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按分类查找All 压缩解压(85) 

[压缩解压] bmp_jpeg_compression_decompression

This is a VC++ 6.0 program, can BMP files compressed into JPEG format files, but also in turn, the JPEG format files into BMP format, and also has the function of displaying images and calculate the signal to noise ratio function. Applicable to research jpeg image compression algorithm. (2017-03-16, Visual C++, 7300KB, 下载5次)


[压缩解压] wavelets

Image compression based on wavelet transform code, including compression ratio, operation time and recovery images of the peak signal to noise ratio calculation (2009-10-23, matlab, 404KB, 下载782次)


[压缩解压] bianmayuanli

Arithmetic coding method is to be a coded message or symbol strings (sequences) that between 0 and 1 into an interval (Interval), that is directly encoded into a string of symbols [0,1] range of a floating-point decimal. The longer the symbol sequence, encoding the smaller the interval that it said that the median of this interval, the more necessary. Source is still the symbolic sequence generated according to a mode to reduce the size of the probability interval. May be less than the probability of the symbols of the symbols may be small to reduce the scope, therefore, are only plus-bit bit less. (2009-04-11, C/C++, 6KB, 下载7次)


[压缩解压] HUffman

According to source coding- Huffman coding theory, the production of English text compression and decompression software. Require a simple software user interface, the software can generate reports to run the state are: character frequency statistics reports, coding reports, the degree of information compression report, the report code table storage space. (2009-01-01, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载26次)


[压缩解压] 基于DCT的jpeg图像压缩编码算法的MATLAB实现

this is matlab jpeg compression based on dct,it is helpful for who embark on jpeg compression. (2005-09-26, matlab, 40KB, 下载1470次)
