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[Windows编程] PostgreSQL9.4.4-CN-v1.0

《PostgreSQL9.4.4中文手册》是在《PostgreSQL9.3.1中文手册》 1 的基础上翻译而成,山东瀚高的韩悦悦和另一名同事完成了绝大部分的翻译工作。详细请参考PostgreSQL9.4中文手册的翻译 2 。 如果发现中文手册中的问题请向Github源码仓库 3 或PostgreSQL中文手册翻译小组QQ群(309292849)反馈,也可直接向Github源码仓库提交PR。
The "PostgreSQL9.4.4 Chinese handbook" was translated on the basis of "PostgreSQL9.3.1 Chinese handbook" 1, and Han Yueyue and other colleagues in Shandong completed most of the translation work. For details, please refer to the translation of PostgreSQL9.4 Chinese manual 2. If you find problems in the Chinese manual, please return to Github source warehouse 3 or PostgreSQL Chinese manual translation group QQ group (309292849), or you can submit PR directly to the Github source repository. (2017-08-23, Others, 12657KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] CCB_gbk_zh-cn

对CCB论坛的程序结构和数据算法进行了大量的优化,目前已是国内现存的非常少见的很稳定成熟的文本系统. 程序日常维护变得更容易,安装变得更加简单,只有一个index.pl引导文件,在windows下可以直接安装. 提供单文件自解压安装包 新版的升级方式做了重大改进,可在后台在线自动升级,简单快速,免去繁琐的大批文件下载,上传过程 初次在linux 空间安装也会大大的方便,不需要再设n多的755属性,只要设index.pl属性为755,setup.pl为666即可. 已完成SQL数据库接口插件,会员资料可以喝其它系统方便进行连接,爱好者有兴趣可以自行开发MySql,Postgresql,Access等数据库功能
To CCB BBS program structure and data of a large number of optimization algorithm, is already the domestic existing very rare very stable mature text system. Program daily maintenance easier, installation is simple, only one index. Pl guidance documents under Windows can be installed directly. Provide single file since the release installation package New upgrade way of doing a significant improvement, but in the background online automatic updates, simple, fast, to avoid tedious large file to download, upload process First in the Linux installation space will be greatly convenient, don t need to put n many 755 attribute, as long as a index. Pl attribute for 755, setup. Pl for 666 can. Has completed SQL database interface card, membership material can drink other systems facilitate connection, fans are interested in can be developed by the MySql, Postgresql, such as Access database function (2013-01-22, Others, 2561KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] OA_Test

详细介绍 一个页面功能相对完善,界面漂亮的OA办公自动化系统,采用面向对象模式开发 主要功能模块有: 个人考勤:上下班登记 外出登记 请假登记 出差登记 我的考勤记录 外出记录 请假记录 出差记录 工作计划:我的计划 计划管理 日程管理 新建安排 查看安排 通讯录: 联系人维护 员工通讯录 我的分组 增加联系人 内部邮件:发邮件 发件箱 收件箱 草稿箱 投诉意见:投诉意见 个人资料:密码修改 个人资料修改 记事本:查看记事本 新建内容 新闻: 新闻列表 我的会议:会议列表
Details page function relatively well, the interface is pretty OA office automation system, using object-oriented model to develop major functional modules: personal attendance: from work to go out to record registration go out registration leave registration travel to register my attendance record of leave records travel records work plans: I plan program management scheduling new arrangements to view the arrangements for contacts: Contact maintenance staff contacts increase my grouped contacts internal mail: the mail Inbox Outbox Drafts complaints views: the complaints views Profile: password modify personal data notepad: View Notepad to create content News: News list of the meeting: meeting list (2013-01-15, Others, 2911KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] j_10446_eyzg_cgi

CGI源码 - 影音娱乐 - 简体中文 中国电影程序CGI版 v1.0 源码大小:0.19 MB 前台:你的**/index.cgi 程序后台:你的**/admin.cgi 后台用户密码都为:admin 开发近四年,此次开发的是采用CGI语言开发的电影程序,由于CGI开发程序工作量较大,所以本程序也仅实现电影程序的最基本的功能。 八年前CGI是中国最为流行的web编程语言,后因开发难度大而被淘汰,但是不可否认CGI仍然有其特有的优点:不需要数据库的支持,功能十分强大等。HTML目录内的面页模板文件 DATA目录为数据文件 LIST.txt为数据文件 本程序免费
CGI source- entertainment- Simplified Chinese film program version v1.0 file size: 0.19 MB reception:**/the index.cgi program background:**/admin.cgi background user password: admin development In the past four years, the developed film program is using CGI language, the workload of CGI development process is heavy, so this program is only the most basic functions of the film program. Eight years ago, CGI is the most popular web programming languages, due to the difficulty of development be eliminated, but it is undeniable that CGI still has its unique advantages: no need for database support, and very powerful. The face page of the template file in the HTML directory DATA directory for data files LIST.txt for data files and this program is free (2012-05-27, Others, 195KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] cobol

