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[.net编程] guns_v5.1

Guns 基于 SpringBoot,致力于做更简洁的后台管理系统,完美整合 springmvc + shiro + mybatis-plus + beetl!Guns项目代码简洁,注释丰富,上手容易,同时 Guns 包含许多基础模块(用户管理,角色管理,部门管理,字典管理等 10 个模块),可以直接作为一个后台管理系统的脚手架。
Guns is based on SpringBoot, dedicated to doing a more concise background management system, perfect integration of spring MVC + Shiro + mybatis-plus + beetl! Guns project code is concise, annotated, easy to use, and Guns contains many basic modules (user management, role management, Department management, dictionary management, etc. 10 modules), can be directly used as a backend management system scaffolding. (2018-10-19, ASP, 2132KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] 11

云点滴客户解决方案是针对中小企业量身制定的具有简单易用、功能强大、永久免费使用、终身升级维护的智能化客户解决方案。依托功能强大、安全稳定的阿里云平 台,性价比高、扩展性好、安全性高、稳定性好。
The cloud drop customer solution is an intelligent customer solution with simple and easy to use, powerful, permanent free use, and lifelong maintenance for small and medium sized enterprises. Relying on powerful, safe and stable Ali cloud platform, it has high cost performance, good expansibility, high security and good stability. (2018-04-13, ASP, 24405KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] 17

查看安装过程启明星工作日志系统Worklog安装教程 启明星工作日志系统式构架企业内部协同办公的基于B/S的一款软件系统支持Forms的身份验证和集成AD活动目录的身份验证,方便对用户的管理。
Check the installation process, the star job log system, Worklog installation tutorial. A software system based on B/S for the internal collaborative office of the star work log system supports the authentication of Forms and the authentication of the integrated AD active directory to facilitate the management of the users. (2018-04-12, ASP, 4515KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] Asp.net2010

sp.net大型B2B网站程序源码,具有供求信息、行业资讯、产品展示、会员注册、会员自助建站等模块 企业注册后可以建立商铺发布产品信息、公司信息及在线交易等 会员分为免费会员和收费会员,其中系统还集成了广告管理系统
Sp.net B2B website program source code, with supply and demand information, industry information, product display, such as member registration, self-build module Enterprise registration can set up shop after release product information, company information, and online transactions Members are divided into free members and paid members, of which the system has integrated the advertising management system (2016-07-03, ASP, 18502KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] Loachs_v1.3

This procedure basically on. Net platform, supported by default Access database, can be extended to any database, complete with articles published, comments, subscriptions, labels and other features to meet individual/team information publishing needs, as a blog, cms, or even build corporate site (2014-06-16, ASP, 601KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] aspcms-v2.3.5

ASPCMS是基于ASP+Access(sql2000)开发的网站内容管理系统,提供了简介类模块,新闻类模块,产品类模块,图片类模块,下载类模块。你在使用过程中可选择任意模块来建设您的网站。      适用性:充分考虑公司企业的实际需要,确保功能上较强的实用性。   易用性:用户界面简洁、美观、友好,易于用户操作和使用,操作人员只需简单学习即可掌握。   安全性:安全可靠的权限划分,既考虑信息的共享,又注意信息的保护与隔离。
ASPCMS is based ASP+Access (sql2000) developed web content management system, provides a brief introduction class module, class module news, product category module, image class module, download class module. You can select any module using the process to build your website. Applicability: fully consider the actual needs of companies to ensure that functionally strong practicability. Ease of use: The user interface is simple, beautiful, friendly, easy user operation and use, the operator simply learn to master. Security: safe and reliable division of authority, not only to consider the sharing of information, but also pay attention to information protection and isolation. (2013-07-03, ASP, 3363KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] Asp.net-talk.pdf

