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按分类查找All ActiveX/DCOM/ATL(50) 

[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] lietevc

In order to improve the core competitiveness, the company uses the corresponding information technology and Internet technology to coordinate. (2018-10-14, VBA, 3KB, 下载1次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] hhwxmzfe

In order to improve the core competitiveness, the company uses the corresponding information technology and Internet technology to coordinate. (2018-10-14, Scala, 4KB, 下载0次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] yyyyy

ocos2dx 3.0版本之前,我们一直都是用CCLabelTTF,CCLabelBMFont,CCLabelAtlas来创建文本标签,但是!3.0版本放出来后...看到这里你心里是不是又颤抖了一下?别害怕嘛,我要说的是:3.0版本出来后这些标签也都是还可以用的啦,只是说我们有了更好的选择。
Prior to ocos2dx version 3, we have been using CCLabelTTF, CCLabelBMFont, CCLabelAtlas to create a text label, but! The 3 version released... Here you Is it right? Shook? Don t be scared, I want to say is: 3 version comes out these labels are also can use it, just say we have a better choice. (2014-06-13, Java, 8146KB, 下载3次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] printSource

print function and dll (2009-08-12, C#, 172KB, 下载384次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] TheServerClientofProvence

In recent years, with the rapid development of YDcom to give users the convenience of the com, but also YDcom have a higher quality of service requirements. YDcom In order to enhance the level of service and business management, enterprise YDcom establish the image of good service. This year, DD is the establishment of the province of the province YDcom customer service center system, the customer service next year to prepare for the year, all to the city center building is carried out smoothly, the imminent construction of the provincial centers. (2009-04-13, Others, 145KB, 下载19次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] v3171_VBcodemanage

简介:长久以来,由于各方面原因,我们几乎没有提供过原创作品,以后我们将不定期提供一些原创作品,共同提高我们的编程技术,也希望有更多的程序员爱好者来加入我们的开发小组。 注: 代码说明: 等待了这么久,终于有时间将这个代码写完了,现在拿来和大家分享; 大家在写代码的过程中是否也像我一样,经常要收集一些好的代码呢?大家用什么工具来收集呢,我在网上也找了好多工具,但有些功能太杂,而且又是英文版的,不爽,所以就动手自己写,虽然有点累,但值得,也正好可做为程序太平洋的离线浏览工具,一举两得。 现在这个版本只是完成一些基本功能,其他增强功能我们正在努力制作中。。。 email: vqqq59r@163.com , QQ:307321547, 6439358
err (2009-01-14, Visual Basic, 753KB, 下载163次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] amcap

使用前请您先阅读以下条款: 1、学生大软件站对原软件包“依样”打包,增加此说明文件,不保证所提供软件或程序的完整性和安全性。 2、请在使用前查毒 (这也是您使用其它网络资源所必须注意的) 。 3、在安装时,务必留意查看每一步的Next!以免被安装第三方恶意插件程序。 4、由本站提供的程序对您的网站或计算机造成严重后果的本站概不负责。 5、欢迎再次到学生大软件站(soft.studa.com)下载您所需要的软件。 6、未经本站明确许可,任何网站不得非法盗链及抄袭本站资源!
Use before you read the following terms: 1, students stand on the original software package, according to kind of package, an increase in this documentation does not guarantee that software or procedures provided by the integrity and security. 2, please查毒before use (which is you use other network resources must be noted). 3, during installation, be sure to pay attention to check every step of the Next! Be installed in order to avoid malicious third-party plug-ins. 4, the procedures provided by this site on your site or have serious consequences for the computer takes no responsibility for the site. 5, welcome once again to the students Station software (soft.studa.com) you need to download software. 6, without the express permission of this site, any Web site may not be illegal copying Powered navigating to www.sina.com.cn. and resources! (2008-12-29, C++ Builder, 94KB, 下载7次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] xilin

This directory contains the following: [fajd.m] The FAJD algorithm for finding the approximate general (non-orthogonal) joint diagonalizer of a set of matrices. [test.m] A routine to demonstrates the way to call FAJD after generating a set of target-matrices. [average_performance.m] A routine that compares the average performance of FAJD with different fixed processing parameters. [sir.m] A function that calculates the signal to interference ratio (SIR) of a combined demixing-mixing matrix. Contributed by Xi-Lin Li (e-mail: li-xl04@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn). Comments, bug reports, questions and suggestions are welcome.
This directory contains the following: [fajd.m] The FAJD algorithm for finding the approximate general (non-orthogonal) joint diagonalizer of a set of matrices. [test.m] A routine to demonstrates the way to call FAJD after generating a set of target-matrices. [average_performance.m] A routine that compares the average performance of FAJD with different fixed processing parameters. [sir.m] A function that calculates the signal to interference ratio (SIR) of a combined demixing-mixing matrix. Contributed by Xi-Lin Li (e-mail: li-xl04@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn). Comments, bug reports, questions and suggestions are welcome. (2008-07-31, matlab, 3KB, 下载33次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] logo

昨天我女儿发了新书学logo. 记得我学是15年前的事了。费了好大功夫才收集了一点资料。 我还编了一移动的太阳的源程序,供大家娱乐。load 后,输入movesun 就可看见一移动的太阳。 mail:yanliwenwen@sohu.com
Yesterday, my daughter made a new school logo. Remember me 15 years ago. Fees for several major effort to collect a little information. I also made a movement of the Sun s source code, for your entertainment. After the load, enter a mobile movesun can see the sun. mail: yanliwenwen@sohu.com (2008-06-22, Others, 5498KB, 下载3次)



AT88SC开发套件及读写编程器 AT88SC0104C,AT88SC0204C,AT88SC0808C 深圳密加技术 www.encryp2.com
AT88SC development kit and programmer to read and write AT88SC0104C, AT88SC0204C, AT88SC0808C Shenzhen Micronesia increase technical www.encryp2.com (2008-03-05, C/C++, 3KB, 下载379次)
