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[WEB开发] 2-month-of-enterprise-security-bertelsmann

我对企业安全-贝塔斯曼课程Nanodegree计划的承诺“Udacity的2个月”:https:learn.Udacity.com nanodegrees nd0035 bmann nextgen课堂从2023年12月14日开始,将于2024年2月15日结束。我对Udacity的承诺“#60DaysofUdacity.”。
My pledge "2 months of Udacity" for the Enterprise Security - Bertelsmann Course Nanodegree Program: https: learn.udacity.com nanodegrees nd0035-bmann-nextgen The classroom starts from December 14, 2023 and will End in February 15, 2024. My pledge "#60DaysofUdacity" with Udacity. (2023-12-22, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] frontend-guidelines-zh-CN

本文原文是一篇来自Github上[@bendc](https: github.com bendc)的6,539星的文章,在此声明,原作者保有所有权利,本文仅供技术探讨学习。,
The original text of this article is a 6539 star article from [@ bendc] (https: github. com bendc) on Github. It is hereby stated that the original author reserves all rights, and this article is only for technical discussion and learning., (2017-04-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] RHSCMS_1_0_7

HTCCMS运行于PHP环境的企业网站系统——红头船企业网站系统,安装时可选择Mysql或Access作为数据库,基于smarty PHP模板引擎,熟悉smarty的开发人员可快速上手HTCCMS模板制作及系统使用,无需再学习新的知识。HTCCMS与新秀免费企业网站系统属同一作者,功能和风格上两者相似,HTCCMS是免费的,无功能限制。   后台功能简介:   1.基本设置:基本信息,联系方式,网站设置,导航管理,标题设置,模块启闭,安全设置,数据库管理,其它设置;   2.产品管理:产品列表,添加产品,产品分类;   3.文章管理:文章列表,发表文章,文章分类,关于我们列表,添加关于我们,人才招聘列表,添加人才招聘,下载列表,添加下载;   4.客服互动:留言管理,问卷调查,网站公告,在线客服,友情链接;   5.文件管理:选择模板,模板文件,图片管理,焦点图片,语言包,资源管理。   后台路径:http://网站路径/admin.php 用户名:admin 密码:admin
HTCCMS runs on the PHP environment, enterprise web systems- red head boat business website system, install a choice of Mysql or Access as a database, based on smarty PHP template engine, familiar with the smarty developers can quickly get started HTCCMS templates to create and systems used without further to learn new knowledge. HTCCMS with rookie free enterprise web systems belonging to the same author, both functionality and style similar to, HTCCMS is free, no functional limitations. Background Features: 1 basic settings: basic information, contact information, site settings, navigation management, the title is set, the module headstock, security settings, database management, other settings (2) Product Management: Product List, add products, product categories 3. Article management: list of articles, published articles, articles classified About us list add information about us, recruitment list, add recruitment, download list, add download 4 Customer interaction: message m (2013-07-31, Others, 1980KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] dt_guestbook_asp

点拓企业留言板是一款基于PHP+MYSQL开发的简单留言程序。 点拓企业留言板安装方法: 1、导入newbook.sql到数据库 2、初始管理密码888888,密码修改以及mysql数据库连接修改在文件inc.php前几行 3、程序开源,可以随意修改、使用。 4、如果本程序对您有帮助,或者您的网站使用了该程序,请保留版权或者做一个友情链接。
Extension point enterprise message board is based on a PHP+ MYSQL development of simple message program. Extension point enterprise message board installation method: 1, import newbook. SQL database 2, the initial management code 888888, password modification and mysql database connection modification in file inc. Before a few lines of PHP 3, programs, open source, are free to modify and use. 4, if the program of any help to you, or your website using the program, please keep the copyright or do a link. (2013-01-22, Others, 3123KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] Lelvw

For the integrated management of small and medium-sized tourism enterprises tourism system, similar products home and abroad leading position in terms of stability, code optimization, operating efficiency, load capacity, security level, the handling and strict authority. To help small and medium-sized tourism enterprises management, the application of a new generation of B/S structure, cleverly combined with hotels, flights, routes, scenic, Member, car rental and other functions in one, as the software interface to the browser navigation style operation and rapid completion of the operation of the day-to-day management of the Member orders, combined with accurate and efficient statistical and business analysis, business decision-makers are most concerned about both orders, Member situation through interactive data center at a glance statistics to that point that now. Music about travel site for full open source version for permanent use, free for life. (2013-01-21, Others, 1477KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] Companyasp

漂亮的企业网站。NET2.0出来了, 本次升级修改如下: 1、优化了3层结构。 2、优化了后台管理代码,增强了安全性能。 3、增加了系统名称及关键字管理。 4、增加了系统错误日志记录,自动生成Systemlog.log日志文件。
A beautiful corporate website. NET2.0 out the upgrade amended as follows: 1, optimization of the 3-layer structure. 2, Admin code optimization, enhanced safety performance. 3, the system name and keyword management. 4, system error logging, the automatically generated Systemlog.log log files. (2013-01-15, Others, 653KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 25175_kehuSeach

