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[游戏引擎] indian_ecosystem_LP1

First project work for Azubi Data analysis course, this repo represent the first Sprint of career accelerator phase. It investigates and analyses our team desire to venture into Indian start-up ecosystem. It shows Analyze funding received by start-ups in India from 2018 to 2021 and Separate data for each year of funding will be provided. (2024-04-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏引擎] Live-and-God

这是使用Godot引擎开发的一款游戏,游戏类型不固定,包含了恶魔城(主要)、吸血鬼幸存,塔防等等,简单来说,缝合了多种类型,但是这些类型并不是作为一个整体,而是包含多个子游戏。This is a game developed using the Godot engine, ...
This is a game developed using the Godot engine. The game type is not fixed, including Alcatraz (main), Vampire Survival, tower defense, etc. In short, it has stitched up multiple types, but these types are not as a whole, but contain multiple sub games. This is a game developed using the Godot engine (2024-01-19, GDScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏引擎] Linear-Phased-Array

Wireless project that shoes the design methodology for high quality communication (signal-to-noise ratio) between base station and clients using linear phased array (2023-12-26, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏引擎] Unity圣典+中文用户手册

Unity is made to empower users to create the best interactive entertainment or multimedia experience that they can. This manual is designed to help you learn how to use Unity, from basic to advanced techniques. It can be read from start to finish or used as a reference (2018-04-16, C#, 7KB, 下载5次)


[游戏引擎] MirServer

攻沙介绍:新区第2天集体拿沙,首届城奖2亿元宝,老区1亿 独家介绍: 会员功能组合、独家装备解封系统、独家套装BUFF系统 独家介绍:创新砍人送大礼活动,保证你没玩过! 装备爆率:独家修改10倍爆率、所有怪物精心调整爆率,BOSS爆率超高,保证所有装备全部爆出! 游戏介绍:在线活动多 活动地图刷各种BOSS 均可暴到各类装备 让非RMB玩家打到终极装备轻松简单
The tapping Sand introduced: New Area, the second day of collective take sand, the treasure of the First City prize of 200 million yuan, 100 million old quarter The exclusive introduction: Member combination of features, the exclusive equipment unseal system, exclusive suite BUFF Exclusive: Innovation knives to injure gift to ensure you have never played! Equipment burst rate: an exclusive to modify 10 times burst rate, all the monsters carefully adjust the burst rate, ultra-high BOSS burst rate, to ensure that all equipment all broke! Game description: online activities and more activities map brush BOSS can be violent to the various types of equipment Non-RMB players hit the ultimate equipment easy and simple (2012-12-23, Visual C++, 10830KB, 下载7次)


[游戏引擎] 3D-Game-Design

网络游戏,目前已经是最大众化的娱乐之一,而其中的 3D 网络游戏也是技 术含金量非常高的软件项目之一。游戏开发在技术层面上已经逐步有了一套相对 比较成熟的方法:从底层核心的3D 引擎到中间环节和具体游戏逻辑相关的程序 框架再到最高层的游戏逻辑脚本驱动,这标志着3D 游戏开发已经开始进入了标 准流程化的开发阶段。3D 游戏产品已是工业化的软件开发产品。
Internet network game has become one of the most popular entertainments. The development of the 3D online game is a high technology project. Gradually, there forms a ripe way on the development of the 3D game: 3D game engine, application framework, running time game logic drove by script, it is indicated that the development of 3D game has enter into a standard and industrialized period. Now, the 3D game is industrialized product. (2011-09-30, Visual C++, 1388KB, 下载11次)


[游戏引擎] chuanqi2

传奇2最新源代码 本套代码包含全部程序和注册文件代码以及配套的程序解密代码 可以使用Delphi 7 中文企业版进行程序编译和开发。
Legend 2 latest source code contains the set of all programs and registration documents and the supporting program code can be used to decrypt the code of Chinese Enterprise for Delphi 7 compile and development. (2010-07-14, Delphi, 6145KB, 下载70次)


[游戏引擎] Irrlicht_Engine(zh_cn)

Irrlicht是一款轻量级的 3D 引擎,引擎本身精简强悍,功能也齐全,并且有自己专用的场景编辑器;此pdf是Irrlicht的中文学习指南,对新手来说,入门快、学习快。
Irrlicht 3D Engine is a lightweight, powerful engine itself to streamline the functions are complete, and the scene has its own dedicated editor this pdf is the study of Chinese Irrlicht guide the novice, the entry speed, learning fast. (2010-06-20, Visual C++, 791KB, 下载25次)


[游戏引擎] g

交互式数码娱乐引擎服务器端研究与开发 花钱从网站上买的论文。论述并且详细的讲述了服务器网络游戏的开发。特别是大型网游的开发
Interactive digital entertainment engine server-side research and development money to buy the paper from the site. Discussed and described in detail server network game development. In particular the development of large-scale online games (2010-04-02, Visual C++, 2168KB, 下载26次)


[游戏引擎] helbreaHG

此服务器端为中国战场私服即德国战场SF奥运战场联手~免费提供给大家使用的,如觉得本服务器端好用请为本站多多宣传. 让更多的战场爱好者知道本站! 本站的网址为http://helbreath2008.cn/ 本人联系QQ:642291668 QQ群1群46161194QQ2群19965002QQ3群51629828QQ4群2961631 增加了许多实用的功能, 注意本版本的暴率是非正常暴率 需要正常暴率的玩家请咨询奥运战场GM 此版本无人数限制~可以开网络服务器让自己朋友一起玩~免费
This server-side for the Chinese battlefield battlefield SF私服the German Olympic battlefield together ~ free to everyone to use, for example, think that the server-side use a lot of publicity for this site. So that more of the battlefield enthusiasts know this site! URL for this site I http://helbreath2008.cn/ contact QQ: 642291668 QQ group group 1 group 46161194QQ2 group 19965002QQ3 an increase of 2,961,631 base 51629828QQ4 many useful functions, note that this version of the sharp rate of non-normal rate of the need for normal storm storm the rate of players please contact the Olympic Games in this version without the battlefield GM ~ be able to limit the number of web servers to allow their friends to play ~ free (2008-10-06, Visual C++, 475KB, 下载24次)


[游戏引擎] AnyChatSDKV4.2

AnyChat Video Game System by the Guangzhou Bai Rui Network Technology Co., Ltd. an independent research and development, specialized R (2008-08-12, Visual C++, 2410KB, 下载44次)


[游戏引擎] HGE-Font_CN

HGE是一个高效的2D游戏引擎,它是完全开源的(基于VC++),授权是慷慨的ZLib License, 任何人可以几乎不受限制的使用它,或基於技术核心开发引擎。 HGE简单的说,就是以3D加速实现2D图像的做法,它的作品可以在很低配置的电脑就能高效运作, 目前,国外人士评价HGE为最好的非商业2D游戏引擎。官方首页:http://hge.relishgames.com/ 国内游戏爱好者研究专区http://www.hgechina.com. HGE下使用中文的方案
HGE is an efficient 2D game engine, it is completely open source (based on VC++), Authorization is generous ZLib License, any person can be almost unlimited use of it, or the core of the development of technology-based engine. HGE Simply put, is to accelerate the realization of 2D images 3D approach, which works in a very low configuration computer can be highly efficient operation, at present, foreign persons HGE evaluation for the best non-commercial 2D game engine. Official Home: http://hge.relishgames.com/ domestic game enthusiasts research area http://www.hgechina.com. HGE use Chinese program (2008-05-15, Visual C++, 952KB, 下载55次)
