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uC/OS-II data to re-order version of the web layout is not uniform and the lack of books or divided into multiple files. I have been collected, combined in Word and re-organized into a uniform format, each chapter is a detailed file structure with the title, and finally AdobePDF print made. (2009-12-29, C/C++, 1355KB, 下载22次)


[uCOS/RTOS] shangnasuo

本设计基于智能卡技术及精密可靠的机电机构,并且在操作过程中会伴有声光提示。可应用于游泳池、桑拿浴场、海滨浴场、高尔夫球场、健身房的更衣柜,机关、企业、学校、酒店宾馆、超市的文件柜或储物柜等场所,以取代传统的全机械结构锁类产品,从而使得物品的管理更加方便、安全。 本资料包含完整的电路原理图,测试程序,应用文档。
The design is based on smart card technology and sophisticated and reliable mechanical and electrical sector, and during operation will be accompanied by sound and light tips. Can be applied to swimming pool, sauna field, bathing beach, golf course, gym locker, institutions, enterprises, schools, hotels, supermarkets such as lockers, filing cabinets, or premises to replace the traditional all-mechanical lock products , making goods management more convenient and safe. This information contains a complete circuit schematics, test procedures, application documents. (2009-09-27, C/C++, 3068KB, 下载41次)


[uCOS/RTOS] uCOS-II_for_VS2008

嵌入式操作系统入门都比较难,而搭建 uCOS-II 的环境一般需要嵌入式硬件支持,配置也相当麻烦。 为了使初学者能够学习 uCOS-II 操作系统,我特地制作了这个视频教程,供学习操作系统的初学者学习。 uCOS-II 源代码和 移植文件, 全在里面,并给出了一个程序实例,让uCOS-II 跑起来。非常不错(:
Introduction to embedded operating systems are more difficult, and the structures uCOS-II environment to support the general needs of embedded hardware, configuration is quite troublesome. In order to enable beginners to learn uCOS-II operating system, I have produced this video tutorial for beginners to learn the operating system to learn. uCOS-II source code and portable document, all on the inside, and gives examples of a program, let uCOS-II running. Very good (: (2008-11-05, Visual C++, 3310KB, 下载1882次)


[uCOS/RTOS] Led_Flow

文件: LedFlow.c LedFlow2.c LedFlow3.c LedFlow4.c LedFlow.mcp 等相关文件。 这是一个学习uC/os-II的实用源程序,包括多控制演示,延时、信号信,邮箱等。
File: LedFlow.cLedFlow2.cLedFlow3.cLedFlow4.cLedFlow.mcp and other relevant documents. This is a learning uC/os-II practical source, including control of presentation, delay, signal letters, mail and so on. (2008-09-23, C/C++, 468KB, 下载4次)


[uCOS/RTOS] lpc2148_ucos2

ucos2 v2.80在lpc2148上的一个完整程序,在IAR上运行,包含4中断设计,串口的源代码.还有红外解码运用
ucos2 v2.80 in lpc2148 of a complete procedure, the IAR run contains four interruption design, Serial source. also use infrared decoder (2007-01-29, C/C++, 6388KB, 下载309次)


[uCOS/RTOS] uC-GUI_V3-32a

Source code of uC-GUI version 3.32. This is a somewhat newer one. (2004-12-15, Visual C++, 5121KB, 下载1222次)
