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[其他] Creo_Quick_Pay

“探索Creo Quick Pay的存储库,以获得无缝交易融资、强大的平台集成和全面的财务管理工具。访问代码、文档、资源和支持,以增强小型企业在电子商务中的能力。加入我们,彻底改变在线商务的未来!”
"Explore Creo Quick Pay s repository for seamless transactional funding, robust platform integration, and comprehensive financial management tools. Access code, documentation, resources, and support to empower small businesses in e-commerce. Join us in revolutionizing the future of online commerce!" (2024-04-08, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] GoCart

Our mobile app, web app, and anti-theft system provide an easy, straightforward platform for businesses to incorporate our technology and for consumers to use it. (2020-11-08, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] FWPopupView

弹窗控件:支持AlertView、Sheet、自定义视图的PopupView。AlertView中可以嵌套自定义视图,各组件的显示隐藏可配置;Sheet仿 微 信 样式;同时提供自定义弹出。更多配置请参考”可设置参数“,提供OC使用Demo。
Pop up control: Supports AlertView, Sheet, and PopupView of custom views. Self defined views can be nested in AlertView, and the display and hide of each component can be configured; Sheet imitates WeChat style; User defined pop ups are also provided. For more configurations, please refer to "Settable Parameters" to provide OC to use Demo. (2021-07-14, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] ECSigner

IOS signature Mac client, iPhone client, one click signature, network address direct signature, multi file synchronous signature, automatic differentiation of enterprise signature and personal certificate, one click Assets.car generation, decompression, export and replacement, automatic registration of devices, update and download of signature certificate and signature file for signature, and support dynamic database injection. Support for the latest iO (2022-11-14, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图标/字体] Bankey

Bankey is an enterprise app built for iOS using Swift and UIKit. The app will consist of login screen, onboarding screen, and get data from the skeleton data to refresh the banking information. It also has animations to create shaking icons, and involves error handling and unit tests. (2023-05-01, Swift, 54KB, 下载0次)
