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[WEB开发] cwcms-v1.7

CwCMS hit the enterprise website management system is a specifically for enterprise website custom of ASP+Access/MsSql program, the system is small, only 900kb, using the original template led Zhi analysis, the total static generation, program and template separation, automatic installation, support access and MSSQL two species according to the library. (2016-05-10, Visual C++, 1249KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] small-program-2

Calculation of the profit of the enterprise, according to the given condition is very simple, beginners can see, feel useful (2015-04-08, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] VC2005

With the development of economic globalization, the knowledge update faster than ever. The employee quality will be the core fact of the enterprise competition. So developing a full functional software which could assist staff managing the training business became an important thing for every company. (2015-03-19, Visual C++, 6801KB, 下载1次)



eVIP 中文版 简单的VIP用户管理软件,可以充值,扣费,余额查询,VIP用户信息管理,公司信息写入卡中。
eVIP Chinese version of VIP Simple user management software, you can recharge, deductions, balance inquiries, VIP user information management, information is written to the card company. (2014-07-16, Visual C++, 339KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] yifan-Beta1.0

艺帆CMS 企业版 1全站自动伪静态,利于搜索优化。 2强大的图片批量上传。
Yifan CMS Enterprise Edition 1 station automatic pseudo-static, and conducive to search engine optimization. 2 powerful image bulk upload. (2012-11-29, Visual C++, 3081KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] dcore-v1.0-build-121013

Dcore is a lightweight and flexible, easy-to-use lightweight CMS system, very suitable for personal blog or corporate showcase site. (2012-11-20, Visual C++, 2121KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] LJwebFree

后台可先切换 动态和静态 asp+html 主要功能模块介绍 1. 企业信息:发布介绍企业的各类信息,如企业简介、组织机构、营销网络、企业荣誉、联系方式,并可随意增加新的栏目等。 2. 新闻动态:发布企业新闻和业内资讯,从后台到前台真正实现无限级分类显示,并随意控制显示级数,大大增加信息发布的灵活性。 3. 产品展示:发布企业产品,按产品类别显示及搜索产品,并可多选产品直接下订单询盘,无限级分类,大大增加信息发布的灵活性。 4. 下载资源:发布供网站浏览者和客户下载的资料等,如使用手册、销售合同、软件等,无限级分类。 5. 人力资源:发布招聘信息,人才策略,浏览者可在线递交简历。 6. 其他信息:相当于无限扩展栏,并可进行无限分类,可以用于发布网站主栏目未归类的信息,如解决方案、成功案例、购买流程等。 7. 会员中心:会员可任意设置级别,并可根据级别限制浏览相关内容,会员机制与订购、应聘、留言三大模块有机结合的,我们充分考虑到了网站访问者的惰性,所以会员机制与三大模块又可完全脱离,即未注册也同样能留言、下订单、递交简历。 8. 留言反馈:以留
Imitation the millet version, front interface generic millet official website, the interface is clean, beautiful, atmospheric. The support generated html page, standard optimization Baidu and other search engines. Generate Google sitemaps generated Baidu XML compatible with Firefox, Maxthon, TT and other popular browsers, Build your first choice! The main functional modules 1. Corporate information: release describes the various types of information, such as company profile, organization, marketing network, Honor, Contact, and optionally add new sections. News: release of corporate news and industry information, realize the unlimited classification from the background to the foreground, and free to control the display series, greatly increasing the flexibility of information. Products: Published enterprise products, display and search products by product category, and can multi-select products direct orders inquiry unlimited classification, greatly increasing the flexibility of i (2012-11-18, Visual C++, 1645KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] dcore_standard

ASP源码,CMS系统,Dcore   Dcore基于ASP+Acess技术,体积小巧,轻便灵活,适合用于建立个人博客或企业展示站点。
ASP source, CMS systems, Dcore Dcore based on ASP+Acess technology, compact, lightweight and flexible, suitable for personal blog or corporate showcase site. (2012-09-21, Visual C++, 2023KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Rhengfafcv50e

Real estate projects which are typical applications of the real estate business management management can refer to can be used directly. (2012-07-25, Visual C++, 1266KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] asp-messageBoard

The message board system, the need for students to download would be helpful to you, whether you believe it anyway, I believe! (2012-07-01, Visual C++, 515KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Sail1.2_SC_GBK

