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[论文] 2929

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的游戏销售系统(附论文)(毕业设计),基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的游戏销售系统(附论文),用户,管理员角色等(具体看下演示视频提供)。随着信息互联网购物的飞速发展,一般企业都去创建属于自己的管理系统。本文介绍了游戏销售系统的开发全过程。通过分析企业对于游戏销售系统的需求,创建了一个计算机管理游戏销售系统的方案。文章介绍了游戏销售系统的系统分析部分,包括可行性分析等,系统设计部分主要介绍了系统功能设计和数 (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] 2933

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的中小学课内阅读学习系统(附论文)(毕业设计),基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的中小学课内阅读学习系统(附论文),用户,管理员角色等(具体看下演示视频提供)。随着信息互联网购物的飞速发展,一般有能力的机构管理系统。本文介绍了中学课内小说阅读与学习系统的开发全过程。通过分析企业对于中学课内小说阅读与学习系统的需求,创建了一个计算机管理中学课内小说阅读与学习系统的方案。文章介绍了中学课内小说阅读与学习系统的系统分析部分, (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] 2967

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的包厢管理系统(附论文)(毕业设计),基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的包厢管理系统(附论文),用户,管理员角色等(具体看下演示视频提供)。互联网发展至今,无论是其理论还是技术都已经成熟,而且它广泛参与在社会中的方方面面。它让信息都可以通过网络传播,搭配信息管理工具可以很好地为人们提供服务。针对KTV包厢信息管理混乱,出错率高,信息安全性差,劳动强度大,费时费力等问题,采用KTV包厢管理系统可以有效管理,使信 (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] 2956

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的课程管理系统(附论文)(毕业设计),基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的课程管理系统(附论文),用户,管理员角色等(具体看下演示视频提供)。随着信息互联网信息的飞速发展,无纸化作业变成了一种趋势,针对这个问题开发一个专门适应师生交流形式的网站。本文介绍了课程管理系统的开发全过程。通过分析企业对于课程管理系统的需求,创建了一个计算机管理课程管理系统的方案。文章介绍了课程管理系统的系统分析部分,包括可行性分析等, (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] 2579

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue的中小企业设备管理系统(附论文)基于SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue的中小企业设备管理系统(附论文),管理员,用户角色等。有个人中心,用户管理,员工管理,设备信息管理,配件信息管理,设备购买管理,配件购买管理,设备点检管理,设备润滑管理,设备改造管理,事务报警管理,设备类型管理。员工有个人中心,设备信息管理,设备购买管理,设备报修管理,售后检修管理,售后保养管理,设备安装管理,设备点检管理,设备润滑管理,设备改造管理,事务报警管理。因而具有一定的实用性。本站是一个B/S模式系统,采用Spring Boot框架,MYSQL数据库设计开发,充分保证系统的稳定性。系统具有界面清晰、操作简单,功能齐全的特点, (2024-06-01, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] 2571

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue的企业oa管理系统(附论文),管理员,用户角色等。有个人中心,用户管理,公告信息管理,客户关系管理,通讯录管理,日程安排管理,车辆信息管理,文件信息管理,工作日志管理,上班考勤管理,工资信息管理。用户功能有个人中心,公告信息管理,客户关系管理,通讯录管理,日程安排管理,车辆信息管理,文件信息管理,工作日志管理,上班考勤管理,工资信息管理。因而具有一定的实用性。 本站是一个B/S模式系统,采用Spring Boot框架,MYSQL数据库设计开发,充分保证系统的稳定性。系统具有界面清晰、操作简单,功能齐全的特点,使得企业OA管理系统管理工作系统化、规范化。本系统的使用使管理人员从繁重的工作中解脱出来 (2024-06-01, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Js-Rock-Paper-Scissors

In this project, I ve combined my passion for programming with a classic childhood pastime. The Rock, Paper, Scissors Game is an embodiment of simplicity meeting functionality, showcasing the potential of JavaScript in creating enjoyable and interactive user experiences (2024-02-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] C-Project-Stone-Paper-Scissor-Game-

*Stone Paper Scissors (C Game):* Experience classic gameplay in this C-programmed digital rendition. Overcame challenges in algorithm design, input handling, and UI creation. A project that not only entertains but sharpens programming skills. #GameDev #CProgramming (2024-01-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] part-time

College student part-time platform system based on Java+SpringBoot+Vue (source code+database+10000 word document+ppt) administrator: the administrator enters the main page, whose main functions include home page, personal center, student management, enterprise management, post type management, recruitment information management, application information management, student evaluation management, enterprise evaluation management, forum exchange, complaints and suggestions, system management, etc (2023-12-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] employmenting

