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[编辑器/阅读器] cms

CMS小程序为内容管理者提供了一个灵活、便捷的工具,使得内容更新、管理和优化工作更加高效。通过这种方式,企业和个人能够更好地掌控内容,提升访问者的体验,从而达到更好的用户互动和商业转化。 内容发布:用户可以通过小程序添加、编辑和删除文章、图片、视频等内容。这包括富文本编辑器支持,以便于内容的格式化和排版。 分类管理:用户可以创建和管理内容分类,帮助组织文章或产品,便于用户浏览和搜索。 用户管理:提供用户注册、登录、权限管理等功能,确保不同的用户能够按权限进行内容操作。 评论管理:管理用户评论,包括审批、删除评论,以及回复评论,增强与读者的互动。
CMS applet provides a flexible and convenient tool for content managers to update, manage and optimize content more efficiently. In this way, enterprises and individuals can better control the content and improve the experience of visitors, so as to achieve better user interaction and business transformation. Content publishing: Users can add, edit and delete articles, pictures, videos and other content through the applet. This includes rich text editor support to facilitate content formatting and layout. Classification management: users can create and manage content classifications, help organize articles or products, and facilitate users to browse and search. User management: provide functions such as user registration, login, and permission management to ensure that different users can operate content according to their permissions. Comment management: manage user comments, including approval, deletion, and reply to comments, and enhance interaction with readers. (2024-04-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] youxuan_act_editor

The cloud goods Luban open source low code editor builds a base based on the mobile end page built by React, which is ready for use out of the box. Developers only need to develop components according to their own enterprise needs! (2022-07-29, TypeScript, 564KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] smart-block-editor

Smart build open source low code editor, build a base based on Vue3 mobile terminal page, and use it out of the box. Developers only need to develop components according to their own enterprise needs! (2022-03-09, Vue, 82KB, 下载0次)


[编辑器/阅读器] kindeditor-4.1

A good use of the rich text editor, and contains a variety of web development languages ​ ​ DEMO. Contains upload pictures, bulk upload, insert video, page breaks, and other functions (2012-06-08, HTML, 719KB, 下载16次)


[编辑器/阅读器] kindeditor-3.5.6-zh_CN

KindEditor is more popular in the domestic online HTML editor, this update adds the cell editing features, a variety of buttons (OK, Cancel, upload buttons, etc.) in different browsers to maintain the same appearance. Version 3.5.6 may be the last 3.x version of the update, unless there is a very serious BUG, ​ ​ it would not update the 3.x version. (2011-11-08, Others, 621KB, 下载4次)


[编辑器/阅读器] xheditor-1.1.10

xhEditor是一个基于jQuery开发的简单迷你并且高效的在线可视化HTML编辑器,基于网络访问并且兼容IE 6.0+,Firefox 3.0+,Opera 9.6+,Chrome 1.0+,Safari 3.22+。 xhEditor完全基于Javascript开发,您可以应用在任何的服务端语言环境下,例如:PHP、ASP、ASP.NET、JAVA等。 xhEditor可以在您的CMS、博客、论坛、商城等互联网平台上完美的嵌入运行,能够非常灵活简单的和您的系统实现完美的无缝衔接
xhEditor is based on the jQuery simple and efficient online mini visual HTML editor, web-based access and is compatible with IE 6.0+, Firefox 3.0+, Opera 9.6+, Chrome 1.0+, Safari 3.22+. xhEditor completely Javascript based development, you can apply in any server-side language environment, such as: PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, JAVA and so on. xhEditor in your CMS, blog, forum, store and other Internet platforms to run perfectly embedded, can be very flexible, simple and perfect your system to achieve seamless (2011-10-24, JavaScript, 720KB, 下载3次)


[编辑器/阅读器] wordpress_4463_zh_CN

对管理面板的 css 进行了改进,另外各方面的稳定性也感到明显的增强,在 Firefox 下所见即所得编辑器偶尔无法启动的问题也得到明显的改善
Css panel on management has improved, other aspects are also significantly enhanced the stability, under the WYSIWYG editor in Firefox occasionally not start, issues have been significantly improved (2010-05-29, Visual C++, 990KB, 下载3次)


[编辑器/阅读器] wangPdf

这是Wang Yao 的图象通信课件,可以配合她的<图像通信>书使用,这本书有影印版,也有由侯正信等翻译成中文的版本.
This is the image of Wang Yao communication courseware will be in line with her <image communication> book use, there is a photocopy of the book version, also by letter, such as Hou is translated into Chinese versions. (2008-02-26, PDF, 8138KB, 下载6次)


[编辑器/阅读器] zhanzhang

站长俱乐部新闻发布程序 采用全新代码设计,完全不同于国内所有程序 采用国际流行的左右栏风格,清爽简洁 适合于有国际业务的企业,个人网站,工作室,追求简单风格,内容少的网站使用 IE和Firefox均能正常访问 800*600,1024*768的分辨率均能正常访问 网站采用UTF-8编码,各国用户均能正常访问,不会出现乱码 提供10套模版,后台还可以自定义成千上万种的颜色风格 文本编辑器不同于国内任何一家编辑器,给您全新的体验
station Club press release procedures to adopt new code design, completely different from all the domestic procedures adopted internationally popular column about style, cool and concise suited to the international business enterprise, personal websites, studios, the pursuit of a simple style, less content websites IE and Firefox can visit the normal 800* 600. 1024* 768 resolution can visit the site using normal UTF-8 encoding, all normal users can visit, no distortion to provide 10 sets of templates. background can also customize the color of thousands of species of style text editor is different from any domestic one editor, give you a brand new experience (2007-04-05, ASP, 1708KB, 下载13次)