主要模块介绍: 1、单页模块:发布介绍企业的各类信息,如企业简介、组织机构、联系方式。 2、文章模块:发布企业新闻和相关文章,可设置图片文章。特有首页推荐和栏目置顶功能。 3、产品模块:可设置产品参数,如产品型号、尺寸等等,支持新品展示和推荐产品,可自动生成产品缩略图。 Sail V1.0 产品介绍: Sail企业网站管理系统(以下称Sail)是一个基于PHP+Mysql架构的企业网站管理系统。Sail 采用模块化方式开发,功能强大灵活易于扩展,并且完全开放源代码,面向大中型站点提供重量级企业网站建设解决方案。2年来,凭借Silence长期积累的丰富的Web开发及数据库经验和勇于创新追求完美的设计理念,使得Sail得到了很多公司和网站的认可,并且越来越多地被应用到大中型商业网站 主要功能: 单页、文章、产品、公告、留言、招聘、友情连接、订单等。
Introduction Main module: 1, single-page module: release introduces the various types of enterprise information, such as business profile, organization and contact information. 2, the article module: News release and related articles, images can be set to the article. Top Recommended Home and part-specific functionality. 3, the product module: You can set the product parameters, such as product type, size, etc., to support New Products and recommend products that can automatically generate product thumbnails. Sail V1.0 Products: Sail enterprise website management system (hereinafter referred to Sail) is a framework based on PHP Mysql enterprise Web site management system. Sail developed using a modular approach, flexible, scalable and powerful, and completely open source, for medium and large enterprise website construction site to provide heavyweight solution. 2 years, with the accumulated wealth of Silence Web development and database experience and innovations in the pursu (2011-12-26, Visual C++, 1381KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] chahua2212

灰棕色web2.0网站模板下载 设计 网页 web2.0 精美 企业 div CSS JS 模板
Gray-brown web2.0 web2.0 web site template download beautifully designed business templates div CSS JS (2011-11-27, Visual C++, 150KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] kaspersky_keygen_serial_zh_cn

Kaspersky 2009/2010/2011 556】 【400】 【round assistance, including access KEY, KEY into the unknown (maximum 3 million days) time, cycle 30. I have successfully applied. (2011-02-27, Visual C++, 1739KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] votingsystem

入门级的投票系统源码 我以前写的一个投票系统 采用VS2005+SQLEXPRESS2005 也不能算做系统了,呵呵 就是那种一般的投票 只做了功能,界面没有任何的美化 非常的简单 也非常适合入门 欢迎转载,但请保留出处,本文章转自[华软源码],原文链接:http://www.hur.cn/Soft/2011/11674.html
Entry-level voting system source code I used to write a voting system using VS2005+ SQLEXPRESS2005 can not be counted system, and Oh is the kind of vote in general only a function of the interface without any landscaping is very simple and very suitable for entry-welcome to reprint , but keep the source, the article transferred from [China soft source], text links: http://www.hur.cn/Soft/2011/11674.html (2011-01-15, Visual C++, 156KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] FToA_prog

Includes a compression bag. H file and a. Cpp file with a TXT file path parameter to establish the object constructor, you can TXT file automatically saved to the array of values, this category is used for type DOUBLE can be according to their need to change, I am learning VC, there is nothing wrong with it, please correct me. Details can http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_487547aa0100afcu.html Show (2009-07-28, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Logistics1

物流信息管理平台是针对中小型物流企业进行设计的,主要实现如下目标: 操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。 网站整体结构和操作流程合理顺畅,实现人性化设计。 注册功能,提供两种注册途径一种是个人用户注册、一种是企业用户注册。 货源信息的发布和浏览功能。 车源信息的发布和浏览功能。 专线信息的发布和浏览功能。 仓储信息的发布和浏览功能。 招聘信息的发布和浏览功能。 管理网站会员信息。
logistics management system (2009-05-17, Visual C++, 1082KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] wangluo2

网页设计,网站建设公司网站模板下载,网络公司网站系统源码正式版,网站建设公司网站模板下载,网域网站建设公司企业网站管理系统源码,网站建设公司网站模板下载,后台地址/admin/login.asp,后台帐号admin密码为admin (2009-05-07, Visual C++, 7268KB, 下载19次)


[WEB开发] wuliu

后台登录地址:/Manage/login.aspx 默认管理帐号为mr 密码:mrsoft
wuliu (2009-04-06, Visual C++, 877KB, 下载56次)


[WEB开发] liangjingV2009html

很好的企业网站,希望对大家有帮助. 同时希望能找到我想要的源码.
Good corporate website, in the hope that everyone has to help. At the same time hoping to find the source I want. (2009-03-15, Visual C++, 2676KB, 下载32次)


[WEB开发] cn700shandu

感谢你使用shangdu web.SYSTEM 后台管理系统 你现在使用的是最新版本!v 1.01 在后台可以看到我们的版本信息,以方便更新 shangdu web.system为免费网站后台程序,免费提供技术支持。 技术支持网站www.tdworks.cn,如有任何问题请给我们留言! soundbbg@126.com QQ 455383101
Thank you for the use of background shangdu web.SYSTEM management system you are using the latest version! v 1.01 in the background we can see our version of information to facilitate the update for free website shangdu web.system daemon, free technical support. Technical support Web site www.tdworks.cn, if you have any questions please give us the message! soundbbg@126.com QQ 455383101 (2007-09-06, Visual C++, 557KB, 下载2次)