Global customers search system tailored specifically for marketers to target customers search using keywords, so the use of a very wide range, regardless of your SOHO owners, studios, small and medium enterprises, large enterprises, government investment agencies, regardless of whether you domestic or export, as long as you are marketing, leopard CRM will help you find the customers you want to help you take the initiative to contact customers fast access to business opportunities, your valuable time with a single, rather than looking for business opportunities on! (2013-01-14, Others, 460KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] AspxSite

安装方法:将程序解压并上传至支持Asp.net 2.0的虚拟主机根目录或子目录,再通过网址/admin访问后台, 根据需要进行设置即可。后台默认账户密码:admin和admin888 说明:系统已满足一般服务型企业需求,默认数据库中已设置好公司注册服务类企业的数据,有设计能力者 可参考默认带的模板文件(UI目录下)自行设计模板。
Installation method: the program unzip and upload to support Asp.net 2.0 virtual host root directory or subdirectory, through the web site/admin access to the background, can be set as required. The background default account password: admin and admin888 Description: The system has to meet the general needs of service-oriented enterprises have set the default database the good company registration services enterprise data, design capabilities, refer to the default with the template file (UI directory) own design templates. (2013-01-14, Others, 1700KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] helpdesk64

在很多公司,IT是企业的服务部门,很多IT办公人员忙的要死,但是给老板的感觉似乎什么都没有做;启明星Helpdesk就是用来帮助IT提高效率、报告工作量的目的。对于每一个问题,需要提交一个Tickets,年终时候出一份报表给老板看。启明星Helpdesk是企业IT的助手软件,在企业里,IT通常是一个服务部门,解决员工在电脑使用方面的问题,Helpdesk允许员工在后台提交自己的问题,并设定优先级,IT Support人员根据自己的时间管理解决这些问题。
In many companies, IT service sector, many IT office staff busy death, but to the boss feeling seems to have nothing to do Venus Helpdesk is used to help IT to improve efficiency, the purpose of the reporting workload. For each question, you need to submit a Tickets, end of the year when a report to the boss. Venus Helpdesk the assistant enterprise IT software in the enterprise, IT is usually a service department to solve the problems of the employees in the use of computers, Helpdesk allows employees to submit their own questions in the background, and set priority IT Support officer under the management of their own time to solve these problems. (2013-01-13, Others, 2154KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] XunpoCMS_110719

Xunpo find breaking multi-language enterprise web content management system is a full-featured free multi-lingual (theoretically can do unlimited language), to generate a full static page, product detail page custom file name support the Atlas, file download. (2013-01-10, Others, 557KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] System_Setup

The Shing News System is Kunming the Shing News Network launched the professional establishment of the station platform, based on ASP.net development of simple and practical, functional, and strong expansion (complete open source), can be used for the construction of CMS, blogs and corporate websites. (2013-01-10, Others, 1442KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] decorativeWeb

某装饰公司企业网站源码 某装饰公司网站,页面精美,很实用。网站模块 首页 公司介绍 公司动态 设计团队 设计案例 最新案例 联系我们 留言板
Source of a decoration company in a corporate Web site decoration company' s Web site, the page fine, very practical. Site Modules Home About Us Company News New Case Design Case design team contact us message board (2010-10-09, Others, 16258KB, 下载8次)



飞思cOffice通用OA系统源代码 Asp.net通用OA系统源代码,也名飞思协同办公管理系统 除了具有传统OA的邮件、工作流、文档等功能外,还引进了项目管理和知识管理的思想,更加注重工作任务的分解、协同和监督;知识的积累、沉淀和分享,多条件跳转的分支流更为特色,有效为企业构筑协同工作平台
Fei Si cOffice General OA system source code Asp.net General OA system source code, also were flying thought cooperative office management system in addition to traditional OA mail, workflow, documents and other functions, but also the introduction of project management and knowledge management ideas pay more attention to the decomposition of tasks, coordination and supervision knowledge accumulation, precipitation and sharing, multi-jump conditions of the sub-branch more features to build an effective collaborative working platform for the enterprise (2010-07-30, Others, 12997KB, 下载15次)


[WEB开发] Company

Asp.net企业网站管理系统源码2.0版(精美实用) 漂亮的企业网站。NET2.0出来了, 本次升级修改如下: 1、优化了3层结构。 2、优化了后台管理代码,增强了安全性能。 3、增加了系统名称及关键字管理。 4、增加了系统错误日志记录,自动生成Systemlog.log日志文件。 备注:本系统采用ASP.NET 2.O+ACCESS开发,请调试的朋友安装.NET2.0运行环境!
Asp.net source enterprise website management system version 2.0 (fine utility) Beautiful corporate website. NET2.0 out, this upgrade amended as follows: An optimized 3-layer structure. 2, optimized background management code, and enhanced security. 3, increasing the system name and keyword management. 4, an increase of system error log, the log files automatically generated Systemlog.log. Note: The system developed using ASP.NET 2.O+ ACCESS, please install the debugging of a friend. NET2.0 runtime environment! (2010-06-29, Others, 689KB, 下载92次)


