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[文件操作] api

Tiny letters platform interface code can be uploaded directly to their own space, to obtain an address and then copied to the micro-letter public platform token for the the file token value, the definition of the word (2013-05-12, PHP, 1KB, 下载24次)


[文件操作] ApkRename

Apk rename.把android的apk安装包按格式重命名。执行时必须与aapt.exe在同一个文件夹。
Apk the rename android apk rename the installation package according to the format. Implementation must be in the same folder with aapt.exe. (2012-05-07, Visual C++, 356KB, 下载49次)


[文件操作] VBScriptaADSI

ADSI VBS and batch operation on the domain server scripts, medium-sized network needs. Batch directory operations can develop software using VBScript or Jscript scripting. Need to know: AD object attributes, LDAP, modify the sample script would be of great help. (2011-07-26, VBScript, 10KB, 下载10次)


[文件操作] praticalsystem

利用EXCEL VBA编写的一些企业实用系统文件,实现办公的自动化。当然这些只是模板,实际应用时要根据情况对宏程序进行改变。
Prepared using EXCEL VBA utility system files in some enterprises, to achieve office automation. Of course these are just the template, the actual application of the macro according to the situation to change. (2011-05-15, Visual Basic, 705KB, 下载13次)


[文件操作] MINSortDict

Minidx字典整理程序源代码发布 几千条数据排序并去除重复纪录可以有很多排序算法直接内存中操作,但是假如说有几百万条记录需要处理,那就不一定适用了。这个程序最初的目的为了解决Minidx字典中重复数据的问题,但是发现写文件时I/O限制比较明显,虽然可以解决问题,但是效果却不怎么样。 工程基于VS2005,MFC的Unicode模式下编译的,利用了Sqlite3.5.0,作了C++封装处理。写处理中开启了事务. 相关链接 http://cn.minidx.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=88&Itemid=9
Finishing Minidx dictionary source code release of thousands of data to sort and remove duplicate records can have a lot of sorting algorithm to operate directly in memory, but if that has millions of records that need to be addressed, it does not necessarily apply. The original objective of this procedure in order to resolve the duplication of data dictionary Minidx, but found time to write a document I/O limitations more obvious, although the problem can be solved, but not how to effect. Works based on the VS2005, MFC compile the Unicode mode, the use of Sqlite3.5.0, made C++ Package deal. Write a deal to open the Services. Http://cn.minidx.com/index.php?option=com_content (2008-07-23, Visual C++, 1924KB, 下载15次)


[文件操作] javadirtree

java实现系统目录树控件 //导入以下类 import cn.xcode.framework.gui.useModule.xFilesTree.FilesTreeManager //在面板初始化的地方 FilesTreeManager ftm=new FilesTreeManager() //新增一个文件目录树总管对象 JTree tree=ftm.getFilesTree() //新增一个JTree对象,把ftm.getFilesTree()赋值给它这个树就是系统文件目录树了; ftm.setShowHidenFiles(true) //设置是否显示隐藏文件 ftm.setShowFilesMode(ftm.SHOWFILESMODE_ALL) //显示的模式有两种(ftm.SHOWFILESMODE_ALL 显示全部
java realization of the system directory tree control// into the following categories of import cn.xcode.framework.gui.useModule.xFilesTree.FilesTreeManager// in the panel to initialize the local FilesTreeManager ftm = new FilesTreeManager ()// add a file directory Object Explorer tree JTree tree = ftm.getFilesTree ()// add a JTree object to ftm.getFilesTree () assigned to it by the tree is a tree system files ftm.setShowHidenFiles (true)// Set whether to display hidden document ftm.setShowFilesMode (ftm.SHOWFILESMODE_ALL)// show mode, there are two (ftm.SHOWFILESMODE_ALL Show All (2008-06-19, Java, 148KB, 下载25次)
