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[WEB开发] OTCMSfree

网钛文章管理系统(OTCMS)以简单、实用、傻瓜式操作而闻名,是国内 网钛文章管理系统(OTCMS)是最热门ASP开源网站管理系统之一,也是用户增长最快的ASP类CMS系统之一,目前的版本无论在功能,人性化,还是易用性方面,都有了长足的发展,OTCMS的主要目标用户锁定在草根型中小个人站长,让那些对网络不是很熟悉,对网站建设不是很懂又想做网站的人可以很快搭建起一个功能实用又强大,操作人性又易用。OTCMS更专注于个人网站或中小型门户的构建,当然也不乏有企业用户等在使用本系统,使用过OTCMS的用户都会它好评不断。
网钛文章管理系统(OTCMS)以简单、实用、傻瓜式操作而闻名,是国内 网钛文章管理系统(OTCMS)是最热门ASP开源网站管理系统之一,也是用户增长最快的ASP类CMS系统之一,目前的版本无论在功能,人性化,还是易用性方面,都有了长足的发展,OTCMS的主要目标用户锁定在草根型中小个人站长,让那些对网络不是很熟悉,对网站建设不是很懂又想做网站的人可以很快搭建起一个功能实用又强大,操作人性又易用。OTCMS更专注于个人网站或中小型门户的构建,当然也不乏有企业用户等在使用本系统,使用过OTCMS的用户都会它好评不断。 (2016-06-10, Others, 4230KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] dcr_qy(utf)_1.1.3

稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。 网站特点: 1、程序分为php+sqlite、php+mysql两个版本 2、程序采用php+smarty模板技术 修改模板方便 3、程序采用面对对象 模块开发.调用管理方便 4、程序可以开启伪静态功能 5、后台能编辑删除文件 6、后台能进行数据库管理、备份等操作 6、生成百度sitemap、Google sitemap功能 7、留言发邮件功能
The Scarecrow enterprises station management system based almost the two versions php+sqlite with php+mysql, php+sqlite FEATURES and asp+access of advantages is conducive to backup, and now most of the website space support php+sqlite. php+mysql characteristics conducive to handling large amounts of data, but backup and restore inconvenient. The website features: 1, the program is divided into php+sqlite php+mysql two versions, the program uses php+smarty template technology to modify the template convenient 3, the program uses the face of the object module development. Call management convenience 4, the program can open the pseudo-static function 5, the background can edit delete files, background database management, backup and other operations to generate Baidu a sitemap Google the a sitemap functional 7 message mail (2013-01-21, Others, 1057KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] adseo

企业网站SEO优化:强大的SEO网站优化功能,快速让您的网站在搜索引擎中脱颖而出,让更多的客户找到您。 企业SEO网站V4.5 无组件生成HTML。 企业SEO网站安装: 1、上传至虚拟主机[根目录]。 2、若上传至虚拟主机根目录则要修改文件(特别注意修改 网站配置中 网站地址 域名+“/” 如然后 点击生成静态化 因为本站专注优化网址是绝对路径利于搜索引擎抓取)注意:子目录下可留空 3、网站常规设置(网站名称、网站关键词、网站描述、网站地址、联系方式、备案统计等)都在"网站配置"设置。 4、快速瞬间整站DIV+CSS 生成 HTML 整站强大的SEO优化功能,让更多的客户找到你。 5、"Manage/Login.Asp"管理登录路经,初始账号:admin,初始密码:admin 6、整站生成请先修改 网站配置/网站地址 注 路径为绝对路径 例如: 域名+“/” 然后点击生成 7、完美解决、修正了IE6、7、8前台页面。 8、后台编辑器的兼容性IE6、7、8 9、幻灯片、公告自由添加编辑 10、新增关键词设置,自动替换功能,减少手动输入节省时间,修正关键词排序。
Enterprise web site SEO optimization: powerful SEO website optimization function, fast let your web site in the search engine to the fore, let more customers to find you. Enterprise SEO website V4.5 no components to generate HTML. Enterprise SEO site installation: 1, upload to virtual host [root directory]. 2, if upload to hosting the root directory is to modify files (pay special attention to changes in the configuration of web site address domain name+ "/" such as then click generate static because the focus is absolute path optimization web site to the search engine grab) note: child directory can be blank 3, website conventional Settings (web site name, web site keywords, website description, website address, contact information, record statistics, etc.) are in "site configuration" setting. 4, quick moment ZhengZhan DIV+ CSS generating HTML ZhengZhan powerful SEO optimization function, let more customers to find you. 5, "Manage/Login. Asp" management Login swing by, i (2013-01-21, Others, 3470KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] tgbyc