[WEB开发] ksxt(end)

在线考试系统,系统主要有以下功能:(1)用户管理:管理员可以增删改用户;用户注册:用户可以进行注册,然后登录。(2)试卷模型设置:设置试题的每种题型的数量和分值以及考试的总时间。(3)试题库管理:对选择、判断、填空、简答四种题型试题库的管理,使试题的增删、编辑更为简便。试卷生成:可从试题库里随机或按指定方式抽取试题生成一份原始试卷。(4)在线考试:系统严格控制整个考试过程,实行时间的监控与权限的控制,考生需要在限定的考试时间内交卷。(5) 计算机自动阅卷:本系统客观题,要求计算机能自动阅卷,然后马上显示出考生分数,主观题部分有老师批阅后显示分数。(6)成绩查阅:考生考完以后,管理员应该能对所有纪录进行查询,并应该可以删除指定纪录。
System has the following features: (1) User Management: Administrators can change user additions and deletions User Registration: Users can register and then log on. (2) test model of settings: settings for each test the number of questions and total scores as well as the examination time. (3) questions Treasury Management: to choose, judge, to fill in the blank, questions简答four questions database management, so that questions of the additions and deletions, editing easier. Papers generated: Curitiba questions randomly from the prescribed manner, or taken a test to generate the original papers. (4) online exam: System in strict control of the examination process, the implementation of time monitoring and access control, limited the candidates need to carry out an assignment test of time. (5) the computer automatically scoring: an objective question of the system, the computer can automatically marking requirements, and then immediately show that scores of candidates, some of the subje (2009-08-02, Others, 269KB, 下载38次)


[WEB开发] Spring.NET_framework

spring framework (2009-03-29, Others, 1040KB, 下载25次)


[WEB开发] WebIM

本 WebIM SDK可整合在任何网页中,立即拥有实时聊天功能,强大的二次开发能力,可用在在线游戏,交友,论坛,博客,B2B,B2C,在线咨询,人才网,娱乐网站,凡是需要网页互通的都可使用。
The WebIM SDK can be integrated in any web page and immediately have a real-time chat features, a strong secondary development capabilities, can be used in online games, making friends, forums, blog, B2B, B2C, online consulting, talent network, entertainment sites, all the needs of the page interoperability can be used. (2008-08-28, Others, 1971KB, 下载341次)


[WEB开发] softhy360f

1、仿Google导航,界面数据与近期daohang.google.cn一致; 2、使用visual studio 2008 开发,运行环境需要asp.net 2.0; 3、程序基于Nvelocity模板引擎,生成静态html文件和aspx文件同时支持; 4、可放置自己的广告,默认3个公共广告位,主页另有两个共5个,子页另有两个共5个。如需增加可自行修改模板。 更新日志: [2008-6-15] *模板更新为 v1.11 *增加顶部搜索栏下侧关键字链接,set.vm内有开关参数 *增加底部搜索栏右侧关键字链接,set.vm内有开关参数 *界面CSS调整
1, like Google navigation, interface data consistent with the recent daohang.google.cn 2, the use of visual studio 2008 development, the environment needs to run asp.net 2.0 3, procedures Nvelocity-based template engine to generate static html files and aspx file at the same time support 4, may be placed on your own ads, by default three public advertising, home page and another two were 5, sub-page and two a total of five. For the increase can modify the template. Update Log: [2008-6-15]* template update v1.11* increase at the top of search keywords link under the column side, set.vm there are switching parameters* An additional search bar at the bottom of the right keyword links, set.vm There are switches to adjust the parameters* interface CSS (2008-06-24, Others, 1379KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] XHTML_Guidelines_v1_2_zh_ch

wap2.0-xhtml协议,本指南是为Web应用软件开发人员设计的,这些开发人员应全面了解为支持WAP 2.0 markup(即XHTML Mobile Profile (MP) 和WAP CSS 的移动设备创建内容的知识。
wap2.0- xhtml agreement, the Guide to Web application software developers design. These developers should fully understand the WAP 2.0 support for the markup (XHTML Mobile P rofile (MP) CSS and WAP mobile devices create content knowledge. (2007-07-01, Others, 3223KB, 下载174次)


[WEB开发] cwbps

中软国际香港上市白皮书.pdf 让想去中软的朋友最大限度的了解中软的信息(包括运营情况,资产收入,股市信息,产品信息等等面向香港股市发布的企业信息白皮书)
Hong Kong-listed White Paper. Pdf let go soft friends maximum understanding of soft information ( including the operation of assets and incomes, the stock market information, product information, and so on the Hong Kong stock market-oriented enterprise information released by the White Paper) (2007-05-06, Others, 1347KB, 下载3次)
