system, network communications, wireless communications (SMS communication, MMS communication and Bluetooth communication), the underlying user interface application (game development and the electronic map browsing), multimedia programming (music player, video player and the acquisition of camera video, etc.), the application of persistent, mobile business applications (object database db4o and embedded relational database Derby) and XML model applications. The book mainly for the developer with some Java platform development experience, or Java programmers interested in the mobile platform. For starters, I hope that the book can help them quickly familiar with the development environment, to master the methods of learning mobile platform an (2012-07-19, Java, 776KB, 下载10次)



J2EE的概述 目前,Java 2平台有3个版本,它们是适用于小型设备和智能卡的Java 2平台Micro版(Java 2 Platform Micro Edition,J2ME)、适用于桌面系统的Java 2平台标准版(Java 2 Platform Standard Edition,J2SE)、适用于创建服务器应用程序和服务的Java 2平台企业版(Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition,J2EE)。
J2EE的概念 目前,Java 2平台有3个版本,它们是适用于小型设备和智能卡的Java 2平台Micro版(Java 2 Platform Micro Edition,J2ME)、适用于桌面系统的Java 2平台标准版(Java 2 Platform Standard Edition,J2SE)、适用于创建服务器应用程序和服务的Java 2平台企业版(Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition,J2EE)。 (2010-09-19, PDF, 3851KB, 下载3次)


[J2ME] j2me-e-book-entry

发信人: matins (matin), 信区: Java 标 题: 初谈J2ME 发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Tue Feb 5 13:34:58 2002) 随着Java技术的不断发展,它根据市场进一步细分为针对企业网应用的J2EE(Java 2 Enterprise Edition)、针对普通PC应用的J2SE(Java 2 Standard Edition)和针对嵌 入式设备及消费类电器的J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition)等3个版本(如图1所示)。J2 ME推出之后,Motorola公司作为J2ME的主要支持者,第一个在自己生产的手机上移植了 KVM(千字节虚拟机),又领导全球手机厂家制定了MIDP(移动信息设备框架)规范。那么 ,为什么Motorola对J2ME如此青睐?J2ME究竟魅力何在呢? J2ME能给我们带来什么?
Sender: matins (matin), the letter area: Java Title: On the beginning of J2ME Write station: BBS SMTH (Tue Feb 5 13:34:58 2002) As Java technology continues to evolve, it is further broken down according to the market for enterprise Web applications, J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), for general PC applications, J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition) and for the embedding -In equipment and consumer appliances J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) and other three versions (shown in Figure 1). J2 ME launch of, Motorola Corporation as a major supporter of J2ME, the first mobile phone in its own production of transplant KVM (kilobyte virtual machine), but also the world s leading mobile phone manufacturers to develop a MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) specification. Then Why Motorola for J2ME so popular? What J2ME charm so? J2ME can give us? (2009-12-03, Java, 335KB, 下载3次)


[J2ME] 08z10178

随嚣无线遵髂技未酶笨断发展和提高,在pe枢上完成砖耪流信息管理系挠在耪滤佥瘦提睡璇务的过程孛隈甓了信息交流转鼹 簿谴。基节髂麓艺翡java手瓿{睾秀羌践姥端设备兵有蘸身薅带酶方硬穰;嚣毙把J2ME技誊瘦耀于耪流信息扰建设中更是一种全新的蕊 路。基于J2ME的物流信息管理系统能太大提高物流企业的置作效率。
Iliac compliance with the noise of wireless technology is not stupid fault enzyme development and enhancement in the pe-axial flow to complete the brick weed Flexible Information Management Department in the weed to sleep thin filter Qian Xuan Okuma Marco Treasury glazed tile process of exchange of information sent to mole book. Mountain Arts Festival iliac-based java hand Fei complete Jian Qiang (Clonorchis show premise equipment basking dip soldiers who have to pull out the hard stalk of grain with enzyme clamor to death to a transcript of J2ME technology-yiu thin flow of information on weed interference construction is a new Rui Road. J2ME-based logistics information management system can improve the logistics company too much for the efficiency of the home. (2009-08-22, Java, 225KB, 下载7次)


[J2ME] 27189_J2ME

" J2ME mobile high-level programming" from the J2ME platform for mobile phone use and development of current trends in the mainstream, the case based on the actual development on the J2ME platform for the development of mobile phone technology and the practical application mode. The contents of this book include: mobile phone file system, network communications, wireless communications (SMS communications, multimedia communications and Bluetooth communication), the bottom of the user interface application (game development and e-map browser), multimedia programming (music player, video player and video capture camera, etc.), durable applications, mobile business applications (Db4o object-oriented database and relational database embedded Derby) and the application of XML model. (2009-08-19, Java, 698KB, 下载89次)


[J2ME] CastleVania

FC Castlevania games J2me source code, the procedure is even half a year ago the level of work, there are many places did not reach the extent of the commercial code. However, this does not prevent beginners from oo to understand some basic ideas and methods of a number of packages. It seems that we should always stand on a higher perspective of their own code, code is not important, thinking it important! (2009-07-05, Java, 108KB, 下载6次)


