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[单片机开发] openPOWERLINK_V2.2.2.tar

openPOWERLINK是一个开源的工业以太网协议栈,实现了管理节点(MN, POWERLINK主站)和受控节点(CN, POWERLINK从站)的POWERLINK协议。 它实现了现代POWERLINK设备所需的所有重要的功能,例如标准、复用和PRC的操作模式,动态和静态的PDO映射,通过ASnd实现的SDO和通过UDP实现的SDO,以及通过虚拟以太网接口实现的异步通信。 最新稳定版本:2.2.2
openPOWERLINK is an Open Source Industrial Ethernet stack implementing the POWERLINK protocol for Managing Node (MN, POWERLINK Master) and Controlled Node (CN, POWERLINK Slave). It implements all important features required by modern POWERLINK devices such as Standard, Multiplexed and PollResponse Chaining mode of operation, dynamic and static PDO mapping, SDO via ASnd and SDO via UDP, as well as asynchronous communication via a Virtual Ethernet interface. Latest stable version: 2.2.2 (2015-12-18, Others, 4195KB, 下载22次)


[单片机开发] Siemens-converter-example

This manual describes in detail the Siemens general purpose inverter applications in various industries. Our starting point is to provide you with some technical guidance through these application examples, popularize and promote the application of Siemens Universal inverter in the industry and bring greater economic benefits for your business (2012-10-25, Others, 1416KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] eetop.cn_uc3842-boost

multisim 开关电源 设计 boost uc3842multisim 开关电源 设计 boost uc3842multisim 开关电源 设计 boost uc3842multisim 开关电源 设计 boost uc3842multisim 开关电源 设计 boost uc3842
multisim switching power supply switching power supply design boost uc3842multisim boost uc3842multisim boost uc3842multisim switching power supply switching power switching power supply design boost uc3842multisim boost uc3842 (2011-05-31, Others, 451KB, 下载238次)


[单片机开发] BSP450_IC-ON-LINE[1][1].CN

BSP450, high-speed conversion, for the power switch. 3 is a TTL level input pin, 4 pin is the input voltage, when the role of 3 feet, 4 feet and 1 foot turn. (2010-12-21, Others, 59KB, 下载3次)



ADC0832 是美国国家半导体公司生产的一种 8 位分辨率、双通道 A/D 转换芯片。由于它体积小,兼容性强,性价比高而深受单片机爱好者及企业欢迎.
National Semiconductor ADC0832 is an 8-bit resolution of the production, two-channel A/D converter chip. Because of its small size, compatibility, cost-effective and well received by fans and corporate SCM welcome。 (2010-09-17, Others, 247KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] Assembly

kniga za asembler PCI Enumerate Tool by WuJun@amoi.com.cn copy Irvine16.inc into c:\masm611\include copy Irvine16.lib into c:\masm611\lib compile command: ML /nologo -c -Fl pci.asm link command: LINK /nologo pci,,NUL,Irvine16 History 2004-11-29 v0.1 prime version to show pcicfg as bus dev func venid devid class in hex code 2004-12-1 v0.1 added function to show class and subclass string instead of hex code 2004-12-2 v0.2 added pci struct,improve the data struct,make program to has more readablilty
kniga za asembler PCI Enumerate Tool by WuJun@amoi.com.cn copy Irvine16.inc into c:\masm611\include copy Irvine16.lib into c:\masm611\lib compile command: ML /nologo -c -Fl pci.asm link command: LINK /nologo pci,,NUL,Irvine16 History 2004-11-29 v0.1 prime version to show pcicfg as bus dev func venid devid class in hex code 2004-12-1 v0.1 added function to show class and subclass string instead of hex code 2004-12-2 v0.2 added pci struct,improve the data struct,make program to has more readablilty (2010-07-22, Others, 881KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] 1764

PT2262/PT2272 是台湾普城公司生产的一种CMOS 工艺制造的低功耗低价位通用编解码 电路,PT2262/PT2272 最多可有12 位(A0-A11)三态地址端管脚(悬空,接高电平,接低电平), 任意组合可提供531441 地址码,PT2262 最多可有6 位(D0-D5)数据端管脚,设定的地址码和 数据码从17 脚串行输出,可用于无线遥控发射电
PT2262/PT2272 Taiwan Princeton CMOS technology company created a low-cost low-power general-purpose codec circuit, PT2262/PT2272 up to 12-bit (A0-A11) tri-state address pins side (vacancies, then high level, then low), any combination of the available 531 441 address code, PT2262 up to six (D0-D5) data end pin, set the address code and data codes from the 17-pin serial output that can be used Wireless remote control electric (2010-04-23, Others, 111KB, 下载12次)