本书从。NET的基础出发,在适当的地方加以延伸和拓展,使之更贴近企业开发。书中系统地讲解了。NET企业开发的多个层面,主要知识点包括:表单知识、.NET运行机制、Visual Studio 2008技巧、ASP.NET服务器控件的使用、SQL注入防范、单元测试、三层架构、报表、数据加密/解密、GDI+、ADO.NET、分布式开发、AJAX开发及静态页面生成技术、高性能ASP.NET应用程序开发等,在最后一章以一个实际项目来演示如何将本书所讲的知识点应用到实际项目开发中
Book from. NET basis for starting to extend and expand where appropriate, to make it closer to enterprise development. The book explain. NET enterprise development levels, the main knowledge points include: forms of knowledge. NET operating mechanism, Visual Studio 2008 skills, the use of ASP.NET server controls, SQL injection prevention, unit test, the three-tier structure, statements, data encryption/decryption, GDI+, ADO.NET, distributed development, AJAX development and static page generation technology, high-performance ASP.NET application development to demonstrate an actual project in the last chapter of the book about how knowledge applied to the actual project development (2013-04-12, ASP, 8812KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] helpdesk64

启明星Helpdesk系统说明 在很多公司,IT是企业的服务部门,很多IT办公人员忙的要死,但是给老板的感觉 似乎什么都没有做 本系统就是用来帮助IT提高效率、报告工作量的目的。 对于每一个问题,需要提交一个Tickets,年终时候出一份报表给老板看
Venus Helpdesk In many companies, IT service sector, many IT office staff busy death, but to the feeling of the boss seems anything not done this system is used to help IT improve efficiency, the purpose of the reporting workload. For each question, you need to submit a Tickets, the end of the year when a report to the boss to see (2012-10-23, ASP, 2282KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] MyQQ

(1)将DataBase文件夹中的扩展名为.MDF和.LDF的两个文件拷贝到SQL Server安装路径下的Data文件夹中。 (2)打开SQL Server 2000中的“企业管理器”,然后展开本地服务器,在“数据库”数据项上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“所有任务”/“附加数据库”菜单项。 (3)将弹出“附加数据库”对话框,在该对话框中单击【 】按钮,选择所要附加数据库的.MDF文件,单击【确定】按钮,即可完成数据库的附加操作。
(1) extension in the DataBase folder. MDF, and the LDF of the two files are copied to the Data folder under the SQL Server installation path. (2) open the " Enterprise Manager" in SQL Server 2000, and then expand the local server, right-click on the " database" data, in the shortcut menu, select " All Tasks" /" to attach the database" menu item . (3) " Additional Database dialog box will pop up in the dialog box, click the [] button to select the database you want to attach the MDF file, click on OK button to complete the additional operation of the database. (2012-07-09, ASP, 2207KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] DtCms10Beta2

动力启航是一个以ASP.NET(C#)+jQuery技术为中心,面向软件开发者、程序爱好者、网页设计师,服务于个人、企业的网站。 DTcms系统采用ASP.NET(C#)+jQuery,同时结合AJAX技术开发。具备友好的操作界面,高用户体验且备受欢迎的BS模式网站内容管理系统。
Sail is a dynamic ASP.NET (C#)+ jQuery technology center for software developers, program enthusiasts, web designers, serving individuals, businesses website. DTcms system using ASP.NET (C#)+ jQuery, combined with AJAX technology development. Has friendly interface, high user experience and mode of popular web content management system BS. (2011-06-06, ASP, 4077KB, 下载10次)


[.net编程] TL

我们公司正在用的成本核算系统。用于中小企业进行成本核算。 功能:部门设置,人员设置,人员成本核算,部门成本核算,月核算,年核算,分类成本核算。 其他说明:为保证程序完整性,保留了注册文件,修改reg2.asp页面即可取消掉注册。
Our company is using the cost accounting system. For small and medium enterprises to cost accounting. Function: department setting, staffing, personnel cost accounting, departmental cost accounting, monthly accounting, annual accounting, cost accounting classification. Other Description: To ensure program integrity, to retain the registration file, modify the reg2.asp can cancel the registration page. (2010-01-25, ASP, 771KB, 下载12次)


