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[嵌入式Linux] iscsi-automount

此回购包含(2)个脚本:“config iscsi storage.sh”配置系统d服务以在启动时连接到LUN,“config iscsi storage mounts.sh”创建系统d装载以在LUN连接后装载iscsi磁盘。编写这些代码的最初用例是一篇关于配置一堆Raspberry Pi(8GB模型)以在64位Ubuntu上运行Docker应用程序的HowTo文章。然而,只要稍作调整,它们就可以很容易地适应企业用例。
This repo contains (2) scripts: "config-iscsi-storage.sh" configures a systemd service to connect to a LUN on boot and "config-iscsi-storage-mounts.sh" creates the systemd mount to mount the iscsi disk AFTER the LUN has been connected. The original use case for writing these was for a HowTo article on configuring a pile of Raspberry Pi s- the 8GB models- to run Docker applications on 64bit Ubuntu. However, with a small bit of tweaking they could easily be adapted to enterprise use cases. (2024-04-08, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] VK2C22A/B高抗干扰段码LCD液晶驱动芯片多

VK2C22A/B概述: VK2C22A/B是一个点阵式存储映射的LCD驱动器,可支持最大176点(44SEGx4COM)的LCD屏。单片机可通过I2C接口配置显示参数和读写显示数据,也可通过指令进入省电模式。其高抗干扰,低功耗的特性适用于水电气表以及工控仪表类产品。 联 系 人:王楚芹 Q Q:288, 5232, 378 联系手机:188 ,2366 ,3425(信) 特点: ? (2022-06-14, Java, 2754KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] Linux设备驱动开发详解4.0内核(非扫描版)

Linux设备驱动开发详解4.0内核(非扫描版).pdf 技术日新月异,产业斗转星移,滚滚红尘,消逝的事物太多,新事物的诞生也更迅猛。众多新生事物如灿烂烟 花,转瞬即逝。当我们仰望星空时,在浩如烟海的专业名词中寻找,赫然发现,Linux的生命力之旺盛顽强,斗 志之昂扬雄壮,令人称奇。它正以摧枯拉朽之势迅速占领包括服务器、云计算、消费电子、工业控制、仪器仪 表、导航娱乐等在内的众多应用领域,并逐步占据许多WINCE、VxWorks的传统嵌入式市场。 Linux所及之处,所向披靡。
Linux device driver development details 4.0 kernel (non scanning version). Pdf Technology is changing with each passing day, the industry is changing by leaps and bounds. There are too many things disappearing, and the birth of new things is more rapid. Many new things, such as fireworks, are fleeting. When we look up at the starry sky and look for it in the vast number of professional terms, we are surprised to find that Linux is full of vitality and fighting spirit. It is rapidly occupying many application fields including server, cloud computing, consumer electronics, industrial control, instrumentation, navigation and entertainment, and gradually occupying many traditional embedded markets of WinCE and VxWorks. Linux is everywhere it goes. This has something to do with the community development mode and rapid iteration of Linux. Life goes on, reconstruction goes on. (2020-12-24, C/C++, 12702KB, 下载2次)


[嵌入式Linux] dtf970122-3

昇暉能源科技為能源監控軟體業者,其產品線為PC-Base嵌入式IO控制 器、無線感測器模組、並與網路資通訊技術整合應用於節能電力監控網 、環境預警監控網、空氣品質監測、再生能源監測等,將自動化及機電 技術應用於電力、環境產業,透過整合彼此的專業與智慧,為這個人類 永續發展的環境做出貢獻,呵護它並讓它生生不息
Sheng Hui Energy Technology for the Energy Monitoring software industry, its product line of embedded PC-Base IO Control , Wireless sensor module, and communication technology integration and network resources applied to energy-saving power monitoring network Environmental warning monitoring network, air quality monitoring, renewable energy monitoring, automation and electrical Technology used in the power, environmental industry, through the integration of each other s professional and wisdom, for the humans Environment and sustainable development contribute to the care of it and have it going (2015-12-16, R language, 6789KB, 下载1次)


