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[图形图像处理] 新建文件夹

一幅大小为256×256的256级灰度图像(每像素8bit) 如果图像的各个像素之间是统计独立的,求该图像的信息熵 -离散无记忆信源 如果图像的各个像素之间不是统计独立的,求该图像的信息熵 -图像像素的概率分布模型
A 256 gray scale image (8bit per pixel) with a size of 256 x 256 If each pixel of the image is statistically independent, the information entropy of the image is calculated Discrete memoryless source If each pixel of the image is not statistically independent, the information entropy of the image is calculated Probability distribution model of image pixels (2017-11-24, Visual C++, 476KB, 下载8次)


[图形图像处理] Imageguidedfiltering_CN

In this article, we propose a novel explicit image filter called the boot filter. The filter is derived a local linear model, which can be used to calculate the filter output by considering the content of the image. (2015-08-04, Visual C++, 257KB, 下载3次)


[图形图像处理] shipinyinxie

Information security is an important issue related to national security, corporate security and safety of the people, but also is the basis and the process of national development of the information industry. Multimedia Security information security is an important part of getting attention. Information hiding is an important multimedia content security, which steganography since beginning of this century has been the development and prosperity. In this paper, the network transmission is the most common image-JPEG image steganography studied and realized. (2014-04-23, Visual C++, 5275KB, 下载12次)


[图形图像处理] bouble-tower

背景 从前,有一个古老的帝国有两个形状不同的塔分别在不同的两个城市里。这两个塔是用圆形的砖一块一块建成的。这些圆形砖的高度是一样的,其半径都是整数。很明显,尽管这两个塔形状不同,但造塔所使用的圆形砖却有很多是相同的。 过了很多年,一个国王命令他的建筑师们移除两个塔的部分砖以便使它们的形状完全一样,同时使两个塔的高度尽可能的高,并且新塔的砖瓦的排列顺序必须与原来的一样。国王认为这样的两个塔象征着这两个城市之间的和谐和平等,于是命名它们为双胞胎塔。 任务 现在,两千年以后,你可以来处理这样非常简单的问题:给你两个不同形状塔的描述,你只要算出能建成的新双塔的最多的砖瓦数。 输入 输入包括以下内容:第一行输入两个整数 N1 和 N2 (1 <= N1,N2 <= 100) 分别表示最初时两个塔的砖瓦数;第二行输入 N1 个正整数表示第一个塔砖瓦的半径(按从上到下的顺序排列);下面的一行输入 N2 个整数表示第二个塔砖瓦的半径(按从上到下的顺序排列)。 当输入的 N1 和 N2 为 0 时结束。 输出 输出建成的新双塔的最多的砖瓦数。
Background There was once an ancient empire with two different shapes of the two towers at different cities . The two circular brick tower is built piece by piece . These circular brick height is the same, the radius are integers. Clearly, although both towers of different shapes , but making use of the circular tower there are many tiles are identical . Over many years, a king ordered his architects to remove two brick towers in order to make them part of exactly the same shape , but the height of the two towers as high as possible , and the new order of brick tower must be the same as the original . Kings think this two tower symbolizes the harmony between the two cities and equality , so named them as twin towers. Task Now, two years later, you can come to deal with this very simple question : give you a description of two towers of different shapes , as long as you can calculate the new towers built up brick number. Enter Inputs include the following: The first line of (2013-10-13, Visual C++, 1468KB, 下载10次)


[图形图像处理] DCTJPEG

blkproc.m,DCHuffmanEncoding.m,ACHuffmanEncoding.m,zigzag.m,PSNR.m, 对灰度图像进行DCT变换,量化,ZigZag扫描,Huffman编解码,反量化,反DCT变换而重建图像。 其中,blkproc.m为分块DCT变换函数; DCHuffmanEncoding.m,ACHuffmanEncoding.m分别为DC和AC变换系数的Huffman码表函数; zigzag.m为ZigZag扫描函数;PSNR.m为求图像峰值信噪比函数。 Copyright 2008 Reserved @ Wang Chengyou @ Tianjin University, P.R.China.
This function tests the DCTJPEG codec (2013-03-24, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载11次)


[图形图像处理] VBacckgKalmaai

The sequence of video images using the Kalman filter to generate the background. The Kalman filter is to use its memory characteristics, the weighted average in order to be the initial approximation to the actual background image background information on the video image signal of a certain length of time, and filter out the grain noise, the purpose of eliminating camera shake. (2012-07-17, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载15次)


[图形图像处理] EExamplesofGax

Instance of the Gaussian smoothing filter, Gaussian filter is essentially a signal filter, its purpose is to smooth processing of the signal, we know that the digital image for the late application, the noise is the biggest problem, the error accumulated transfer reason, a lot of image processing textbooks will be introduced at an early Gauss filter for higher SNR of the image (real response signal). (2012-06-10, Visual C++, 138KB, 下载5次)