[J2ME] paletted

用j2me midp1.0,原码正宗,企业用,可以为rpg人物或商店换衣服,节约图片空间,换色板
Using j2me midp1.0, authentic source, enterprise use, you can shop for rpg characters or changing clothes, save picture space, for Color (2009-01-07, Java, 23KB, 下载22次)


[J2ME] xiaomifeng

J2ME虚拟机在手机上的普及为手机游戏的发展提供了最适合的土壤,随着MIDP2.0的发布,特别是其中新增的GameAPI使得手机游戏开发者可以更专注于游戏性的增强而不再是繁琐的动画处理与地图设计,让开发过程变得更加方便迅捷,它是手机游戏发展的重要里程碑。 随着社会节奏的加快,平常工作的竞争强度也加大,生活的压力也跟着加重。所以休息时或下班后大家都需要个休闲的娱乐工具,来放松自己,缓解自己的压力,消除紧张的疲劳状态。连连看游戏是一种意趣休闲的小游戏,不仅能调节精神,还能在游戏中锻炼我们的眼力视野,注意力的专心的程度,开发我们的思维能力,同时可以充实自己,向高等级挑战,培养我们面对困难时自己所具有攻克困难的信心
err (2008-12-16, Java, 42KB, 下载6次)


[J2ME] J2ME_(chinese)api

J2ME 中文api以及应用 J2ME 中文api以及应用
Chinese api as well as J2ME applications and J2ME applications in Chinese api (2008-10-25, Java, 1761KB, 下载2163次)


[J2ME] 070105111827

提供给JAVA入门者,免費下载PPT和源码 很多网友问我学习Java有没有什么捷径,我说“无他,唯手熟尔”。但是我却很愿意将自己学习的一些经验写出来,以便后来者少走弯路,帮助别人是最大的快乐嘛!   要想学好Java,首先要知道Java的大致分类。我们知道,自从Sun推出Java以来,就力图使之无所不包,所以Java发展到现在,按应用来分主要分为三大块:J2SE,J2ME和J2EE,这也就是Sun ONE(Open Net Environment)体系。J2SE就是Java2的标准版,主要用于桌面应用软件的编程;J2ME主要应用于嵌入是系统开发,如手机和PDA的编程;J2EE是Java2的企业版,主要用于分布式的网络程序的开发,如电子商务网站和ERP系统。J2SE开发桌面应用软件比起VC,VB,DELPHI这些传统开发语言来说,优势好象并不明显。J2ME对于初学者来说,好象又有点深奥,而且一般开发者很难有开发环境。所以现在应用最广泛又最好学的就是J2EE了。J2EE又包括许多组件,如JSP,Servlet,JavaBean,EJB,JDBC,JavaMail等。要学习起来可不是一两天的事。   那么又该如何学习J2EE呢?当然Java语法得先看一看的,I/O包,Util包,Lang包你都熟悉了吗?然后再从JSP学起。如果你学过HTML,那么事情要好办的多,如果没有,那你快去补一补HTML基础吧。其 (2007-07-26, Java, 435KB, 下载259次)


[J2ME] Based_on_J2ME_wireless_enterprise_application

enterprise Wireless Application System for the model, Graduation is working on the client-server and the database used for data manipulation severlet control structure, the structure for the web site development and relatively easy to achieve, but used in mobile equipment have different matter Matata ~ (2007-05-01, Java, 182KB, 下载18次)


[J2ME] SplitJoin

开发工具:Java 提供者:伊力特 CreateXML.rar 2005-11-30 136KB 0 ·基于jdom实现xml文件的创建等..... 开发工具:Java 提供者:甘杉 FileOperator.rar 2005-11-29 47KB 5 ·这是一个用java编写类似于notepad文件编辑器.. 开发工具:Java 提供者:郭永 J2ME慢慢学教程.zip 2005-11-29 395KB 3 ·j2me简明教程-初学者的好帮手绝对好看,下次会提供更多的资料。.. 开发工具:Java 提供者:ahu mp3播放器网络版.zip 2005-11-29 497KB 2 ·一个网络版的JAVA制作的MP3播放起的源代码.. 开发工具:Java 提供者:hao Oracle SQL 內置函數大全.rar 2005-11-28 43KB 4 ·Oracle SQL 内置函数大全,Oracle SQL 内置函数大全。.. 开发工具:Java
development tools : Java providers : could use CreateXML.rar 2005-11-30 136KB 0 jdom achieve xml based on the creation of documents such as ..... development tools : Java providers : Kam Shan FileOperator.rar 2005-11-29 Click 5 This is a preparation similar to that used java notepad file editor .. development tools : Java providers : Yong J2ME slowly learning guide. zip 2005-11-29 395KB 3 J2ME Concise Guide-a good helper beginners definitely looks good, the next will provide more information. .. Development tools : Java providers : ahu MP3 player online. Zip 2005-11-29 497KB 2 a network version of the Java produced by the MP3 player with the source code .. development tools : Java providers : hao Oracle SQL built-in functions Daquan. Rar 2005-11-28 43KB 4 Oracle SQL built-in functions Daqu (2005-12-02, Java, 5KB, 下载375次)
