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[编译器/解释器] E-commerce-website

The e-commerce website developed using PHP is a dynamic and feature-rich online platform that enables businesses to sell products and services to customers over the internet. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a popular server-side scripting language widely used for web development due to its versatility and extensive community support (2024-04-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] CodeQuality

Documentation, automation scripts and deployments, enabling the creation of an open-source, high quality, enterprise-wide code quality infrastructure over multiple languages and platforms:gem::star::tada: (2020-10-22, Groovy, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] replate-backend

Backend for Replate - a platform that enables volunteers and businesses to get food to people in need. This was part of a team project in Lambda School. (2020-08-09, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] slack-reply-and-quote-button

Slack に返信と引用ホ?タンをつけます。 Add a reply(mention) and quotation button to Slack.,
Slack s reply refers to the company. Add a reply (statement) and quota button to Slack, (2017-12-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] xztlfmtp

In order to improve the core competitiveness, the company uses the corresponding information technology and Internet technology to coordinate. (2018-10-24, PPT, 4KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] oxwall_zh-cn_v1.7.1

oxwall汉化语言包由oxwall中文网翻译并整理发布。支持最新版Oxwall-1.7.1。 使用方法:后台导入,激活,并设置为默认语言即可。
Speaking the language pack oxwall translated by oxwall Chinese net and finishing release. Support for the latest version Oxwall-1.7.1. Usage: The background import, activate, and set as the default language can be. (2015-04-17, Java, 65KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] LPC43XXDualCoreExamples-CN

LPC43xx examples of Chinese dual-core documentation. Official outlines examples of dual-core structure. And compiler settings. (2014-05-16, C/C++, 424KB, 下载25次)


[编译器/解释器] Puke.tar

Using C#, use the interpreter mode, to achieve poker explained, according to the provisions of grammar input string can be translated into other people out of the cards Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察 (2014-03-16, C++, 2649KB, 下载1次)


[编译器/解释器] ANSI-C-204

AMR speech coder of the original program, this very useful ah. By Ericsson, nokia joint development of (2011-11-11, C/C++, 169KB, 下载9次)


[编译器/解释器] RealView_cn

RealView® 编译工具 中文指南手册大全,《编译器用户指南》《汇编器指南》《链接器参考指南》《实用程序指南》等等
RealView ® Compilation Tools for Chinese guide to Guinness, " Compiler User Guide" , " Assembler Guide" , " Linker Reference Guide" " Utility Guide," etc. (2011-09-06, C/C++, 6883KB, 下载17次)


[编译器/解释器] STM8_STVD_cn

STVD IDE包含代码编辑、汇编编译器、代码调试功能,不含C编译器。同时IDE还自带ST Visual Programer编程软件,支持主流8bit
STVD IDE (2011-03-06, PDF, 1137KB, 下载76次)


[编译器/解释器] turbo

课程设计两个程序:一:数据帧(程序每帧设置为400bit)在有扰信道传输时,采用Turbo码进行编译码。并仿真Log-MAP译码算法在不同迭代次数下的性能。 二:实现有扰信道中,不同信噪比下,采用MAP译码算法的Turbo码的性能。 以上各主程序均有做比较详细的程序注释 可直接运行turbo_main.m或LogMAP.m,稍等片刻即可观察到仿真结果
two programs of Curriculum design : a: Data frames (each frame is setted to 400bit per frame) ,under a interferent channel transmission uses Turbo codes and decodes. including simulation of Log-MAP decoding algorithm performance under different number of its iterations.   2: To achieve the simulate the performance of MAP decoding algorithm for Turbo code,with different SNR that is decided by interferent channel.         Above the main program have to do a more detailed program notes   Can be directly run turbo_main.m or LogMAP.m, wait a moment to the simulation results can be observed (2009-12-26, matlab, 338KB, 下载329次)


[编译器/解释器] Analysis_of_the_essence_of_C_language_examples

◎ 光盘内容说明 1.【Code】目录,包括实例1~190的所有源代码和可执行程序。 2.【Tools】目录,包括TC2.0编译器。 ◎ 光盘使用说明 1. 源代码的使用说明,参见【Code】目录下的CodeReadme.txt文件。 2. TurboC 2.0 的安装方法,参见【Tools】目录下的ToolsReadme.txt文件。 ◎ 技术支持 在光盘使用过程中,如果遇到问题,请发邮件至linread@163.com或zjulinruizhong@yahoo.com.cn与我们联系。
◎ CD description 1. 【Code】 directory, including the examples 1 ~ 190 of all source code and executable programs. 2.】 【Tools directory, including TC2.0 compiler. CD-ROM for use ◎ 1. The use of source code, see Code】 【CodeReadme.txt document directory. 2. TurboC 2.0 installation method, see Tools】 【ToolsReadme.txt document directory. ◎ Technical Support CD-ROM to use in the process, if problem encountered, please send an e-mail zjulinruizhong@yahoo.com.cn and linread@163.com or contact us. (2009-03-28, C/C++, 4468KB, 下载2次)


[编译器/解释器] wfp11

文件名 :test3.c * 文件描述:预测分析法实现的语法分析器。分析如下文法: * E->E+T | E-T | T * T->T*F | T/F |F * F->(E) | i * 输入:每行含一个表达式的文本文件(#号结束)。 * 输出:分析成功或不成功信息。 * 创建人:余洪周 <nick19842000.cublog.cn> 2006-12-16 * 版本号:1.0 * 说明 :为了表示的方便采用了如下的所示表示方法: * A=E B=T * 非终结符:0=E 1=E 2=T 3=T 4=F * 终结符 :0=i 1=+ 2=- 3=* 4=/ 5=( 6=) 7=#
File name: test3.c* Document Description: Forecast Analysis parser achieved. Grammar as follows:* E-> E+ T | ET | T* T-> T* F | T/F | F* F-> (E) | i* Input: each line contains an expression of the text file (# its end).* Output: Analysis of the success or otherwise of information.* Created by: Yu Hong Zhou <nick19842000.cublog.cn> 2006-12-16* version number: 1.0* Note: To show the convenience of using the following method as shown:* A = EB = T* non-terminator: 0 = E 1 = E 2 = T 3 = T 4 = F* at the end: 0 = i 1 =+ 2 =- 3 =* 4 =/5 = (6 =) 7 =# (2007-11-26, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载36次)


[编译器/解释器] PresentingCsharp

这本书是你提高企业编程语言的一条捷径,这种企业编程语言带有下一代编程语言服务运行时(NGWS Runtime)NGWS Runtime 是一个不仅管理执行代码、同时也提供使编程更加容易的动态环境。编译器产生受管代码以指向这种受管理执行环境。你获得跨平台语言集成、跨平台语言异常处理、增强安全性、版本控制、安排支持和查错服务。 支持NGWS Runtime 的主要语言是C#。支持NGWS框架的很多程序是用C#写的,因此,在一些带有NGWS Runtime 的编译器中,它的编译器可以被认为是非常经得起测试且是经过优化的。C#语言借鉴了 C++,但是具备现代化和新增的类型安全!a使C#成为企业解决方案的首选语言。 (2007-10-08, C#, 217KB, 下载3次)


[编译器/解释器] Making_plain_binary_files_using_a_C_compiler_cn

online to find the one pair of c compiler profound grasp of things, not the source of high-quality, repeat things to upload nor is the e-books, people in need can look at the pdf format (2007-04-20, C/C++, 204KB, 下载55次)


[编译器/解释器] qweq

this principle is to compile the lexical analysis of the experimental report! Quite well, and hope that we support! (2005-04-25, C++ Builder, 239KB, 下载48次)