1.网站浏览速度超快。降低服务器负荷;增加搜索引擎对你的网站收录率;网站更安全 2.新闻资讯.新产品发布.业界动态.企业简介.企业荣誉.联系方式.招聘等.系统配置 3.首页模板布局做了全新的调整,显得更美观 4.程序无BUG无漏洞.完整无错. 5.新增了QQ在线资讯功能,同时还有N种模板选择 6.更换了网站统计管理系统 7.程序增加搜索引擎对你的网站收录率,百度收录快.优化好了网站关键词百度当天收录 8.使用了全新的静态编辑器
1 ultra-fast Web browsing speed. Reduce server load increase the rate of the search engine on your site included website safer News new product releases. Industry dynamic About Us Honor Contact recruitment system configuration 3. The Home template layout do the new adjustments appear to be more beautiful 4. procedures without BUG without loopholes. complete and error-free. 5 new the QQ online information function, as well as the N templates to select 6. replacement site statistics management system program to increase search engine Citation Rate on your site, Baidu included fast Optimization Website Keywords Baidu the day included 8. use a new static editor (2013-01-19, Others, 478KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] FxBlog

一款基于.NET平台MVC开发模式的独立博客程序。默认支持Access数据库,基本拥有完整的文章发布,评论,订阅,标签等功能,满足个人/团队信息发布需求,可作为Blog,Cms,甚至建企业站。 FxBlog采用了NVelocity,Editor,jQuery 等组件,参考了Wordpress,PJBlog等程序。
Based on a NET platform MVC development model independent blog program. Default support for Access database, and basically has a complete post, comment, subscribe, labels to meet the needs of the individual/team information as Blog, Cms even built station. The adopted NVelocity, Editor, jQuery components in FxBlog reference procedures such as Wordpress, PJBlog. (2013-01-14, Others, 914KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] MaqueQY

软件说明: 1、软件基于微软asp.net+access开发上传虚拟主机空间就可以使用。 2、麻雀企业网站管理系统V3.0之后采用全动态模式,更容易使用。 主要功能: 1、新闻信息:可分多类(内部新闻,外部新闻等) 2、产品展示:可分多类(分类一,分类二等) 3、网站公告:网站公告添加多数据显示。 4、动态添加公司介绍,联系方式等并可以扩展。 5、网站留言:前台发布留言后台验证后显示 6、新闻信息和产品展示动态添加meta标签:keywords,description ,同时url重写htm页面更好的被搜索引擎收入。
Software description: 1, Microsoft asp.net+access software development based on upload virtual hosting space can be used. After 2, the enterprise website management system V3.0 uses the dynamic mode, easy to use. The main function of: 1, the news information: can be divided into several categories ( internal news, External News ) 2, product display: can be divided into several categories ( classification, classification of two. ) 3, website: website notice to add more data display. 4, add company, contact information and can be extended. 5, website: the release message background verification show 6, news information and product display dynamically add Meta Tags: keywords, description, and URL overrides the HTM page better search engine revenue. (2013-01-14, Others, 564KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] MyOAOffic

本软件是由专业的互动学习平台。该软件可以使企业轻松管理各项事务。欢迎光大网友免费下载。具体可以实现一下功能:资料管理、车辆管理、会议管理、资产管理、费用管理、人力资源管理、客户管理、个人工具、信息中心、文档管理、公文管理、工作流管理、审批管理、计划管理等功能。提供系统整个开发过程的演示。 用户账号:20071001,密码:123 用户账号:20071009,密码123456
This software is a professional interactive learning platform. The software allows businesses to easily manage its affairs. Everbright users free downloads. Concrete can be achieved functions: data management, vehicle management, meeting management, asset management, cost management, human resources management, customer management, personal tools, information center, document management, document management, workflow management, approval management, project management, etc. function. Provide a demonstration of the system throughout the development process. User Account: 20071001 Password: 123 User account number: 20071009, password 123456 (2013-01-13, Others, 1883KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] worklog6.5

启明星工作日志是一款简单的企业内部协同办公的日志软件(B/S构架)。他允许用户以outlook日历样式的方式记录自己的事件。并可以编写日志的日志计划。同时,还可以了解同事的工作动态。 最后,工作日志附带了项目管理,项目经理可以把工作设定分类好,不同的同事进行协同处理。
Venus log is a log of a simple internal coordination office software (B/S architecture). He allows users to record their own events to outlook calendar style. And can write log log plan. At the same time, you can also understand the dynamic of colleagues. Finally, the log comes with project management, project manager can set to work good classification, different colleagues, co-processing. (2013-01-13, Others, 1558KB, 下载26次)