[嵌入式Linux] emmedpdf

This course is designed to adapt to the current needs of the rapid development of embedded Linux is designed curriculum goal is to enable students to achieve adaptation of embedded application software development, embedded systems development or embedded driver development of the basic qualities. Courses lead you step by step development of embedded world, using the most widely used software and hardware development platform (Linux and Arm), as close as you can to ensure your current business needs. (2013-05-23, Unix_Linux, 310KB, 下载3次)


[嵌入式Linux] qtzinnia

Handwriting input method using the QT development under Linux. (2012-11-06, QT, 15415KB, 下载114次)


[嵌入式Linux] wanlix

Wanlix是一个内核非常小的嵌入式操作系统,只有几百个字节,但功能少,只提供任务切换功能,非常适合资源特别少但又需要任务切换的小项目。 Mindows可提供多种操作系统功能,是实时抢占式操作系统,任务支持多种优先级抢占调度,将实时性高的任务设置为高优先级就可以保证软件系统的实时性,用户也可根据自身需求选取需要的部分,也可在此基础上编写代码增加自己需要的功能,具有可裁剪性。 我将Wanlix和Mindows的开发过程记录下来,就形成了这本“底层工作者手册之嵌入式操作系统内核”一书,本手册不仅仅是从应用的角度介绍操作系统如何使用,更重要的是从原理的角度对操作系统的功能做了分析、设计,从无到有循序渐进一点点的增加操作系统的功能,并且每增加一个功能便配以一个例子加以演示,让读者能立刻看到代码运行的结果。 本手册记录了我从对操作系统内核不了解到写出操作系统内核的过程,这样的一个过程对你来说应该也是一个最好的学习过程。 如果你有一定的C语言基础,并且对硬件也有稍微的了解,那么我相信你一定会看明白本手册!也一定可以随心所欲的修改、扩展你需要的操作系统功能! 请登陆blog.sina.com.cn/ifreecoding获取更多资料
Wanlix is a very small kernel embedded operating system, only a few hundred bytes, but only provide task switching function, very suitable resources, especially less but require task switching project. The Mindows can provide a variety of operating system functions, real-time preemptive operating systems, mission support multiple priority preemptive scheduling, real-time task can be set to high priority real-time software system, the user can also be based on their own select the desired part of the demand, and on this basis to write code to increase the functionality they need, and can be cut. I recorded the Wanlix, and Mindows of development process, the underlying workers manual embedded operating system kernel, "a book form, this manual describes how to use the operating system not only from the application point of view, is more important functionality of the operating system from the point of view of the principle of doing the analysis, design, step-by-step a little bit o (2012-09-21, C/C++, 8338KB, 下载59次)


[嵌入式Linux] Mindows5.7

Wanlix是一个内核非常小的嵌入式操作系统,只有几百个字节,但功能少,只提供任务切换功能,非常适合资源特别少但又需要任务切换的小项目。 Mindows可提供多种操作系统功能,是实时抢占式操作系统,任务支持多种优先级抢占调度,将实时性高的任务设置为高优先级就可以保证软件系统的实时性,用户也可根据自身需求选取需要的部分,也可在此基础上编写代码增加自己需要的功能,具有可裁剪性。 我将Wanlix和Mindows的开发过程记录下来,就形成了这本“底层工作者手册之嵌入式操作系统内核”一书,本手册不仅仅是从应用的角度介绍操作系统如何使用,更重要的是从原理的角度对操作系统的功能做了分析、设计,从无到有循序渐进一点点的增加操作系统的功能,并且每增加一个功能便配以一个例子加以演示,让读者能立刻看到代码运行的结果。 本手册记录了我从对操作系统内核不了解到写出操作系统内核的过程,这样的一个过程对你来说应该也是一个最好的学习过程。 如果你有一定的C语言基础,并且对硬件也有稍微的了解,那么我相信你一定会看明白本手册!也一定可以随心所欲的修改、扩展你需要的操作系统功能! 请登陆blog.sina.com.cn/ifreecoding获取更多资料
Wanlix is a very small kernel embedded operating system, only a few hundred bytes, but only provide task switching function, very suitable resources, especially less but require task switching project. The Mindows can provide a variety of operating system functions, real-time preemptive operating systems, mission support multiple priority preemptive scheduling, real-time task can be set to high priority real-time software system, the user can also be based on their own select the desired part of the demand, and on this basis to write code to increase the functionality they need, and can be cut. I recorded the Wanlix, and Mindows of development process, the underlying workers manual embedded operating system kernel, "a book form, this manual describes how to use the operating system not only from the application point of view, is more important functionality of the operating system from the point of view of the principle of doing the analysis, design, step-by-step a little bit o (2012-09-21, C/C++, 8551KB, 下载66次)