基于Java+SpringBoot+Vue的就业信息管理(源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)角色:管理员、用户 前台功能:进入系统可以实现首页,招聘信息,交流论坛,公告资讯,个人中心,后台管理等功能进行操作。 后台由管理员,学生,企业和导师,主要功能包括首页,个人中心,学生...
Employment information management (source code+database+10000 word document+ppt) based on Java+SpringBoot+Vue Role: administrator, user foreground function: entering the system can realize home page, recruitment information, exchange forum, announcement information, personal center, background management and other functions for operation. The backstage consists of administrators, students, enterprises and tutors. The main functions include home page, personal center, students (2023-11-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] recruits

基于Java+SpringBoot+Vue的招聘信息管理系统(源代码+数据库+万字文档+ppt)管理员: 管理员登录系统后,可以对首页、个人中心、用户管理、企业管理、工作类型管理、企业招聘管理、投简信息管理、面试邀请管理、求职信息管理、社区留言、系统管理等功能 用户:主要包...
The recruitment information management system based on Java+SpringBoot+Vue (source code+database+ten thousand word document+ppt) administrator: after logging into the system, the administrator can perform the following functions: home page, personal center, user management, enterprise management, work type management, enterprise recruitment management, investment information management, interview invitation management, job information management, community message, system management, etc. Users: mainly including (2023-11-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] CifarModelTrainingFramework

为了一劳永逸地解决 CIFAR 数据集模型训练问题,本文借鉴了多篇论文的模型训练代码,编写了基于 pytorch 的 CIFAR 数据集模型训练框架(在此我们简单的将该框架称为 CMTF)。在代码编写过程中,我发现 CMTF 可能对低性能的 GPU 设备更友好。CMTF 采...
In order to solve the problem of CIFAR dataset model training once and for all, this paper draws on the model training code of several papers and compiles a model training framework for CIFAR dataset based on pythoch (here we simply call this framework CMTF). During the coding process, I found that CMTF may be more friendly to GPU devices with low performance. CMTF acquisition (2023-04-16, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] forum

The open source forum system Flarum is used to build the GATK Chinese community. All posts in the forum will be posted in the form of markdown code, and all markdown source code will be synchronously stored under the project of github s organization. The address of GATK Chinese community is: (2017-10-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Social

一款社交 APP 附近人模块:中可以关注,聊天,加好友,好友分组管理。查找,筛选用户 动态模块:可以,点赞,评论。可以发布语音动态,和语音评论并且实时通知。 聊天模块,集成环信 IM。文本,表情,图片,位置,语音通话,视频聊天。设置在 线状态,离开自动回复。 推荐模块包括热...
A social app nearby module: you can follow, chat, add friends, and manage groups of friends. Find and filter user dynamic modules: Yes, like, comment. It can publish voice updates, voice comments and real-time notifications. Chat module, integrated Huanxin IM. Text, expression, picture, location, voice call, video chat. Set the online status and leave the automatic reply. Recommended modules include heat (2019-10-17, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] fist_emphatic_message_generator

Tracing its heritage to a program I wrote on punch cards for a Univac 1108 in September 1969, FIST generates banners with a clenched fist and block-letter slogan of your choice. Various silly options let you choose a right- or left-handed fist according to your political persuasion and to adjust the size of the fist commensurate with the (2022-05-08, CWeb, 0KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Princple-of-Databases-Assignments

Design a relational schema for an enterprise with an ER Model and Identify dependencies (trivial, fully functional, transitive, multivalued) in the context of academic system at IIT Kanpur. (2015-04-07, C++, 36651KB, 下载0次)


[论文] School-ERP-System

School ERP System (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a software solution that helps to streamline and automate various administrative, academic, and financial processes of educational institutions. It integrates multiple modules like admissions, attendance, fees, exams, and more into a single system. (2023-06-07, PHP, 19878KB, 下载0次)


[论文] workshop-academic-geek

En este repositorio encontraras el diagrama de modelo entidad-relacion de una empresa de modisteria, y encontraras el codigo de memorias de rick y morty (2022-03-26, JavaScript, 4333KB, 下载0次)


[论文] EnterpriseApplicationDevelopment

This application is an academic project for the course Enterprise Application Development (IDS517) at University of Illinois at Chicago. The application makes use of JSF framework and also lobraries from Apache Tomahawk: For importing and exporting CSV files, for displaying database table information to the users, Apache Math: for performing (2015-02-28, Java, 2008KB, 下载0次)


[论文] Transverse-bifurcation-of-viscous-slow-MHD-shocks

部分(信不信由你)我们选择了清晰而不利于效率。预印本可在[https://arxi...](https://arxiv.org abs 1901.09153)中找到
This repository contains the notebook with symbolic computations in SAGE for the paper "Transverse bifurcation of viscous slow MHD shocks", by Blake Barker, Rafael Monteiro, and Kevin Zumbrun. The code is not intended to be optimized, and in several parts (believe it or not) we chose clarity to the detriment of efficiency. The preprint can be (2021-11-02, Jupyter Notebook, 600KB, 下载0次)
