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按分类查找All WEB开发(1471) 
按平台查找All PHP(1471) 

[WEB开发] 21

Wecenter (micro - center system software) can quickly help enterprises and organizations through WeChat, establish contact and interaction between customers, applications, network communities and other interactive patterns, accumulation of knowledge points, reduced content homogeneity consulting service costs and human capital. (2018-04-15, PHP, 5857KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 97814238

这是一个用php和mysql开发的报刊订阅管理系统,采用apache服务器的技术,而且是跨平台的,可以适合于一般的中下型企业 (2018-04-06, PHP, 382KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 03

PHP development project source code, it is good, it is worth learning download. (2016-04-19, PHP, 1214KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] elinstudio

软件介绍 本产品,以PHP+MYSQL+smarty开发的企业网站,可供大家学习交流。 后台地址为admin/login.php 账号、密码都为admin mysql需自己导入没有写安装程序! Tags: 厦门F1企业CMS
Software introduction This product, to PHP+MYSQL+smarty development of enterprise web site, for everyone to learn and exchange. Background address is admin/login.php Account, password are admin MySQL need to import their own did not write the installation process! Tags: Xiamen CMS enterprise F1 (2016-04-15, PHP, 3842KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] nitc_php_v3.1

Nitc benefit website on the idea of modern network marketing as the core, to search engine good performance, good user experience as the standard, to business office applications for assistant value-added, can for enterprise to bring greater benefits of enterprise website, built-in SEO (search engine optimization mechanism, multi language. This product is completely free, without any plug-ins, and green non-toxic, simple operation, you can rest assured download. (2016-04-13, PHP, 7792KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] anyoucms-v2016.0.1

安优企业建站系统(anyoucms)面向服务对象主要针对 企业,自助建站 简单,安全,个性化,人性化, 数据自由扩展性,无系统漏洞,无模版引擎。数据库预设自由字段,理论支持任何形式的站点。
An excellent Build System (anyoucms) is primarily for enterprise service-oriented, self-help is simple, safe, personalized, humane, free data scalability, no loopholes in the system, no template engine. Database pre-free field theory to support any form of the site. (2016-01-13, PHP, 963KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] micecms

觅策企业网站管理系统 miceCMS 3.0,php编程学习源码,web制作参考资料。
Foraging strategy of enterprise website management system miceCMS 3, PHP learning programming source code, web production of reference materials. (2013-12-21, PHP, 1812KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xsd

新生代企业网站管理系统 v1.0,php编程学习源码,web制作参考资料。
The new generation of enterprise website management system V1.0, PHP learning programming source code, web production of reference materials. (2013-12-21, PHP, 1959KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] CmsEasy

易通CmsEasy免费的企业建站程序 1.91,php编程学习源码,web制作参考资料。
ETS CmsEasy free enterprise site program 1.91, PHP learning programming source code, web production of reference materials. (2013-12-21, PHP, 1815KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] anyoucms-v3.5-mysql

主要针对企业,自助建站 简单,安全,个性化,人性化, 数据自由扩展性,无漏洞
Mainly for business, self-help Station is simple, safe, personalized, humane, free data scalability, without loopholes (2013-07-03, PHP, 1311KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] duxcms_v1.0.4

DuxCMS是一款采用CANPHP框架编写针对公司企业、政府事业机构通用的开源内容管理系统,本套系统源码开源,无功能限制,可二次开发。   DuxCMS最简单的界面让您快速上手,使用建议式标签系统,灵活的多用表单还有完善的社区支持,让你快速搭建企业或政府类网站。DuxCMS自由的模型功能让开发者可以编写多种内容模型并且不会影响到主程序的升级,商城、视频等的开发。
failed to translate (2013-05-02, PHP, 1073KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Business-Company

Blue style XDCMS kernel PHP corporate website source code, suitable for business PHP website source. Main functions: content management model, custom columns, content modular, template management, mail sending, data cache, Member since define the model, universal loop label, get_block debris label, multi-map all-round display, URL rules from the definition of to meet the small and medium-sized enterprises in the PHP platform to build corporate website. (2013-04-18, PHP, 2349KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] hunanxinxigang31298.cn

当前程序为齐博分类信息系统 1.5版改版而成,具体内容自己去琢磨吧!安装都有说明
Current procedures for the Qi Bo classified information system version 1.5 revision is made, the specific content of pondering! Installation have been described (2013-01-16, PHP, 12470KB, 下载90次)


[WEB开发] Kuwebs_v3.1.5_UTF8

酷纬企业网站管理系统Kuwebs是酷纬信息开发的为企业网站提供解决方案而开发的营销型网站系统。 在线留言模块、常见问题模块、友情链接模块。前台采用DIV+CSS,遵循SEO标准。
The cool the weft enterprise website management system Kuwebs Cool latitude information developed to provide solutions for the corporate website marketing website developed system. Feedback module FAQ module, Link module. The foreground with DIV+CSS, follow the SEO standards. (2012-12-28, PHP, 4025KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] enterprise_22556_8vwyoh

源码采用php实现,程序代码实现功能较完善,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,露阳PHP企业系统 v1.0,1.) 将所有文件解压到php环境中,本程序才用smarty+php+mysql设计。,简单全面供给各类学习参考。
Php achieve source code function better , php scripting language to write a corporate website , Lu Yang PHP enterprise systems v1.0 1. ) Extract all the files to the php environment , the program was used smarty (2012-11-15, PHP, 628KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] zip

php the zip package, find online php compressed zip file failed to send MMS, which is a modified (2012-08-01, PHP, 2KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] cffilmsql_4.0

Collar forest enterprise website management system " is a PHP Web site open for the establishment of the station of a small business website. The system is suitable for simply articles () function modules and single-page functional modules, emphasis on website content management with concise articles. (2012-05-26, PHP, 1220KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] sitestar_v1.3

iteStar website building system is a new Internet application model, which changed the traditional way of business establishment of the station, without any programming or web business, without having to learn any relevant language, nor do they need to write or manage third-party sites , simply apply a variety of powerful systems provide rich function module, you can easily generate personalized fine business website. (2011-01-21, PHP, 8777KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] OAphp

PHP development of OA systems, for small and medium-sized enterprises to use (2009-06-05, PHP, 15386KB, 下载330次)


[WEB开发] Circle

PHP+ MYSQL to do to display company information network, more suitable for the use of information graduates. (2007-10-26, PHP, 60KB, 下载7次)
