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[中间件编程] courier

Courier 是基于 Kafka 的企业级消息总线,可发送、消费、监控消息,实现了跨系统的消息通信,并提供了 Java 客户端,支持异构系统接入。
Courier is an enterprise level message bus based on Kafka, which can send, consume and monitor messages, realize cross system message communication, and provide Java clients to support heterogeneous system access. (2024-04-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] message_service

企业级软件有助于从不同来源下载ISO 20022消息。此窗口或控制台服务简化了与不同源(如IBM MQ、Kafka、RabbitMQ和Azure Queue)的并行连接,并帮助发布或订阅ISO 20022消息。
The enterprise level software helpful to download ISO 20022 messages from different sources. This window or console service make ease parallel connections to different source like IBM MQ, Kafka, RabbitMQ and Azure Queue and help to publish or subscribe ISO 20022 messages. (2024-04-05, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] FUNFLEX

FUN FLEX是一个专门销售数字娱乐产品的电子商务项目。该项目由Andreaálvarez、Dayron Restrepo、Mateo Echeverri和Andres Villada负责。为此,将使用Java和javascript编程语言,后端使用Spring boot,前端使用React.js。MySql Workbench作为DBMS。
FUN FLEX is an E-Commerce project specialized in the sale of digital entertainment products. The project is in charge of Andrea álvarez, Dayron Restrepo, Mateo Echeverri and Andrés Villada. For this, the Java and javascript programming languages will be used, Spring boot for the Backend and React.js for the Frontend. And MySql Workbench as DBMS. (2024-03-13, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] electron-react-ts-template

使用React编写的企业级Electron模板。包括测试策略、全局状态管理、中间件支持、网络层、组件库和CI CD管道,以跨各种操作系统发布应用程序。更快的开发过程而不影响质量,为您提供竞争优势。
An enterprise-grade Electron template written using the React. Includes testing strategies, global state management, middleware support, a network layer, a component library and CI CD pipelines to release apps across various operating systems. A faster development process without compromising quality, giving you a competitive edge. (2024-03-08, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] vhr

#### 介绍 微人事是一个前后端分离的人力资源管理系统,项目采用 SpringBoot+Vue 开发,项目加入常见的企业级应用所涉及到的技术点,例如 Redis、RabbitMQ 等。
####Introduce that MicroHR is a human resource management system with front and rear ends separated. The project is developed by SpringBoot+Vue. The project involves technical points involved in adding common enterprise applications, such as Redis, RabbitMQ, etc. (2024-02-28, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] shortlink

SaaS 短链接系统,为企业和个人用户提供了一个高效、安全和可靠的短链接管理平台。核心技术:SpringBoot + SpringCloudAlibaba + RocketMQ + ShardingSphere + Redis + MySQL + Sentinel
SaaS short link system provides an efficient, secure and reliable short link management platform for enterprises and individual users. Core technology: SpringBoot+SpringCloudAlibaba+RocketMQ+SharedingSphere+Redis+MySQL+Sentinel (2024-01-13, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] realestate-frontend

I have created this website for my uncle s real estate business. I have used React for the frontend and Node, Express, MySql for the backend, (2021-09-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] apinto

Gateway developed based on golang. It has various plug-ins, which can be self extended and plug and play. In addition, it can quickly help enterprises manage API services and improve the stability and security of API services. (2023-06-06, GO, 609KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] 三板斧

STICKLINE(XYSHSL>6.1 AND CYS13>5 ,2 ,0 ,2,0 ),COLORGREEN; STICKLINE(XYSHSL>3.8 AND CYS13>5 ,1.5 ,0 ,2 ,0 ),COLORYELLOW; STICKLINE(XYSHSL>2.1 AND CYS13>5 ,1 ,0 ,2,0 ),COLORCYAN; STICKLINE(XYSHSL>1.8 AND CYS13>5 ,0.5 ,0 ,2,0 ),COLORBLUE; XYS1:EMA(XYS0,1); XYS2:EMA(XYS0,2); (2018-03-13, Others, 10KB, 下载1次)


