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按分类查找All JavaScript/JQuery(73) 
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[JavaScript/JQuery] Joke-Generator

该存储库包含一个Random Joke Generator,这是一个有趣的web应用程序,它可以生成随机笑话,为用户带来笑声和娱乐。该生成器使用JavaScript、HTML和CSS开发,从预定义的集合或外部API中获取笑话,并在网页上动态显示它们。
This repository houses a Random Joke Generator, a fun and entertaining web application that generates random jokes to bring laughter and amusement to users. Developed using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, this generator fetches jokes from a predefined collection or an external API and displays them dynamically on the webpage. (2024-04-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Fun2shot

Welcome to my collection of small games built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript! This repository showcases a variety of simple yet engaging games that I ve developed as part of my learning journey in web development. From classic favorites to innovative twists, these games offer entertainment for players of all ages. (2024-04-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] theTriviaGame

欢迎来到我的第一个(也许不是最后一个)琐事游戏!这个交互式测验是使用HTML、CSS、JavaScript和jQuery创建的,遵循MVC架构。从Open Trivia Database API提供的大量类别中随机选择10个问题,体验富有挑战性和娱乐性的体验。
Welcome to my first (maybe not the last) Trivia Game! This interactive quiz was created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery, following the MVC architecture. Dive into a challenging and entertaining experience with 10 randomly selected questions from a vast array of categories provided by the Open Trivia Database API. (2023-12-30, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] frontend-hard-mode-interview

Frontend Internal Reference "provides knowledge sharing on JavaScript, programming paradigms, design patterns, and the art of software development in various frontend fields, aiming to help front-end engineers solidify their technical foundation and pass frontline internet enterprise technology interviews. (2023-01-21, JavaScript, 7740KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JavaScript_sljj

JavaScript实例讲解.zip 本教程将教你怎样建造你梦中的浏览器。
This tutorial will teach you how to build your dreams browser.撤消修改Alpha 新! 点击上方的字词可修改和查看其他翻译。 删除 “”的用法示例:由 Google 自动翻译 字典Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察将文件或链接拖放到此处以翻译文档或网页。 将链接拖放到此处以翻译网页。 我们不支持您拖放的文件类型,请尝试其他文件类型。 我们不支持您拖放的链接类型,请尝试其他类型的链接。 (2013-02-02, JavaScript, 389KB, 下载15次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JSP013

From recruitment of employees-> Trial-> positive- the management of the whole process of resignation or retirement, the ability to record the basic information of the employees (support photos) family information, prize information, work experience, training, information and contract information. Extended functionality to provide statistical analysis and birthday reminders. (2012-11-14, JavaScript, 3045KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] UI

News Publishing System (2011-04-19, JavaScript, 1398KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jQuery_1.4.4_API_cn_chm

JQuery Reference document of the Chinese original non-google project for my revision, the official date of the last update is 2010-02-10 This release is based on revised from the official version upgrade, thanks to the previous version of the author and translator-based documents contributions (specifically, the previous version, please see Introduction), this function only for the upgrade and beautification (2011-02-28, JavaScript, 268KB, 下载12次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] ejbpdf3.0

Java EJB 3.0实例教程——企业应用开发核心技术 PDF,网上有关EJB方面的教程并不多,本教程以简单的实例展现EJB3.0 的开发过程,适合具有Java 语言基础的EJB初学者。章节内容丰富,内容涉及环境配置、EJB包相关知识、会话BEAN、消息驱动、实体Bean、使用EJB3.0构建轻量级应用框架、Web应用等众多内容……
Java EJB 3.0 tutorial examples- the core of enterprise application development technologies PDF, online tutorials about EJB' s not much, this tutorial shows a simple example of EJB3.0 development process for a Java language-based EJB beginners. Chapters rich in content, covering the environment configuration, EJB package knowledge, session BEAN, message-driven, entity Bean, lightweight application framework built using EJB3.0, Web applications, and many other content ... ... (2010-09-10, JavaScript, 1378KB, 下载12次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] tykj

天缘企业网站系统科技版 焕然一新的时尚科技界面,引来了更多用户的青睐,个性主流的全新感觉,独领行业风潮,此版本适合网络/科技/高新产业/软件等公司使用。 主要功能: 基本设置:站点常规属性设置。 导航管理:添加/删除导航菜单,隐藏与显示。 单页管理:增加修改单页,通过强大的编辑器可插入动画图片视频等内容。 新闻管理:新闻分类管理,增加/删除/修改新闻。 产品管理:产品二级分类,产品略缩图,产品推荐,增/删/改产品。 订单管理:前台对相应的产品下订单,后台查看与处理订单信息。 下载管理:下载分类管理,可做软件下载,文件下载等功能。 幻灯管理:幻灯添加、幻灯修改等。 招聘管理:在线发布招聘信息、修改、删除、管理职位。管理前台用户投递的简历。 友情链接:增加/修改/删除图片链接。 留言管理:留言回复/审核功能,前台发表和显示留言列表。 视频管理:管理首页视频播放地址,支持windows播放格式与FLV格式。
ASP+ACCESS+WEB (2010-06-08, JavaScript, 2845KB, 下载8次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] liuxing1.0

Iron Man download system is the iron man technology web team developed the JSP version download system for markets other languages site security inadequate, the download system uses JAVA+ MySQL development, inherited his strong, stable, secure, efficient, cross- platform, and many other advantages, this system is suitable for individual software download site, download the document management business applications. (2010-04-27, JavaScript, 4065KB, 下载3次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JavaScriptHelp_cn

Recently due to the often need to write javascript code, but no research in this area, I had to go all out to find the Internet a pity that people feel online can also be too little reference to the javascript, which I find a more comprehensive and rigorous and include many Chinese part of the (2009-09-19, JavaScript, 519KB, 下载4次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] beta-20081017

//--- 开发背景------------// 在javascript开发过程中,如果总是使用alert的方式调试程序,很难满足企业级开发的需要。 比如ajax项目中,存在一个3000行左右JS文件,其中存在各种自定义的javascript对象。 开发的过程中,总是需要在js程序执行到某个关键点的时候,监视自定义对象的值或状态, 判断执行结果是否是预期的样子. alert的方式存在以下两个明显的缺点: 1.假如一次执行中有n个关键点的值都想随时监视,使用alert您就不的不点够n次确认, - 给开发者的感觉是很不连贯也不直观,很难流畅发现隐藏很深的问题。 2.用于调试的alert语句,在发布的时候必须删除掉,等有朝一日需要再次调试的时候, - 您就不得不回忆之前的关键点,分别加上alert,艰难的调试。 鉴于以上需求,本着简单实用的原则,自己动手编写了这个javascript调试工具,全部程序只有10kb左右。 使用该工具之后,以上两个问题,变得迎刃而解。您或许会发现,IE下调试javascript程序变的便利。 该工具主要有以下特点: 1.完全的可插入式思想,对目标程序没有任何负作用。 2.使用方法简单,方便,只需要引入一行JS代码。
err (2008-11-24, JavaScript, 47KB, 下载2次)
