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[SQL Server] mingzaiSQL

明仔SQL环境搭建教程 目录: (一) SQL安装常识 (二)什么是 附加数据库 和新 建立数据库 以及的区别 (三)数据库导入与导出 (四)数据库收缩与分离 (五)数据库备份/还原 (六)(安装常见错误 (七)如何测试SQL (八)ACCESS转化成SQL2000 (九)企业版本也能装在XP上
Ming Tsai SQL environment to build tutorial directory: (A) SQL installation knowledge (B) What is Additional Database and the new Create Database and the difference (C) import and export (Four) contraction and separation (Five) backup/restore (F) (installation of common errors (Vii) How to test SQL (Eight) ACCESS converted into SQL2000 (Nine) Enterprise version can also be installed on XP (2014-10-12, CHM, 29KB, 下载3次)


[android开发] AndroidSDK(cn)

Android 平台 是一个移动设备专用的软件堆, 包括一个操作系统, 中间件以及大量关键应用. 开发者能建立大量应用程序通过Android SDK平台。应用程序使用Java程序语言编写并且在Dalvik上运转, Dalvik是一个运行在Linux内核之上专门供嵌入使用的虚拟机。 现在Android SDK 1.0版本已经正式推出. 它包括源码框架, 实例工程,开发工具,模拟器,当然还包括你所需要的开发Android应用的全部库文件。
Android platform is a software stack for mobile devices, including an operating system, middleware, and a large number of critical applications. developers to build a large number of applications through Android SDK platform. Application uses the Java programming language to write and run on the Dalvik, Dalvik is a run on embedded Linux kernel specifically for use on the virtual machine. Android SDK 1.0 version has now officially launched. It includes the source code framework, case projects, development tools, simulators, and of course you need all of the development of Android applications library. (2011-03-17, CHM, 8899KB, 下载15次)


[WEB开发] DebuggingMicrosoft.NETApplications

图书简介 传统上,性能调整工具,测试应用程序和调试代码一直非常昂贵,难以学习,难以使用。虽然微软的Visual Studio以前的版本,包括调试器和其他代码,改进工具,Visual Studio 2005的介绍具有强大的和有用的工具,开发人员和流程,确保高质量的代码。在本指南中,对提高代码,约翰罗宾斯,退出后,专家级的信息的特点他以前调试的书籍目前实际操作,为工作如何使用调试,测试和调节功能,开发实用的建议,专家在Visual Studio 2005。除了一个熟练的调试和指导科学概述指令,本指南还具有共同的,现实世界的发展问题的办法。各种技能水平的开发人员将能够使用这本书,以帮助改善他们的调试了解,调试工具,调整和测试! ,包括如何有效地运用测试资源管理器,企业绩效工具,和WinDbg。
Book Description Traditionally, tools for performance tuning, testing applications, and debugging code have been expensive, hard to learn, and difficult to use. While previous versions of Microsoft Visual Studio- have included debuggers and other code-improvement tools, Visual Studio 2005 presents developers with robust and useful tools and processes to help ensure top-quality code. In this guide, an expert on improving code, John Robbins, steps back from the expert-level information that characterized his previous debugging books to present hands-on, practical advice for working developers on how to use the debugging, testing, and tuning features in Visual Studio 2005. In addition to an overview of the science of debugging and expertly-guided instruction, this guide also features solutions to common, real-world development problems. Developers of all skill levels will be able to use this book to help improve their understanding of debugging, debugging tools, tuning, and testing! , i (2010-03-15, CHM, 4291KB, 下载3次)


[软件工程] BeautifulArchitecture

Beautiful Architecture -- 英文版 全球19位顶尖架构师智慧结晶 本书围绕5个主题领域来组织本书的内容:概述、企业应用、系统、最终用户应用和编程语言。本书让最优秀的设计师和架构师来描述他们选择的软件架构,剥开架构的各层,展示他们如何让软件做到实现功能、可靠、易用、高效率、可维护、可移植和优雅。
Beautiful Architecture, 1st Edition by Diomidis Spinellis Georgios Gousios ------------------------------------ Publisher: O Reilly Media, Inc. Pub Date: January 29, 2009 -------------------------------------- With this book, you ll discover: How Facebook s architecture is the basis for a data-centric application ecosystem The effect of Xen s well-designed architecture on the way operating systems evolve How community processes within the KDE project help software architectures evolve from rough sketches to beautiful systems How creeping featurism has helped GNU Emacs gain unanticipated functionality The magic behind the Jikes RVM self-optimizable, self-hosting runtime Design choices and building blocks that made Tandem the choice platform in high-availability environments for over two decades Differences and similarities between object-oriented and functional architectural views How architectures can affect the software s evolution and the developer (2009-12-28, CHM, 4569KB, 下载12次)


[其他书籍] RobinLiwarsinguigu

 李彦宏   本书描绘了1994年以来在硅谷这个世界闻名的美国高科技产业区,几家著名大企业(微软、网景、太阳、圣言、美国在线……)间展开的商业竞争。这里有围绕浏览器的明争暗斗;有网景从创业到被兼并的风风雨雨;有Java的异军突起;上网服务的你争我夺和美国在线的种种商业手段;有在联邦法院内微软和对手们的唇枪舌战;有比尔·盖茨、巴克斯代尔、曼克尼里等精英人物的精彩表现,最后,作者还向您展示了硅谷的成功之路。.   本书无论对于政策研究者、企业决策者、风险投资家、银行总裁、经理董事,还是对于信息总管、技术开发人员,均为难得的滋补佳肴,乃至于网络新媒体的观潮人或普通平民百姓也是饭后茶余的有趣读物。..   本书采用了章回小说的形式,但并不是小说,而是真实的激烈商战,所涉及的人物都足用的真名。...
Li This book describes in Silicon Valley since 1994, the United States of this world-renowned high-tech industry zone, several well-known big companies (Microsoft, Netscape, Sun, Word, America Online ... ...) between the start of business competition. There is infighting surrounding the browser a Netscape merger from the start to be ups and downs a Java-dark horse Internet services, and the United States to scramble all the online business tools there in the Federal Court and the opponents within the Microsoft The war of words a Bill Gates, Barksdale, Manke Ni-ri and other elite brilliant performance, finally, the author shows you the Silicon Valley success. . This book both for policy researchers, enterprise decision-makers, venture capitalists, bank president, manager, director, or for information mains, technology developers, are rare nourishing food, and even the new Internet media, or ordinary civilians Guanchao people are also meal Chayu interesting reading. .. This bo (2009-10-01, CHM, 255KB, 下载27次)