[嵌入式Linux] qmsg.tar

这是一个基于Qt for Embedded Linux 4.5.0的无线即时通信系统。该系统在UP-NETARM2410-S+无线网卡硬件平台上,基于Qt嵌入式Linux开源平台开发了QMsg无线通讯软件。该软件是一个IPMessenger协议的Qt4版本实现,可用于各类PDA, PSP,智能手机等手持式设备,以及PC机之间的即时通信和文件传输。
This is based on Qt for the Embedded Linux 4.5.0 of wireless instant messaging system. The system is in the UP-NETARM2410-S+ Wireless LAN hardware platform, Qt for Embedded Linux-based open source platform developed QMsg wireless communications software. The software is the Qt4 version of a IPMessenger agreement, which could be used for instant messaging and file transfer between the various types of PDA, PSP, smart phones and other handheld devices, and PC. (2012-06-09, C/C++, 1970KB, 下载9次)


[嵌入式Linux] ti_cc3000_all

cc3000的相关资料。 海信WIFI项目用。
include: CC3000 Wi-Fi MSP430 FRAM Getting Started Guide.pdf CC3000 Basic Wi-Fi example application for MSP430.pdf CC3000 Data Logger Description.pdf CC3000 Email Demo Session.pdf CC3000 First Time Configuration.pdf CC3000 Host Driver Porting Guide.pdf CC3000 Host Programming Guide.pdf CC3000 HTTP Sever Demo.pdf (2012-05-10, Unix_Linux, 4894KB, 下载207次)


[嵌入式Linux] ldd3Pcode

下面列出了他的勘误表描述了DS3104 - SE A2版组件不同的执行情况 比预期或不同的数据表中的描述。美信集成产品公司,打算 在随后的死修订纠正这些勘误表。
he errata listed below describe situations where DS3104-SE revision A2 components perform differently than expected or differently than described in the data sheet. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., intends to correct these errata in subsequent die revisions. (2011-11-30, Unix_Linux, 134KB, 下载4次)


[嵌入式Linux] qtgps.tar

QT development of LINUX operating system running on the GPS software, it can be observed by the satellite positioning of information, such as positioning of the satellite number and signal to noise ratio, etc. (2011-11-14, Unix_Linux, 63KB, 下载13次)


[嵌入式Linux] linux

是《linux设备驱动》RD2,的中文版,本书是告诉一个新手,如何开发Linux驱动,本书是根据E文翻译过来的,适合搞嵌入式行业而且英文不太好的朋友,如果英文nice,建议看《linux device drivers 3》,站里有,如果你在本站找不到,也可以发邮件给我,我发给你! my email: lifei4690277@yahoo.com.cn
Is (2008-08-19, Unix_Linux, 31882KB, 下载70次)


[嵌入式Linux] qt-3.5.6-doc(zh_CN)-20050517

QT development of Chinese language version of the latest document is to use the English version of the detailed documentation that it is an open-source project (2005-05-25, Unix_Linux, 798KB, 下载434次)


[嵌入式Linux] ucos移植心得大全

CENTER transplant experience, very good, very written purposes, the use CENTER friends should look at the good will learn a lot of things. (2005-04-26, C/C++, 143KB, 下载3007次)
