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[网络编程] com-to-udp

Comm to Udp port RTU->UDP (2017-05-24, Visual C++, 2911KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] HTTPrequest

VC++ HTTP Get/Post请求。可以作为学习使用POST提交表单的学习资料参考!
VC++ HTTP Get/Post request. You can learn to use POST to submit the form as learning materials reference! (2015-05-12, Visual C++, 64KB, 下载60次)


[网络编程] wyzg

网络营销平台(网赢中国),数据采集 + 营销 一体化. 1. 企业名录 2. QQ 精准营销 (不加群提群,空间访客采集,陌生人会话) 3. 智能换ip ( 拨号,路由器)
Network marketing platform (web win China), data acquisition+ marketing integration. 1 Business Directory 2. QQ precision marketing (not to mention the group plus group, the space visitor acquisition, stranger session) 3 smart change ip (2014-06-09, Visual C++, 3692KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] Chat

Based on the TCP/IP protocol instant messaging chat system, including server and client, the client connection server to send messages to the server, the server and then distributed to each client (2012-08-28, Visual C++, 5576KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] chap3

局域网网络通信编程实例 获取网上邻居【\chap3\Neighbor】 lIP地址和计算机名之间的转换【\chap3\Neighbor】 l映射网络驱动器【\chap3\Neighbor】 l消息发送程序Net Send【\chap3\Neighbor】 l获取局域网内其他计算机的信息【\chap3\ NeighborInfo】
Local area network communications programming examples for Network Neighborhood [\ chap3 \ Neighbor] lIP address and computer name of the conversion between [\ chap3 \ Neighbor] l mapped network drives [\ chap3 \ Neighbor] l [Net Send message program \ chap3 \ Neighbor l] to obtain information on other computers within the LAN [\ chap3 \ NeighborInfo] (2011-11-24, Visual C++, 92KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] juyuwang

Work with graduate design, VC++ written in the LAN office software, corporate messenger, you can use it to send the documentation, send messages, reply messages (2011-05-21, Visual C++, 210KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] NBVip5.5_Src

NB给了少部分人了这些代码 给我说不让外发这个代码 NBDDOS已经没有更新了(现在还在更新的不是NB本人在更新了) NB已经退隐江湖了 DDOS攻击 功能模块已经去除
NB to the few people who had the code let me say that this code NBDDOS outsourcing has not been updated (now is not the NB I also updated the updated) NB rivers and lakes of the DDOS attacks have been retired have been removed modules (2010-10-07, Visual C++, 1559KB, 下载59次)


[网络编程] 090309190705

RDP 协议初步分析.基于RDP 的应用一般应该包括三个部分:终端服务器、用户界面传输协议和客户端。其 中用户界面传输协议允许客户机连接到终端服务器获取服务器上正在运行的应用程序的信 息。客户端的显示与服务器端的运行界面通过用户界面传输协议进行操作数据与现实数据的 交换与传输。
Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocal analisy. (2010-08-09, Visual C++, 160KB, 下载60次)


[网络编程] Sound_ChatRoom

The program text duplex LAN-based real-time voice communication system, using Socket communication technologies to server-side and client communications between the two sides. (2009-04-09, Visual C++, 4365KB, 下载24次)


[网络编程] ipmsg206src.port.to.vc2005

目前,飞鸽传书网已发展成为全球最大的中文分类信息发布与搜寻平台。 作为当前分类体系最完善、服务范围最广泛、影响力最大的中文分类信息传播系统,飞鸽传书网为广大企业和个人 提供完备的在线免费分类信息发布与搜寻服务
feige (2009-03-25, Visual C++, 185KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] hylafax-4.2.0

HylaFax is an open source fax server, it can provide enterprises with a strong and reliable fax service. HylaFax based on C/S structure, (2009-02-13, Visual C++, 1887KB, 下载13次)


[网络编程] arp

能完成的任务: 快速获取局域网内IP-MAC列表; 快速获取网卡处于混杂模式的IP-MAC列表 利用虚假网关MAC欺骗使指定IP无法联网 利用虚假ARP请求制造IP冲突 提醒:本工具仅供技术研究和测试 更新记录 v1.1 beta 加入多网卡支持,可以显示本机地址 v1.0 beta 实现基本功能,破坏性功能进行了限制 – ReadMe.txt – 源代码下载: arp tool ———————————————————————— 作者: roger Blog: http://rogerfd.cn/ Email:roger99707@163.com 本文欢迎转载和引用,请保留本说明并注明出处
To complete the task: rapid access to the LAN IP-MAC list quick access to the network card in promiscuous mode of the IP-MAC list using false Gateway MAC can not be deceived so designated IP networking manufacturers to use a false ARP request IP conflict reminded: This tool is for technical research and testing v1.1 beta update records by adding multi-card support, you can display the local address to achieve the basic functions of v1.0 beta, the destructive function restrictions- ReadMe.txt- the source code download: arp tool------------------------ Author: rogerBlog: http://rogerfd.cn/Email:roger99707 @ 163.com welcome reproduced and cited in this article, please retain this note and indicate provenance (2009-01-09, Visual C++, 1719KB, 下载81次)


[网络编程] NoteManage

Enterprise messaging system is mainly the use of mass hardware cat SMS text messaging and SIM card can view received text messages (2008-12-14, Visual C++, 2690KB, 下载34次)


[网络编程] Visual_C++_Communication_Code

In VC6.0 environment, the preparation of the network communications code, including GPRS, GSM and other means of communication, hoping to be helpful (2008-02-28, Visual C++, 4134KB, 下载89次)


[网络编程] FindWeb

Through the HTTP communications, web content analysis, extraction of enterprise directories, also has automatic identification function of network agents. (2008-02-16, Visual C++, 120KB, 下载100次)


[网络编程] mailsniffer

Instance, using RAWSOCK met写stamp cavity Xikui chisel听tong twitter over域She MAIL Services信Core extravagant户cavity using cavity Ngok Tai versed in measuring magnetic tungsten ,适krypton laugh quilt market (2007-09-11, Visual C++, 132KB, 下载12次)


[网络编程] onlinedataman

网络数据管理软件 vc++编写 提供了一个网络管理的绝美范例 可以参考 开发自个的网络数据管理软件
Network data management software vc++ Preparation provides a beautiful example of network management can refer to the development from a network data management software (2007-08-13, Visual C++, 240KB, 下载21次)


[网络编程] EmppSms

an agreement to support the enterprise ICT procedures can be very integrity put to use immediately. fully prepared socket bottom of the agreement, not the mobile API (2006-10-30, Visual C++, 491KB, 下载87次)


[网络编程] dvr_mpeg_player

digital disk recorder network client, Top players used to control data and services Set-up code. commercial software, then please do not use the enterprise. (2006-07-17, Visual C++, 3128KB, 下载113次)


[网络编程] 企业邮件服务器.RAR

the mail server SMTP, POP3 and Finger services, domain name, alias accounts, multi-domain alias support, SMTP user authentication letter, RBL/RSS/ORBS/DUL and based on the IP address and e-mail address of the spam filtering (2005-07-14, Visual C++, 413KB, 下载182次)