[单片机开发] AN0014_CN

采用德国acam芯片TDC_GP2实现超声波测量,高精度低功耗芯片TDC-GP2 在热表中的应用 ——新的超声波热表解决方案
Achieved by the German acam chip TDC_GP2 ultrasonic measurement, high precision and low-power chip TDC-GP2 table in the application of heat- a new solution for ultrasonic heat meters (2010-04-20, Others, 310KB, 下载125次)


[单片机开发] ZhouLigong

ZHOU Li-gong is a private enterprise owner to do in single-chip industry' s pretty good, in this article are collected in the article about him (2009-03-02, Others, 12KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] ADC

用过采样和求均值提高ADC分辨率 很多应用需要使用模/数转换器 ADC 进行测量 这些应用所需要的分辨率取决于信号的动 态范围 必须测量的参数的最小变化和信噪比 SNR 因此 很多系统使用较高分辨率的片外ADC 然而也可以通过使用一些技术来达到较高的分辨率和SNR 本应用笔记介绍用过采样和求均值的方 法来提高模数转换的分辨率和SNR 过采样和求均值技术可以在不使用昂贵的片外ADC的情况下提 高测量分辨率 本应用笔记讨论如何使用过采样和求均值的方法来提高模/数转换 ADC 测量的分辨率 另 外 本文最后的附录A B和C分别给出了对ADC噪声的深入分析 最适合过采样技术的ADC噪声 类型和使用过采样和求均值技术的示例代码 (2008-05-13, Others, 995KB, 下载88次)


[单片机开发] HNC

Huazhong CNC simulation software, you can macro process simulation software, a good software to learn CNC. (2007-09-28, Others, 1230KB, 下载60次)


[单片机开发] SC-DSC

数字通信系统的设计及其性能和所传输的数字信号的统计特性有关。所谓 加扰技术,就是不增加多余度而扰乱信号,改变数字信号的统计特性,使其近 似于白噪声统计特性的一种技术。这种技术的基础是建立在反馈移位寄存器序 列(伪随机序列)理论之上的。解扰是加扰的逆过程,恢复原始的数字信号。 如果数字信号具有周期性,则信号频谱为离散的谱线,由于电路的非线 性,在多路通信系统中,这些谱线对相邻信道的信号造成串扰。而短周期信号 经过扰码器后,周期序列变长,谱线频率变低,产生的非线性分量落入相邻信 道之外,因此干扰减小。 在有些数字通信设备中,从码元“0”和“1”的交变点提取定时信息,若 传输的数字信号中经常出现长的“1”或“0”游程,将影响位同步的建立和保 持。而扰码器输出的周期序列有足够多的“0”、“1”交变点,能够保证同步 定时信号的提取。
digital communication system design and performance and the transmission of digital signals on the statistical characteristics. The so-called scrambling technology is not to increase the degree to disrupt redundant signal, digital signal change the statistical properties it is similar to white noise statistical characteristics of a technology. This technology is based on feedback shift register sequences (pseudo-random sequence) of the above theory. Decryption is the reverse of the scrambling process, the restoration of the original digital signal. If the digital signal is cyclical, the signal spectrum of discrete lines, as the nonlinear circuit, in multi-channel communication system, these lines of the adjacent channel signal causing crosstalk. And the short-cycle signal after scrambling (2007-06-05, Others, 111KB, 下载41次)


[单片机开发] dzb

这里介绍的一款多功能编程器,功能强大,支持大多数常用的EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH, I2C,PIC, MCS-51,AVR, 93Cxx等系列芯片(超过400种)。硬件成本较低,性价比很高
here on the versatile programmer, the powerful support of the most commonly used EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH, I2C, PIC, MCS-51, AVR, 93Cxx series chip (more than 400 species). Hardware costs are lower, the high performance and low price (2006-04-19, Others, 7314KB, 下载197次)