[图形图像处理] lisanxiaoboyuzhidepianweifenquzao

小波方法和偏微分方程方法是图像去噪中的主要方法。该文提出基于离散小波变换对图像进行阈值去噪,得出了小波阈值的偏微 分方程表示形式,在此基础上研究偏微分方程的解法,采用分数步的小波阈值方法对图像去噪,得到了较好的去噪效果,同时可以保护边 缘。数值试验结果表明,该方法具有比小波方法更好的去噪效果,能获得较高的信噪比
Wavelet method and partial differential equations is the main method of image denoising. In this paper, based on discrete wavelet transform image threshold denoising, wavelet threshold obtained indicated that the form of partial differential equations, in this study based on the solution of partial differential equations, using fractional steps of wavelet thresholding methods for image to noise, have been well de-noising effect at the same time can protect the edge. Numerical experimental results show that the method is better than the wavelet method for denoising results are able to obtain a higher signal to noise ratio (2010-01-16, Visual C++, 1275KB, 下载64次)


[图形图像处理] aa

为有效地去除Y, U , V 3 帧之间内在的相关性, 提出了一种基于四维离散余弦变换理论的彩色视频 压缩编码方法。该方法将彩色视频放在四维数学模型中考虑, 将彩色视频的图象宽度、图象高度、彩色空间 的3 帧(Y, U , V ) , 以及视频序列的连续3 帧分别看作四维数学模型中的“四维”, 利用四维离散余弦变换 去除彩色视频中图象的相邻像素之间、Y, U , V 3 帧之间、以及视频序列相邻帧之间的相关性, 并结合矢量 量化进行压缩。实验结果表明, 利用该方法对“M issAmerica”彩色视频进行压缩编码, 在同等信噪比的条 件下, 可获得比标准M PEG22 压缩编码方法高约4 倍的压缩比。 关键
bu cuo (2009-04-24, Visual C++, 208KB, 下载5次)


[图形图像处理] 2382DEMO

 离散余弦变换对图象信号有近似最优的去相关能力, 但多维的变换公式一直没有给出. 为此深入研究了 三维离散余弦变换, 提出了任意尺寸的三维函数f (x , y , z ) 的正交离散余弦变换公式, 克服了以前系数的取值必须 相等的缺点, 并将之应用于彩色静止图象的压缩编码中, 使得彩色图象的R、G、B 3 帧可以作为一个整体同时进行 变换, 极大地去除了图象R, G,B 3 帧间的相关性. 理论分析和实验结果表明, 在大幅度地增加压缩比的同时, 峰峰 信噪比也有明显提高, 并且与国际标准JPEG,M PEG 有很好的兼容性.
hao (2009-04-24, Visual C++, 2651KB, 下载11次)


[图形图像处理] ExamplesofGaussianfiltering

Examples of Gaussian filtering, Gaussian filtering is essentially a signal of the filter, its use is smoothing the signal, we know that the late application for digital image noise is the greatest problem, because of transmission errors and other reasons will be accumulated , a lot of image processing pack will introduce at an early stage when the Gauss filter, used to get a higher signal to noise ratio SNR of the images (response to the real signal). (2009-03-24, Visual C++, 137KB, 下载27次)


[图形图像处理] tuxiangqukuang

分块有损压缩图像忽略了块间相关性,重构时会产生块效应,该文提出一种空域自适应去块效应算法。对块边缘采用方向自适应 有理滤波,以弱化块效应。根据块的内部活动性将图像块分成平坦块和纹理块2 类,利用基于方差的空域检测方法检测出平坦块,并对平 坦块进行邻块边缘自适应平滑。实验结果表明,该算法有效去除了块效应,一定程度上提高了信噪比,算法简单且鲁棒性较好。
Block lossy compression image ignores the inter-block correlation, Reconstruction would have a blocking effect, the paper presents a airspace Adaptive Deblocking Algorithm. To block the edge of rational use of the direction of adaptive filtering, in order to weaken the block effect. According to block the internal activity of the image block is divided into a flat block and texture block 2 categories, the use of airspace based on the variance detection methods to detect the flat block, and a flat block adjacent block edge adaptive smoothing. Experimental results show that the algorithm effectively blocking go except, to some extent, improve the signal to noise ratio, the algorithm is simple and better robustness. (2009-03-03, Visual C++, 144KB, 下载97次)


[图形图像处理] VTKexample

这是研究vtk开发的最好的参考资料。 这是叶峰无偿提供的宝贵的学习财富,叶峰同志为中国的VTK研究事业和C3P论坛的发展作出巨大贡献, 国内的VTK研究源头从C3P开始传播到各个学校、研究所、企业,同时也从C3P走出一大批VTK&C3P的优秀人才。 非常感谢叶峰的努力和分享,希望大家向他学习。 欢迎关注叶峰的个人空间和C3P论坛。 http://www.cadcaecam.com/Home/space.php?uid=7390 http://www.cadcaecam.com/Forum
VTK development of this research are the best reference. This is provided free of charge Feng Ye valuable study wealth, Ye Feng Chinese VTK Comrade research C3P Forum and make a significant contribution to the development of domestic research at the source of VTK from C3P begun to spread to various schools, research institutes, enterprises, but also C3P out from a large number of VTK & C3P talents. Feng Ye very grateful for the efforts and sharing, hope everyone to learn from him. Welcomed the attention to personal space and Feng Ye C3P Forum. http://www.cadcaecam.com/Home/space.php?uid=7390 http://www.cadcaecam.com/Forum (2009-02-15, Visual C++, 339KB, 下载39次)


