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按分类查找All 前端开发(68) 
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[前端开发] eyeRoll-frontend

它是折扣、广告和在线菜单领域的初创应用程序,为每家企业提供身份证。我用typescript和next.js框架开发了它,我使用的库是tailwindcss、JWT、axios、react datepicker、react query、react toastify、recharts、socket.io、swiper、moment和。。。
It is a startup application in the field of discounts, advertising and online menu that gives every business an identity card. I developed it with typescript and next.js framework and the libraries I used are tailwindcss, JWT, axios, react-datepicker, react-query, react-toastify, recharts, socket.io, swiper, moment and ... (2024-05-03, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] porsche-design-system-china

Porsche styled enterprise UI library localized for the Chinese market, offering styled components, fonts, icons, themes, and powerful form handling. (2023-10-18, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] join_us

仿boss直聘系统(包含用户端、企业端、后台管理),技术栈:Vue全家桶 + Antd + pinia + TypeScript + Express + Mysql 用户端: 用户可以通过各类条件筛选职位或公司,可以完善自己的在线简历,对职位可以进行收藏和投递简历,也可查看...,
Imitating boss direct recruitment system (including client, enterprise and background management), technology stack: Vue Family Bucket+Antd+pinia+TypeScript+Express+MySQL client: users can filter positions or companies through various conditions, improve their online resumes, collect and deliver resumes for positions, and view, (2023-08-05, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] nextjs-ts-antd-redux-storybook-starter

Next.js + TypeScript + Ant Design + Redux Toolkit + Redux Saga + Styled Components + Jest + Storybook 企业级项目脚手架模板,
Next. js+TypeScript+Ant Design+Redux Toolkit+Redux Saga+Styled Components+Jet+Storybook enterprise project scaffold template, (2022-08-31, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] mobile-ui-template

Mobile UI Template is a modern, responsive, and customizable mobile UI template for your business. It contains reusable components, theme color, and design support along with dark theme support. (2023-01-09, TypeScript, 46559KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] turtle

turtle是一个企业级javascript typescript渐进式服务器开发框架。它提供了很多grea...
turtle is an enterprise-class javascript/typescript progressive server development framework. It offers a lot of great default features, such as elegant exits, distributed locks, zero-configuration service discovery, api slow-log, AOP, IOC service, scheduled task worker, etc. The driver system brings powerful scalability, and The pre-built CLI (2022-12-03, TypeScript, 110KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] redux-with-domain

蚂蚁大数据部孵化出的一款企业级前端框架,适用于复杂的 SPA 场景。开箱即用,通过领域驱动的开发方式与运行时约束,让项目具备良好的可维护性。
An enterprise level front-end framework incubated by Ant s big data department, suitable for complex SPA scenarios. Out of the box, with domain driven development and runtime constraints, the project has good maintainability. (2022-02-10, TypeScript, 708KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ng-nest

ng-nest,NG-NEST 是一个开源的 Web 应用程序框架,基于 Angular 和 Nest ,主要用于研发企业级中后台产品
Ng-nest, NG-NEST is an open-source web application framework based on Angular and Nest, mainly used for developing enterprise level backend products (2023-05-13, TypeScript, 48315KB, 下载0次)