COBOL (COmmonBusinessOrientedLanguage)- is the most widely used data processing programming language, is the first widely used high-level programming language. In business management in, numerical calculation is not complicated, but the data processing amount of information is high. To specifically address the issue by the corporate management, in 1959, a number of computer users by the U.S. organization dedicated to business process design of the computer language COBOL, and in 1961 the United States Data System Language Association announced. The continuously changing, rich sound and standardization of COBOL has been developed for a variety of the current version. (2011-05-26, Others, 8461KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] SMS

基于c#的企业短信群发模块 短信群发模块使用说明书 运行本程序前应安装金仓短信王标准商务版DG-C1A驱动程序,安装完驱动还需要在程序中加载dllforvc.dll文件。 登录界面如图1.1所示,用户名为mr,密码为mrsoft,单击“登录”按钮,进入程序主界面,如图1.2所示。 图1.1 登录界面 图1.2 程序主界面 首先在“名片管理”菜单中添加联系人,然后在“常用短语”菜单中添加常用语,最后在“短信操作”菜单中就可以发送短信了,“短信群发”模块如图1.3所示,短消息接收者可以通过“电话簿”按钮添加,也可以直接输入接收者电话号码,然后单击“添加接收者”按钮。输入短信内容,单击“立即发送短消息”按钮,即可发送该消息。 图1.3 “短信群发”模块 在“短信记录”菜单中可以查看已发送的短信,及接收短信,选择“已接收短信”菜单命令,即可接收新短信及查看已接收的短信,如图1.4所示,双击短信息,可对其进行回复。 图1.4 “已接收短信”模块
C#-based enterprises Short Message Module (2011-03-25, Others, 2732KB, 下载15次)


[Windows编程] beamer

LaTeX(LATEX)是一种基于TeX的排版系统,由美国计算机学家Leslie Lamport在20世纪80年代初期开发,利用这种格式,即使使用者没有排版和程序设计的知识也可以充分发挥由TeX所提供的强大功能,能在几天,甚至几小时内生成很多具有书籍质量的印刷品。对于生成复杂表格和数学公式,这一点表现得尤为突出。因此它非常适用于生成高印刷质量的科技和数学类文档。这个系统同样适用于生成从简单的信件到完整书籍的所有其他种类的文档。这只一些制作演讲稿的材料,源码和实际效果。
LaTeX (LATEX) is based on the TeX typesetting system, a computer scientist from the United States Leslie Lamport in the 20th century, the early 80' s development, use this format, even if the user does not have layout and programming knowledge can also bring into full play by the TeX provide the power, in a few days or even hours to generate a lot of books with the quality of printed matters. For the generation of complex tables and mathematical formulas, which was particularly prominent. Therefore it is suitable for generating high-quality printing of the document technology and mathematics category. The system also applies to generated from simple letters to complete books of all other types of documents. Only some of the production of speech materials, source code and the actual results. (2009-06-02, Others, 9145KB, 下载71次)


[Windows编程] service

:面向服务架构(SOA)是分布式系统构造理念发展的一个新阶段。如何将SOA应用到实践中是目前业界的研究热点 所在。探讨了支撑和实施SOA的关键问题,涉及SOA的设计原则、编程模型、实现技术和架构元素等,并深入分析了Web服 务、企业服务总线等核心技术、规范,对于SOA实践具有一定的指导作用。
: Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is the concept of distributed system structure of a new stage of development. How to apply to the practice of SOA is the hot spot where the industry study. Support and implementation of key SOA issues related to SOA design principles, programming model, element technology and structure, and depth analysis of Web services, Enterprise Service Bus and other core technologies, standardization, and for the practice of SOA has a guiding role. (2009-04-15, Others, 444KB, 下载40次)


[Windows编程] 966dy_2_gg

久溜溜电影网站的源代码 是最新的版本 很好用的一个电影网站 速度快不卡
Yo-long film site (2009-01-11, Others, 2477KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] sightone_setup

可用于动态IP的播报上.如你远程主机是动态IP. 一个IP反馈到邮箱的程序,把当前的IP地址发送到某一个邮箱. 定时对本地IP进行查询,如果发现变动,则将新的IP地址发送到邮箱. 没有什么技术含量, 主要用到发信 对本地IP的列举. 和任务栏的简单应用. 本例不含安全方面的内容,感兴趣者可以自行加入. 很高兴与你一起研究
Can be used for the broadcast on dynamic IP. If you remote host is a dynamic IP. An IP back to the mailbox of the process, the current IP address is sent to a mailbox. Regularly query the local IP, if we find that the changes will be new IP address sent to the mailbox. there is no technical content, the main use of the letter listed on the local IP. and the simple application of the taskbar. in this case non-security content can be interested in adding their own. very happy with you research (2008-03-23, Others, 2642KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] cn_CVS_Usage_Manual_V1.0

