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按分类查找All 游戏(81) 
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[游戏] GolfProduction

In The Rough是一款为大学课程开发的全球多人高尔夫派对游戏。团队和我希望提供无缝和娱乐的派对游戏体验。我正在为这个项目进行网络和部署。
In The Rough is a global multiplayer golf party game being developed for a univeristy course. The team and I hope to deliver a seamless and entertaining party game experience. I am working on the networking and deployment for this project. (2024-04-14, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Dungeonine

The code of the first game made by me, Dungeonine! Dungeonine is a action and puzzle based adventure game where you are a robot called Bonine trying to survive in a mysterious dungeon! The game hasn t been launched yet and is at it s beta stage of development. (2024-03-22, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] dungeon-cat

Dungeon Cat is a 2D top-down action-adventure game based around a cat exploring a dungeon. This dungeon is filled with strange beasts, pu… (2024-01-19, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Runeside-Grove

Hello and welcome to rooster town, a cockfighting simulation game where you can see what the life of fighting cocks is like, have clashes… (2024-01-16, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Rooster-Town

Hello and welcome to rooster town, a cockfighting simulation game where you can see what the life of fighting cocks is like, have clashes with other roosters, make your style unique and become the strongest (2024-01-08, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Dungeons-and-Dragons-Player-Desktop

A simple application that allows you to create and share characters for the popular table top role playing game Dungeons and Dragons. (2024-01-06, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] ExendedWeaponWheel

You can now eat snacks and put on armor using the Weapon Wheel, just like in GTA Online: The Criminal Enterprises. (2023-09-22, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] white-noise

White noise is a rougelike turn-based game set in an abstract corporate world of black and white. Charlie, the main protagonist, is a disgruntled citizen of the company owned town who simply wishes to leave their world behind (quite literally) and start anew. (2021-11-07, C#, 327KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Danmachi-Inspired-mobilegame

This is a mobile game I ve been working on inspired by the anime "Is it Wrong to Try and Pick up Girls in a Dungeon?". The player in this game would take on the role of a god/goddess. The Adventurers (currently) and Monsters are controlled by AI. (2017-03-06, C#, 1627KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] XboxCentralHub

A Desktop APP for manage xbox rent in some minor business on mexico (2023-01-27, C#, 41707KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] DungeonChef

A 2.5D, Endless Survival, Menu Based Game, where you play as the Chef for a Dungeon Party. Keep your Party Healthy as they fight Monsters and bring you back new Ingredients to experiment with. (2019-07-28, C#, 14573KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] LD46

Ludum Dare果酱#46。主题:“让它活着”。游戏:动物园管理员-娱乐,饲料和照顾动物在8个不同的...
Ludum Dare Jam #46. Theme: "Keep it alive". Game: Zoo keeper - Entertain, feed and take care of animals in 8 different minigames (2020-08-27, C#, 104779KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] ChessProject

Chess is a table game of a recreational and competitive nature for two players. It is on a square board and delivered in 64 squares, alternately white and black. On one side are the 16 white pieces and on the other the same number of black pieces. Each player is entitled to one bid at a time. (2022-09-12, C#, 10KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] MixAndGameJam2020

重新上传du-jeu effectuéenéquipe de cinq en 48H lors de la Mix和游戏果酱:上海华侨城:过于复杂的俄罗斯方块...
Reupload du jeu effectué en équipe de cinq en 48H lors de la Mix and Game Jam : OCTSHMUP : Overly complicated Tetris Shoot em Up. Développé en C# sous Unity. https://itch.io/jam/mix-and-game-jam-2020/rate/822002 (2020-11-15, C#, 9727KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] GoblinsAndCastles

A fantasy Dungeons and Dragons style RPG where OpenAI serves as the storyteller. Create a character by picking a name, choosing a race, class, and default inventory setup that matches your play style. Play a solo-campaign or a multiplayer campaign with friends. (2023-06-10, C#, 781KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] World-of-Eronia

This is a Game based on Diablo published by Blizzard Entertainment. This project is open source and made for my final exam at Eszterházy Károly Catholic University. (2022-08-17, C#, 8518KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] TurnbasedRPG

Small scale turn based RPG with simple controls. Game is inspired by D&D and Darkest Dungeon . At the movement the game looks rough but the controls area fine. (2022-11-16, C#, 33925KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] NerdOrDungeons

书呆子或地下城是一款基于XNA框架的简单RPG游戏。实际上与GNU GPL 2.0一起发布,这个游戏是一个明星...
Nerd Or Dungeons is a Simple RPG Game based on XNA Framework. Actually released with GNU GPL 2.0, this game is a starting point for beginner videogames programmers (2023-06-10, C#, 163582KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] Match1

一个类似于微软公司Purble Place的小游戏,供C#初学者使用,也供大家休闲娱乐。
A similar to the Microsoft Corp Place Purble game, for beginners to use C#, but also for the leisure and entertainment. (2016-03-27, C#, 5756KB, 下载1次)


[游戏] menghuanlianliankanV3.2

the game can be different according to the player's need for flexibility to change upload pictures, and a higher entertainment, reflect the unique character player (2007-04-23, C#, 10319KB, 下载37次)