[.net编程] dotnetserver

作为《微软NET程序员系列》丛书之一,本书着重面向解决方案,而不是一本普通的编程参考书,全书分为6个部分,主要介绍了如何计划,开发和部署企业电子商务解决方案。本书将理论与实际紧密结合,详细讲解如何解决电子商务集成时遇到的问题,并进一步探讨了使用Microsoft .NET Server的各种语言和技术解决具体的问题。 本书适合开发顾问、解决方案提供商、应用服务提供商,及独立软件供应商的开发人员阅读,此外,对于负责为特定商务问题设计企业级解决方案的人员来说,本书也具有足够的专业性
As a "Microsoft NET programmers Series" series, one of the book focus on solution-oriented, rather than programming a general reference books, the book is divided into six parts, mainly describes how to plan the development and deployment of enterprise e-commerce solutions. This book will be closely integrated theory and practice, explaining in detail how to solve e-business integration problems encountered, and to further explore the use of Microsoft. NET Server in a variety of language and technology to solve specific problems. This book suitable for the development of consultants, solution providers, application service providers, independent software vendors and developers to read, in addition, for the specific business issues for the design of enterprise-class solutions for the staff, this book also has enough professional (2009-05-29, ASP, 25638KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] lvyou

为了更好地发挥网站应该发挥的作用,请按下面的步骤操作: 网站的后台管理是网址: 你的网站域名/admin/index.asp 用户名:admin 密码:admin 这是原始用户名和密码,登录后可以修改。 1:公司资料管理系统 a:可以修改公司资料、联系方法、管理员和密码(修改管理和密码的同时请记好, 下次登录就用你修改的用户名和密码); b:公司资料管理有个推广关键词,这个在网站在搜索引擎搜索作用非常大, c:公司资料管理有个备 案,这是国家信息产业部必须要的,原来的主要是 初试用,新的一般我们都会帮企业办好。 2:我们的服务管理 能自己发布、修改、删除服务信息,内容。 (注意:在发布服务信息时,内容中的图片不能超过385像素) 3:热门线路 能自己发布、修改、删除线路信息,内容。 (注意:在发布景点信息时,内容中的图片不能超过385像素) 4:景点介绍 能自己发布、修改、删除景点信息,内容。 (注意:在发布景点信息时,内容中的图片不能超过385像素)
hdksahdkash kdhkasjhdjkah jlkll k ladk adkada (2009-05-09, ASP, 2688KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] ASP.NET

2、网站地址管理系统 jack,123456 3、在线选课系统 学生1,1 教师1,1 管理员manager,manager 4、人才招聘系统 普通用户abcd,123456 企业用户ccc,123456 管理员manager,123456登录
web address management system jack, 123456 3, on-line course system Student 1,1 Teachers 1,1 Administrator manager, manager 4, talent recruitment system Ordinary user abcd, 123456 Business users ccc, 123456 Administrator manager, 123456 Log in (2009-04-02, ASP, 1966KB, 下载28次)


[.net编程] Recruitment

Online talent management system is an interactive function of the human resources information systems in the network are set up on a virtual job fair. A lot of well-known enterprises in order to attract talent, are creating their own online talent management system, so this is a more popular network applications. (2009-03-11, ASP, 259KB, 下载9次)


[.net编程] netHomewordDatabaseFile

asp.net 1.1编写的网上作业系统的数据库文件(补充,因为以前的忘了发数据库文件,现在补发,已经设定为可以不需要账号就下载,为大家造成了不便,抱歉),为本人历时4个月的苦心力作,功能非常强大,包括学生信息管理,老师信息管理,题库信息管理,作业信息管理,学生在线答题,学生老师在线判卷,学生在线提问,老师在线解答等非常强大的功能。大家看看源代码的大小就知道了。本人呕心力作,从未发布,为了换取点数,不得不拿出来了!最最最重要的是——————我的毕业论文也一并奉献了—————— zhangywiwy@163.com zhangyw1984@yahoo.com.cn都是我的邮箱,希望大家多多下载,多多交流,多多给我点数!嘿嘿!
err (2008-06-27, ASP, 1009KB, 下载860次)