[图形图像处理] Watermark_4

信息隐藏与水印技术系列实验之四:DWT变换域不可见图像水印算法(开发工具:vc2005): 实现在一个256色灰度载体图像的DWT变换域低频LL系数中多次重复嵌入一个256色灰度文本图像水印。其主要功能如下: (1)可以载入不同的载体图像和水印图像,但载体图像和水印图像在本软件中被限制为256色灰度图像,若要用其它图像甚至彩色图像,请修改源码。 (2)可以对含水印图像中的水印信息进行提取,提取时需要原始图像。 (3)剪切攻击可使含水印图像中的水印信息部分丢失。 (4)可以计算峰值信噪比(PSNR)和互相关系数(NC),以对含水印图像及提取水印进行客观质量评价。 (5)源码结构清晰,在其基础上可快速开发出自己的水印软件。
err (2008-12-20, Visual C++, 3758KB, 下载183次)


[图形图像处理] Watermark_2

信息隐藏与水印技术系列实验之二:空域不可见LSB图像水印算法(开发工具:vc2005): 实现在一个256色灰度载体图像的LSB中嵌入一个二值(用256色模拟)灰度文本图像水印。其主要功能如下: (1)可以载入不同的载体图像和水印图像,但载体图像和水印图像在本软件中被限制为256色灰度图像,若要用其它图像甚至彩色图像,请修改源码。 (2)可以对含水印图像中的水印信息进行提取,提取时不需要原始图像。 (3)LSB攻击可使含水印图像中的水印信息丢失。 (4)可以计算峰值信噪比(PSNR)和互相关系数(NC),以对含水印图像及提取水印进行客观质量评价。 (5)源码结构清晰,在其基础上可快速开发出自己的水印软件。
err (2008-12-20, Visual C++, 1036KB, 下载243次)


[图形图像处理] Watermark_1

信息隐藏与水印技术系列实验之一:空域可见图像水印算法(开发工具:vc2005): 实现在一个256色灰度载体图像空域数据中嵌入一个256色灰度文本图像水印。其主要功能如下: (1)可以载入不同的载体图像和水印图像,但载体图像和水印图像在本软件中被限制为256色灰度图像,若要用其它图像甚至彩色图像,请修改源码。 (2)水印在载体图像中的嵌入位置及嵌入强度可以设置。 (3)可以计算原始图像和含水印图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR),以对含水印图像进行客观质量评价。 (4)源码结构清晰,在其基础上可快速开发出自己的水印软件。
err (2008-12-20, Visual C++, 1525KB, 下载52次)


[图形图像处理] Vectorization-and-Edgereserved-Quantization-of-Ima

本文通过对JPEG图象压缩标准的分析,找到了一种解决这一问题的方法,即保边缘图象量化方法。在JPEG量化前,通过分析判断这一图象块是否为边缘所在块,对于边缘所在块采用较细的量化步长;对于其他块可使用较粗或者原始的量化步长进行量化,这样便可改善图象边缘处的质量。文中是利用了DCT 变换后的直流系数DC值来确定图象边缘块的,因为直流系数为这一图象块的平均亮度,如果相邻块的DC值变化较大,则它所包括的边缘细节就较多,否则说明这一图象块变化平缓,包含边缘少。根据DC值的变化我们可以大致决定这一块的量化因子,然后在量化时将边缘块进行较细的量化就可以很好的保护边缘,达到保边缘的目的。实验结果表明,与标准JPEG量化相比,采用本文方法进行量化可以提高图象峰值信噪比(PSNR)至少1~3dB,图象质量提高效果比较明显。 (2008-05-07, Visual C++, 777KB, 下载9次)


[图形图像处理] photoliangduzhengjian

调试时的计算机的配置:Windows2000/XP + Visual Studio 6.0 企业版 这是处理图象的亮度增减的原代码 注意,本目录中大部分程序只能对256色图像进行操作。
debugging the computer configuration : Windows2000/XP Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition is the image-processing The degree of change to the original code, Catalog most procedures only for 256-color image for the operation. (2007-05-22, Visual C++, 46KB, 下载2次)


[图形图像处理] photosuofang

调试时的计算机的配置:Windows2000/XP + Visual Studio 6.0 企业版  这是处理图象缩放的原代码. 注意,本目录中大部分程序只能对256色图像进行操作。
debugging the computer configuration : Windows2000/XP Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition is shrinking image processing up to the original code. Attention to the Catalog most procedures only for 256-color image for the operation. (2007-05-22, Visual C++, 192KB, 下载3次)


[图形图像处理] photoxuanzhuan

调试时的计算机的配置:Windows2000/XP + Visual Studio 6.0 企业版  这是处理图象旋转的原代码 . 注意,本目录中大部分程序只能对256色图像进行操作。
debugging the computer configuration : Windows2000/XP Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition is handling this image rotation to the original code. Attention to the Catalog most procedures only for 256-color image for the operation. (2007-05-22, Visual C++, 49KB, 下载5次)
