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按分类查找All 视频捕捉采集剪辑(52) 

[视频捕捉采集剪辑] Crazy-SLR

Welcome to the "Crazy SLR" YouTube channel—where every video is a ticket to a world of wonder! Join us on an exciting journey through science, tech, entertainment, and adventure, as we explore the coolest experiments around. Get ready for mind-blowing discoveries, fresh ideas, and endless inspiration! (2024-04-04, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] video-editing

Video Caddy提供各种格式的专家视频编辑服务,从企业视频到婚礼电影。他们使用先进的技术来提供卓越的效果,包括颜色校正、特殊效果和过渡。他们对客户满意度的承诺确保了无限制修改的抛光最终产品。
Video Caddy delivers expert video editing services for various formats from corporate videos to wedding films. They use advanced tech to provide superior results, including color correction, special effects, and transitions. Their commitment to customer satisfaction ensures polished final products with unlimited revisions. (2024-01-31, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] -tengcent-mayi-meite-Java-7th

腾讯课堂-每特教育&蚂蚁课堂-2021年Java互联网企业架构技术VIP课程第7期-完结-剪辑版 百度网盘 视频下载
Tencent Classroom - MyTe Education&Ant Classroom - The 7th VIP Course of Java Internet Enterprise Architecture Technology in 2021- Completion - Video download of Baidu online disk (2021-10-03, Others, 132KB, 下载0次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] Maxcms5.2

Max CMS (maxcms) would like you to think, do what you have done! Let Video Website easier to use! Max Program (MaxCMS) open source, free, powerful, robust security, high performance, super easy to use, many templates, plug complete advantage of by many companies and webmasters alike. (2016-05-21, ASP, 1976KB, 下载2次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] MaxCms4.0.2015.01.12

Max Program (MaxCMS) open source, free, powerful, robust security, high performance, super easy to use, many templates, plug complete advantage of by many companies and webmasters alike. Max CMS of choice for beginners to quickly set up the website, you can create a massive video message website in 5 minutes. (2016-05-21, ASP, 2330KB, 下载2次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] BadAppleSharp-Source

The use of auxiliary software will be black and white video by frame after the separation, put in the in folder, start the software will automatically read the folder pictures, and then generate TXT files, the text files can be used for liquid crystal display module, can also be used for console display. Pure entertainment. (2014-12-22, C#, 12KB, 下载2次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] download

  有别于传统视频会议系统的多插件安装, 蒲公英视频会议远程教学是一款无下载、免安装的绿色全新产品。同时还具备即时通讯功能,在经济、便捷、适用、安全等方面都取得了重大突破。完全基于web的全新会议模式,用户只需打开网页即可使用,彻底打破地域限制,支持多场会议同时进行,充分满足现代企业多个分支机构之间的沟通需求。 系统应用   视频会议系统作为行业技术领先、功能全面的代表性产品,被广泛应用于网络视频会议、协同办公、在线培训、远程医疗、远程教育中,并受到客户的一致好评。 应用行业   视频会议系统基于强大的音视频效果和会议协作能力,应用极为广泛,能满足各行各业对视频会议的需求。 桌面应用配置   对于桌面型终端配置,推荐用户使用USB接口的网络摄像头及耳麦,接上台式计算机或笔记本电脑就可以召开软件视频会议,十分方便快捷。 会议室应用配置   会议室型终端要求较高的音视频质量,我们推荐用户使用相对高端的设备,如投影仪和投影幕、会议室专用 CCD 自动变焦摄像头和视频采集卡、定向麦克风和会议室专用音响系统等。
Unlike traditional video conferencing systems and more plug-in installation , video conferencing distance learning dandelion is a free download , free installation of a green new product . It also includes instant messaging , economic, convenient, applicable , and security have made a major breakthrough. Entirely new web-based conferencing mode , users simply open a Web page can be used to completely break the geographical restrictions , support for multiple sessions at the same time , a number of branches to fully meet the communication needs of modern enterprises. System Application Video conferencing systems as the industry leading technology, fully functional representation of the product , is widely used in network video conferencing, collaborative office , online training , telemedicine, distance education , and by the praise of customers. By Industry Video conferencing systems based on the powerful audio and video effects and conference collaboration capabilities , wid (2014-03-06, Flex, 17803KB, 下载39次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] H_264_AVC_RC

提出了一种新颖的编码特性预测机制,较为充分地利用了视频信源的时空相关性,改进了率失真建模的 有效性 利用Lagrangian优化理论推导出两种率失真优化的位分配方案,并实现了相应的码率控制算法,即线性模 型算法和二次模型算法.大量实验数据表明:线性模型算法和二次模型算法的编码效率基本上相同,而前者的码率 控制能力稍优于后者 和H·264/AVC参考软件中所采用的JVT G012码率控制算法相比,两种新算法在获得更高 编码效率的同时,能够更加准确地控制输出码率.
 In this work, a novel coding characteristics prediction scheme is presented to improve R-D modeling, by exploiting spatio-temporal correlations. Two different approaches to the prob- lem of optimum bit allocation at a macroblock-by-macroblock basis are achieved, one of which is developed on a modified MPEG-4 Q2 rate model and the other on a linear rate model. Extensive experiments show that the linear scheme is a bit more accurate than the quadratic one while they achieve similar coding performance. It′s also shown that both the two schemes significantly ex- ceed JVT G012, the current standardized RC scheme. (2013-07-16, Visual C++, 815KB, 下载2次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] 601bbb81ee45

Video keyframe, you know,,,,,,,,,,,,. (2012-08-11, Visual C++, 400KB, 下载8次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] sdk_cn_3.1.1.5

Hikvision DVR SDK development package, including the 8100 series DVR all of the features of the VC implementation code, currently the main use of video surveillance Hikvision DVR, the SDK software development kit is useful for monitoring (2011-03-26, Visual C++, 5599KB, 下载117次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] tvp5150

tvp5150 Video Decoder Chip driver, cpu through i2c control of the chip Add to Driver driver/i2c/chips directory, and the makefile to accede to the document can be driven compiler. (2007-01-10, C/C++, 2KB, 下载458次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] 利用VC++开发数据采集系统

信成为可能,因而用户可以用计算机控制仪器,可 以依赖计算机为工具开发自己的强有力的软件来增强 自己的仪器系统的功能,使他能够分析和处理特定的 数据并显示结果,而不是限于仪器的固
letter as possible, so users can use computer-controlled equipment, it can rely on the computer as a tool to develop their own powerful software to enhance their own instrument system functions, so that he can analyze and process-specific data and display the results and not be confined to equipment Solid (2005-08-14, Visual C++, 14KB, 下载148次)
