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按分类查找All Windows编程(119) 
按平台查找All C/C++(119) 

[Windows编程] channel

仿真一个4QAM信号通过莱斯因子为2的随机衰落信道和AWGN信道的过程,计算不同信噪比下的误码率。在Visual Studio下使用IT++仿真。
A 4QAM signal passes through the random fading channel with rice factor 2 and AWGN channel to calculate the bit error rate under different SNR. Itpp emulation. (2020-03-02, C/C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] 网新中英多国语言CMS

Network, New England, Multilingual CMS is an intelligent program specially developed for the construction of individual and enterprise websites (2019-05-01, C/C++, 7911KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] lcyk

移动,联通的多种短信协议,原程序包括SMPP,CMPP,SGIP,东信CMPP网关等客户端, 其中SMPP有长短信的格式,多
Mobile and connected multi-message protocol, the original program includes the clients such as SMPP, CMPP, SGIP, Dongxin CMPP gateway, etc., where the SMPP has the format of long short message, and (2019-04-02, C/C++, 85KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] Simulate_v3.2

苹果设备虚拟定位软件,可修改定位,随机定位,模拟轨迹,支持ios6-ios12.1系统,支持最新XR、XS、XS Max设备支持所有app定位修改,微信附近人、共享定位、朋友圈,微博,钉钉、企业微信、云之家、云参会、E行销等考勤类软件,映客、陌陌、探探、快手、YY、抖音、火山、虎牙、龙珠、花椒、等各类直播平台,支持各类手游棋牌类王者荣耀、支持查找我的iPhone等
Apple device virtual positioning software, can modify positioning, random positioning, simulation trajectory (2019-01-22, C/C++, 12803KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] student

Student elective system, VC6.0 achieved using the console simulation graphical interface. Student work, vc6 and vs can be d, whether the code :: blocks can unknown (2015-05-10, C/C++, 2604KB, 下载24次)


[Windows编程] MFC-simulation

这么庞大的对象,当然不是每一个类别每一个数据结构 都是我的仿真目标。我只挑选最神秘又最重要,与应用程序主干息息相关的题目,包括: ■ MFC 程序的初始化过程 ■ RTTI(Runtime Type Information)执行时期型别信息 ■ Dynamic Creation 动态生成 ■ Persistence 永续留存 ■ Message Mapping 消息映射 ■ Message Routing 消息绕行
Such a large object, of course, not every category for each data structure Simulation is my goal. I just picked the most mysterious and most important, and closely related to the main subject of the application, including: ■ MFC program initialization process ■ RTTI (Runtime Type Information) run-time Type Information ■ Dynamic Creation dynamically generated ■ Persistence sustainable retained ■ Message Mapping message map ■ Message Routing Messages bypass (2015-02-07, C/C++, 342KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] xindao

一 实验目的、掌握通过计算机实现香农编码二实验要求对于给定的信源的概率分布,按照香农编码的方法进行计算机实现.
One experiment was to master the computer coding realize Shannon Second experimental requirements for a given source probability distribution, in accordance with the Shannon method of encoding computer. (2014-09-18, C/C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] six--CPP

六个C++源码程序 计算器程序源码C++;企业网站源码(asp);图书管理系统源码C++;新闻管理系统源码(asp);网络电话拨号C++源码;网络下载C++源码
Six C++ source program calculator program the source C++ corporate website source code (asp) library management system source C++ network news management system source code (asp) network telephone the dial C++ source download C++ source (2012-06-11, C/C++, 13527KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] needcdoe.cn_c

The book is divided into three a total of 20 chapters, respectively, from pointers, preprocessor, C standard library, abstract, templates, exceptions, algorithms, containers, file handling, dynamic memory management, the topic of discussion at different levels. The essence of the book code, for C and C++ programmers use value and has a good instructive. (2011-03-22, C/C++, 7255KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] TanchiShe

自己没事的时候写的小程序,用C语言完成。对想进一步学习和使用C的人有很大帮助。也可以在没事的时候娱乐游戏哦 、、很好的代码。编译通过。
Nothing when their own small programs written using C language to complete. Right would like to further study and use of C, there is a great help. Can also be all right when the entertainment games Oh, very good code. Compile. (2010-03-13, C/C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] ShaoLEi