[中间件编程] ObjectSNMP

智和信通公司SNMP网络编程中间件, ObjectSNMP是一个面向对象的SNMP开发组件,与关系数据库流行的O-R Mapping技术类似,实现了Object到SNMP MIB的操作映射(简称O-M Mapping),系统提供了Java/SNMP网关、RMI/SNMP网关 、Web Service/SNMP网关服务。开发者无需理解SNMP协议和MIB细节,只需要定义普通数据对象,然后将数据对象按添加、删除、修改、查询等模式提交给网关即可。ObjectSNMP网关会自动将数据对象按开发者的期望发送到SNMP设备,并返回用户需要的数据对象。 ObjectSNMP还提供诸如分布式代理SNMP网关、 网络拓扑发现、物理拓扑发现、网络自动搜索发现 、设备连接关系发现、设备类型发现、网络漫游搜索、以及定义好的可管理各种设备的MIB数据等高级功能。 ObjectSNMP作为全新一代的SNMP开发解决方案,不仅在企业领域被大量使用,更在中国移动、中国联通这样的网络环境中得到用户青睐。其具备的10亿次无故障、代理网关、自动发现搜索技术,O-M Mapping快速开发,能帮助用户轻松应对各种网络环境。
Intellectual and ICT SNMP network programming middleware (2012-06-21, Java, 4664KB, 下载88次)


[中间件编程] poco-1.4.3p1

POCO C++库是开源的用于简化和加速C++开发面向网络、可移植应用程序的C++库集,POCO库和C++标准库可以很好的集成并填补了C++标准库缺乏的功能空隙。POCO库的模块化、高效的设计及实现使得POCO特别适合嵌入式开发。在嵌入式开发领域,由于C++既适合底层(设备I/O、中断处理等)和高层面向对象开发,越来越流行。当然POCO也准备好了面对企业级挑战。
The POCO C library is open source is used to simplify and speed up the C development for the network, can the C library set of portable applications, the POCO libraries and the C standard library can be integrated and to fill the gap of lack of function of the C standard library. POCO library of modular and efficient design and implementation makes the POCO is particularly suitable for embedded development. C suitable low-level (device I/O, interrupt handling, etc.) and high-level object-oriented development in the field of embedded development, more and more popular. Of course, POCO is also ready to face the enterprise-level challenges. (2012-03-16, Visual C++, 4176KB, 下载16次)


[中间件编程] IMLibrary2

IMLibrary 2 源码IMLibrary 是可以用来开发一个完整功能的即时通信软件库。 喜欢就下吧,源码仅用于学习或研究。 未经本人允许,严禁任何组织与个人将其用于商业用途!
IMLibrary 2 source IMLibrary can be used to develop a full-featured instant messaging software library. Like on the next bar, source study or research only. Without my permission, and forbids any organizations and individuals use it for commercial purposes! (2010-11-04, C#, 934KB, 下载62次)


[中间件编程] blacktie-2.0.0.M3-src

BlackTie计划,可以让用户将原有的JAVA和分布式事务处理环境迁移到红帽的平台之上。 BlackTie可让企业级用户轻易地将C、C++和大型主机应用程序集成到JBoss环境之中,为用户提供企业级的开源服务,诸如安全、集群和事 务处理等。 该版本主要改进内容包括: 1.The new btadmin command line tool 2.Renaming Environment.xml files to btconfig.xml to make them more recognisable when deployed in JBoss 3.More metrics added to our administration gui 4.Supports reconnect to the application server if the application server is killed 5.Allows security configuration to be specified at the service level
BlackTie program that allows users to existing JAVA and distributed transaction processing environment to migrate to Red Hat' s platform. BlackTie allows enterprise users to easily C, C++ and mainframe applications into JBoss environment to provide users with enterprise-class open source services such as security, clustering and transaction processing. The version of the major improvements include: 1.The new btadmin command line tool 2.Renaming Environment.xml files to btconfig.xml to make them more recognisable when deployed in JBoss 3.More metrics added to our administration gui 4.Supports reconnect to the application server if the application server is killed 5.Allows security configuration to be specified at the service level (2010-04-02, Java, 872KB, 下载2次)