CVS是一个版本控制系统。使用它,你可以记录下你的源文件的历史。 例如:修改软件时可能会产生一些bug,而且可能过了很久你才会察觉到它们的存在。 有了 CVS,你可以很容易地恢复旧版本,并从中看出到底是哪个修改导致了这个bug 。 有时这是很有用的。 当然了,你能把所有版本的所有文件都保存了下来。但这会浪费大量的磁盘空间。 而CVS用一种聪明的办法来保存一个文件的所有版本-仅仅保存不同版本之间的区别-在一个文件里。 如果你是项目开发组的一员,CVS也会帮助你。除非极为小心, 成员之间很容易互相覆盖文件。一些编辑器,如GNU Emacs,会保证同一时间内同一文件绝不会被两个人修改。 不幸的是,如果有人用了另外的编辑器,这种保护就没用了。 CVS用隔离开不同的开发者解决了这个问题。每个开发者在他自己的目录里工作, 等每一个开发者都完成了他们自己的工作后,CVS会将它们合并到一起。 (2007-09-20, Others, 655KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] VerilogHDL_p2s_s2p

在微型计算机系统中, CPU与外部的基本通信方式有两种,一种是并行通信即数据的各位同 时传送,其优点是传输速度较快,但数据有多少位就需要多少条传送线 而串行通信中数据一位一位顺序传 送,能节省传送线. 用Verilog HDL语言实现了串并、并串通信接口之间的转换
In the micro-computer system, CPU and the outside of the basic means of communication there are two types of parallel data communication that is transmitted at the same time you have the advantage of faster transfer speeds, but data on the number of those who need the number of transmission line and string A line of data communications, a sequence of transmission, transmission lines can be saved. using Verilog HDL language and realize the string, and string conversions between the communication interface (2007-08-31, Others, 364KB, 下载33次)


[Windows编程] DMICFG

由于计算机用户对计算机的需求和使用模式千差万别,Microsoft 提供了不同版本的 Windows Vista 以满足这些需求。与 Windows XP 后期的各种变异版本(某些功能仅适用于某些版本的 Windows)不同,Windows Vista 的功能分布是为了提供“好的、更好的和最好的”选项来满足消费者的需求。 与现今存在的两类 Windows XP(家庭版和专业版)密切对应, Windows Vista。Windows Vista 也分为家庭版和企业版两个大类。
computer users to computer demand and usage patterns differ widely, Microsoft provided a different version of the Windows Vista to meet these needs. Windows XP and later versions of variation (certain functions apply only in certain versions of Windows ), Windows Vista distribution function is to provide "a good, better and best "option to meet consumer demand. And today there are two categories of Windows XP (Home Edition and Professional Edition) closely correspond, Windows Vista. Windows Vista is also divided into families and Enterprise Edition version two major categories. (2007-05-18, Others, 65KB, 下载98次)


[Windows编程] ftermcore

fterm核心代码是基于piette@overbyte.be"]francois.piette@overbyte.be的ICS控件改制而来,其中用在fterm中的控件包括TTnEmulVT, TEmulVT, TTnCnx, TWSocket。这里简称TTnEmulVT for FTERM ICS的原作者是Francois Piette,其主页是http://www.overbyte.be fterm的主要作者是fuse@dot66.com, bbs@smth.org"] kxn.bbs@smth.org TTnEmulVT for FTERM包含了基本的telnet功能,ansi序列解析,ssh1/2,zmodem所有相关代码,以及一个demo程序 下载源码前你需要作出以下承诺: TnEmulVT for FTERM 来源于ICS,因此你需要服从ICS的License,在下载的zip包中有一个readme_ics.txt是ICS原始的说明,请你阅读并遵从之。简要地说: 这个代码永远属于Francois Piette,不论如何,你不能声称这是你的作品。 你必须寄一张明信片到:Francois PIETTE, rue de Grady 24, 4053 Embourg, Belgium. 这是对待Francois Piette你需要作的。 对于kxn,他在维护smth.org这个bbs, 你需要经常去smth.org上去看看他,问问他最近需要点什么。 对于fuse,你需要发送一封email到fuse@dot66.com,告诉他你拿到代码了,你可以将question, bug, wishlist, new code发给他,而他可能不回信。
fterm core code is based on piette@overbyte.be "] fran cois.piette @ overbyte.be the ICS controls from restructuring, There are at the controls fterm including TTnEmulVT, TEmulVT, TTnCnx. TWSocket. TTnEmulVT listed here for FTERM ICS is the original author of Fr ancois Piette, its home page is http :// www.overbyte.be fterm the main authors are fuse@dot66.c om. bbs@smth.org "] kxn.bbs blocking TTnEmulVT @ f or FTERM contains the basic functions of telnet, ansi sequence analysis, ssh1/2, zmodem all relevant code, as well as a demo download the source code before you need to make the following commitments : TnEmulVT for FTERM from ICS. So you need to obey ICS License, downloaded the zip package is a readme_ics.txt ICS is the original note Please read and follow's. Briefly : (2007-05-16, Others, 620KB, 下载142次)