自己没事的时候写的小程序,用C语言完成。对想进一步学习和使用C的人有很大帮助。也可以在没事的时候娱乐游戏哦 、、很好的代码。编译通过。
Nothing when their own small programs written using C language to complete. Right would like to further study and use of C, there is a great help. Can also be all right when the entertainment games Oh, very good code. Compile. (2010-03-13, C/C++, 7KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] JisuanQI

自己没事的时候写的小程序,用C语言完成。对想进一步学习和使用C的人有很大帮助。也可以在没事的时候娱乐游戏哦 、、很好的代码。编译通过。
Nothing when their own small programs written using C language to complete. Right would like to further study and use of C, there is a great help. Can also be all right when the entertainment games Oh, very good code. Compile. (2010-03-13, C/C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] bestpracticeforprogramming

Interview Collection very good programmers a book, which contains many well-known IT companies written classic title, explaining in detail is a computer professional to find the book a must-see work oh (2009-10-29, C/C++, 4221KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] jingdian100+chengxu

Sengoku宖whether in armed Ji Ping Yuen Yee skin type contained hung drag-kyu Kim Jong II deride dirt creeping栢cut Buddhist understanding uncertainty uncertainty妔栃understanding椔side栢means understanding栢shark毎eyebrow tert-kyu boast boast understanding栢 (2008-06-29, C/C++, 23KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] c

1.c企业发放的奖金根据利润提成。 2.c 计算器 3.c 班级通信录 4.c 求x的y方的低三位值 5.c a b 两数组分别正逆序相加
1.c enterprises bonuses paid under the profit percentage. 2.c Calculator 3.c class communications recorded 4.c of y for x 3 the value of the low side 5.cab reverse the two arrays are the sum of the respective (2008-01-20, C/C++, 5KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] zheda-acm-tiku.rar

ACM/ICPC(ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, 国际大学生程序设计竞赛)是由国际计算机界历史悠久、颇具权威性的组织ACM(Association for Computing Machinery,美国计算机协会)主办的,世界上公认的规模最大、水平最高的国际大学生程序设计竞赛,其目的旨在使大学生运用计算机来充分展示自己分析问题和解决问题的能力。该项竞赛从1970年举办至今已历29届,一直受到国际各知名大学的重视,并受到全世界各著名计算机公司的高度关注,在过去十几年中,APPLE、AT&T、MICROSOFT和IBM等世界著名信息企业分别担任了竞赛的赞助商。可以说,ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛已成为世界各国大学生最具影响力的国际级计算机类的赛事, 是广大爱好计算机编程的大学生展示才华的舞台,是著名大学计算机教育成果的直接体现,是信息企业与世界顶尖计算机人才对话的最好机会。 有很多高校都有专门的ACM训练网站,我比较喜欢光顾的是浙大的,acm.zju.edu.cn。但是很不幸,这几天这个网站挂了,希望可以很快修好。 做做在线ACM,感觉还是不错的,打算没有做一题,以后我会在这个ACM专栏里把每天的题目和我递交成功的源代码贴出来,看看自己能坚持多就:)
err (2008-01-18, C/C++, 7435KB, 下载45次)


[Windows编程] zhi2000-IC

Intelligent Cities 2000-IC card system with intelligent car park services, specialized operations, enterprise management, franchise management of the four salient features. And realize the system of intelligent, modern, best option is to IC smart technology. (2007-10-26, C/C++, 521KB, 下载16次)


[Windows编程] C++Primer

C++Primer中文版 第三版 深入系列 Primer 第三版 著 中中文文版版潘爱民张丽译 Addison-Wesley 中国电力出版社 www.infopower.com.cn Stanley B Lippman J o s é e L a j o i e
C++ Primer Chinese version of the third edition of Primer-depth series in the third edition of the Chinese version translated version of PAN Ai-min Zhang Addison-Wesley Publishing House of China (2007-08-15, C/C++, 10473KB, 下载42次)


[Windows编程] wzllxt

design of a management information system, is mainly through the practical understanding some forms of enterprise management, and combining the world of management information system to flourish, understanding of this stage of management information systems Hung stressed the comprehensive management capabilities, and multidimensional approach crew coordination, intelligence, Integrated CAD management functions. Therefore the design of a management information system to solve some small enterprises in the management of the physical shortcomings, Information materials to achieve the systematization and standardization and automation. (2006-09-21, C/C++, 333KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] C Simulation

using language of Turbo Codes simulation system. Exe files causing form can be directly run. Simulation results and generate documents, kept in the home where documents. Simulation results are mainly embodied in SNR. (2005-12-10, C/C++, 267KB, 下载140次)