[中间件编程] www.myworld.net.cn

客采集系统是由工作在顶级门户网站的几名资深高级工程师利用爬虫技术(蜘蛛机器人,spider)、分词技术和网页萃取技术,利用URL重写技术、缓存技术,使用PHP语言开发的一套能根据设置的关键词自动抓取互联网上的相关信息、自动更新的WEB智能建站系统。利用 博客采集系统
Customer acquisition system is working in top-level portal site crawler technology, the use of several senior engineers (spider robot, spider), sub-word extraction technology and web technology, the use of URL rewriting, caching techniques, the use of a set of PHP language development Key words can be set automatically according to grab the relevant information on the Internet, automatically updated WEB intelligent Station system. Acquisition system using blog (2009-12-08, HTML, 997KB, 下载4098次)


[中间件编程] FAT16

文件系统功能概论 1)本文件系统兼容FAT16/FAT32文件系统格式,支持长文件名,多级子目录,多盘操作,读写,创建删除文件等等功能。 2)本文件系统采用C代码编写,可以方便的移植于计算机应用平台,一般只需要额外编写磁盘的读写驱动,就可使用文件系统所有的功能。 3)具有文件缓冲功能:1)读文件时,读位置在文件缓冲区内,则可直接读取文件缓冲区,不需要读物理磁盘;文件缓冲区大小可使用编译宏EnableFileBuf,TotalFileBUFsQTYeachFCB,FileBUFSize来控制。 4)支持同时打开最多达254个文件;并且最大可打开文件数可由编译宏MaximumFCB设定。 5)支持多任务文件操作的功能:文件可同时同时被多个任务打开,但只有其中第一个打开文件的任务可以得到文件的完全读写权限,以实现文件在多任务环境下的并发操作的保护。 如需商业使用,请与作者联系啊:qq:292942278,e-mail:tony_yang123@sina.com.cn demo代码只支持FAT16
Introduction to File System features 1) The file system compatible format FAT16/FAT32 file system to support long file names, multi-level subdirectory, many disk operations, read and write, create delete files and so on function. 2) The file system used to prepare C code can be easily transplanted into the computer application platform, which generally required to prepare additional disk drives to read and write, you can use all the functions of the file system. 3) has the file buffer functions: 1) read documents, read the location of the buffer zone in the document can be directly read from the file buffer, do not need to read physical disk file buffer size can be used to compile macro EnableFileBuf, TotalFileBUFsQTYeachFCB, FileBUFSize to control . 4) supported at the same time open up to 254 documents and the largest number of documents can be opened by the macro compiler MaximumFCB settings. 5) Supporting file operations mission many features: documents can (2009-03-16, C/C++, 673KB, 下载64次)


[中间件编程] dorado5

dorado 展现中间件是一款企业级的商用AJAX平台软件,由BSTEK研发。作为Web表现层的运行平台与开发平台,dorado能够提升用户体验、开发规范性与开发效率,并增强项目的可管理度。其特色包括支持OPOB设计模式,提供一套由BRICH引擎统一驱动的Widget Lib,内置AJAX通讯引擎,广泛支持第三方后台业务逻辑框架,提供Web控制台进行参数配置与性能监控,提供TestFrame进行浏览器端性能测试,多种性能优化措施以支持高并发压力下的核心应用系统,提供dorado studio与eclipse plug-in方便高效地进行可视化开发。
dorado show middleware is a commercial enterprise-class AJAX platform software, from R (2008-08-08, Java, 52063KB, 下载55次)


[中间件编程] matlab_cdma

该程序仿真CDMA接收机的功能,包括解扩,解交织,信道编码(卷积码),解码,信源编码(CRC)解码5个功能模块,生成用于数字基带传输的信号序列。 仿真CDMA发射机的功能,包括随机序列的产生,信源编码尾比特添加, 信道编码(卷积编码),分组交织和扩频调制6个功能模块,生成用于数字基带,传输的信号序列,输出还包括用于解调所需要的信源编码尾比特值add_bits,交织器的尾比特值i_add_bits
CDMA receiver functions, including despreading, Xie intertwined, channel coding (convolutional codes), decoded, the source code (CRC) decoder five functional modules, production figures for the base band signal transmission sequence. Simulation CDMA transmitter functions, including random sequence generation, the source coding bit late add, Channel Coding (coding), a spread-spectrum modulation intertwined and six functional modules, production figures for the base-band, The transmission signal sequence, and the output is also included for the modems needed source coding bit value add_bits tail, interleaver value of the last bit i_add_bits (2007-01-15, matlab, 3KB, 下载557次)