[.net编程] Codejia.com

资源共享系统程序: 为达到最佳效果,推荐使用九网互联的ASP.net空间,支持ASP.net版本1.1和2.0在线切换、在线脚本映射、ASP.net具体错误信息在线查看。 解压后,在IIS中新建一虚拟目录hq作为网站目录。 打开“企业管理器”,把database下的数据库附加好后修改web.config里的数据库连接字符串。 管理功能有:公告添加,公告管理,友情链接管理,会员管理,资源共享管理等模块 登录管理后台:/admin/ 账户密码都为:admin
Resource sharing system procedures: In order to achieve the best results, recommend the use of nine network interconnection ASP.net space, support for ASP.net version 1.1 and 2.0-line switch, on-line mapping script, ASP.net online view specific error message. After decompression in IIS a virtual directory in the new hq for site directory. Open the Enterprise Manager , the database under the Database After additional modifications in the web.config database connection string. Management functions are: Notice to add, announcement management, Link management, membership management, resource sharing management module log management background:/admin/account passwords are: admin (2008-04-22, ASP, 3740KB, 下载16次)


[.net编程] 29093740163(1)

酒店管理系统 酒店企业内部的管理。 目标系统包括以下功能: 1、 客人信息的登记与查询 2、 客房的退房管理 3、 客户信息的管理,包括客房的各种详细信息,如客房的编号、类别、标准价、折后价、客房的具体位 置、是否有客人以及对客房的查询。 4、 酒店员工信息的编辑与查询。 5、 按月、季度和年统计酒店的收益。
Hotel management system hotel management of the enterprise. The target system includes the following features: 1, guests of the registration and query message 2, room 3 Check-out management, customer information management, including detailed information on a variety of rooms, such as room number, type, standard price after discount price Rooms a specific location, whether there are guests, as well as rooms inquiries. 4, the hotel staff to edit and query information. 5, monthly, quarterly and annual statistics on hotel revenue. (2007-12-26, ASP, 2384KB, 下载93次)


[.net编程] ASP.NETreference

微软的.NET技术目前正是风风火火,作为全球软件业最大的公司,微软在.NET技术上投入了大量的人力物力,把公司未来战略重心放在了.NET上,而从目前看来,.NET技术无疑代表了未来Internet技术的方向。 ASP.NET技术就是由微软的.NET技术细化而来的,它跟ASP技术有些关系,然而又不是仅仅是一个继承,可以讲,ASP.NET跟ASP想比较的话,已经是变得面目全非了,当然好得至少是一个量级以上。 ASP.NET完全基于模块与组件,具有更好的可扩展性与可定制性,数据处理方面更是引入了许多激动人心的新技术,正是这些具有革新意义的新特性,让ASP.NET远远超越了ASP,同时也提供给web开发人员更好的灵活性,有效缩短了web应用程序的开发周期。 ASP.NET与Windows 2000 Server/Advanced Server的完美组合,为中小型乃至企业级的web商业模型提供了一个更为稳定,高效,安全的运行环境。
err (2007-12-14, ASP, 3682KB, 下载57次)


[.net编程] baoxiu

采用ASP.Net 2.0技术架构,使用了微软最新的ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX技术,适合学校、小区、企业内部使用,可利用单位局域网通过网上进行设备、水电等故障报修,减轻相关工作人员的工作量,加快报修的流程和效率
using ASP.Net 2.0 technology framework, use of the latest Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX technologies, suitable for schools, neighborhood enterprise internal use, units available online through the LAN equipment, water and electricity fault repair, reducing associated personnel workload, accelerate the repair process and efficiency (2007-04-08, ASP, 1489KB, 下载213次)