[WEB开发] szsdocms

Szsdo Cms网站系统可免费下载、免费使用、无使用时间与功能限制。 Szsdo Cms网站系统无论是模块和导航,都可以任意增加、排列和布局和删除,只要您想得到,通过后台的控制,就可以做出任何结构的网站。 Szsdo Cms网站系统采用Div+Css标准化设计,符合W3C标准,样式和内容完全分离,您完全可以自己设计皮肤摸板来实现个性化需求。 Szsdo Cms网站系统主要适用于企业和学校类网站建设,无论在稳定性、扩展性、负载能力、安全等级、功能性等方面都领先于同类产品。
Szsdo Cms website system Free, free to use, no use of time and functional limitations. Szsdo Cms site system module and navigation can be arbitrary increase, arrangement and layout and delete, as long as you want, through the control of the background, you can make any structure site. Szsdo Cms site system uses Div+Css standardized design, comply with W3C standards, style and content completely separate, you can completely design skin Moban to individual needs. Szsdo Cms website system is mainly applied to businesses and schools class website building, ahead of similar products in terms of stability, scalability, load capacity, security level, and functionality. (2013-01-11, Others, 3137KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] KscorAccess1.6

KscorCMS网站内容管理系统是一个面向企业网站的CMS系统。采用了Nvelocity模板引擎。只要会HTML就能非常容易的创建各种新的模板。系统主要四大模块:文章模块、单页模块、产品模块、留言模块。简洁实用。 安装说明: 后台管理路径:admin/Default.aspx 用户名:admin 密码:admin888
KscorCMS web content management system CMS system is a business-oriented website. Using template engine in Nvelocity. HTML will be able to very easily create a variety of new templates. Mainly four modules of the system: the article module, single-page module, product module, message module. Simple and practical. Installation instructions: Admin path: admin/Default.aspx Username: admin password: admin888 (2013-01-10, Others, 2452KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] chongchong2.0

虫虫留言本做到不用安装,只要还原数据库,修改一下mssql的登录帐号和密码,即可使用的优点! 留言本为各知识的集合体,但是因为此作为本人从asp过渡到.net的程序,所以难免有些地方写得混乱和不合理,以后有时间再把程序整理一下,改成MVC结构,加上无刷新. 不过,后台还是比较强大的,足够应付所有企业网站.
Bugs do not install the guest book, just restore the database and edit mssql login ID and password, you can use the benefits! Guestbook for the collection of knowledge, but because of this, as I transition from asp to. Net program, so confusion is inevitable and unreasonable in some places is written, then the time after the program sort out, into MVC structure, coupled with no refresh. However, the background is quite powerful, enough to meet all corporate website. (2011-05-02, Others, 8166KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] yanovowebjxc

用户名为:admin 密码为:admin 安装步骤 1、安装系统支持为 win2003+sp2 iis 6.0 asp.net 2.0  mssql2000+3p4 2、建站独站的站点并选择ASP.net 2.0支持, 3、给系统用户administrators组添加Authenticated Users为超管 4、给所建站的站点添加asp.net和Authenticated Users读取和写入的权限 5、附加数据库,在SQL企业管理器中的安全性-登录中添加administrators组中的Authenticated Users用户给你所附加的数据库所有权限, 6、打开你所建站的网站试试
User name: admin password: admin installation steps 1, the installation system support for win2003+ sp2 iis 6.0 asp.net 2.0 mssql2000+3 p4 2, establishment of the station stands alone site and select the ASP.net 2.0 support, 3, to the system user administrators to add Authenticated Users group for ultra-tube 4, add the site to the establishment of the station asp.net and Authenticated Users Read and Write permissions to 5, additional database, the SQL Enterprise Manager Security- Log in to add administrators group Authenticated Users in the user database to give you all the privileges attached, 6, opened the establishment of the station' s website to try your (2010-12-09, Others, 875KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] webbasedHumanResourceManagementSystem

人力资源管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS),其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。对于前者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性强、数据安全性好的数据库。而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用等特点。结合人力资源的要求,经过详细的分析和调查,主要是对高校以及中小企业人力资源的分析和调查,完成了面向学校以及中小企业的人力资源管理系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,并由此设计了数据库结构和应用程序。 本系统采用了微软推出的Visual Studio.NET平台下的ASP.NET作为开发工具,脚本语言为C#语言,后台数据库采用微软的SQL Server 2000进行数据库设计,利用ADO.NET数据库访问技术实现对数据库的管理操作,系统体系统结构采用B/S模式,实现了面向学校以及中小企业的人力资源管理系统的基本功能。
human resources management system is typical of the Information Management System (MIS), including development of its key database background to the establishment and maintenance of front-end applications and the development of the two areas. Regarding the former requirement to establish data consistency and integrity of strong, good data security database. As for the latter demanded the application functions, and easy-to-use features. With the requirements of human resources, after careful analysis and investigations, Universities are the major human resources and business analysis and investigation, completed a school-oriented SMEs and the human resources management system needs analysis, function modules, Database analysis and design of this database structure and application procedures (2007-05-14, Others, 626KB, 下载74次)
